Peter Haase, farmer and stock-raiser, was born January 18, 1830, in Hanover, Germany. When eighteen years of age he went to England and remained there five years. Then he emigrated to America, arriving in New York City March 4, 1853. After remaining there a year he came to San Francisco by the steamer Yankee Blade. First he worked in the Butte County mines two years, afterward he bought the ranch of 1,400 acres where he now resides, and is a prosperous farmer. For his wife he married, September 22, 1868, Miss Gertrude Bassen, who was also born in Hanover, Germany, October 29, 1844. They have six children, whose names are Charles H., Katie G., Ross A., Peter B., Mary A. and John B., all residing upon the home ranch.


Transcribed by Debbie Walke Gramlick.


An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. By Hon. Win. J. Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 389.

© 2004 Debbie Walke Gramlick.

Sacramento County Biographies