Sacramento County








      ALFRED GUSTAFSON.--An energetic, experienced and very progressive man of affairs in the manufacturing industry in Sacramento is Alfred Gustafson, the well-known mill-man, under whose exceptionally able management the Sierra Mill has become one of the most successful and important industrial establishments in all Sacramento County.

      Mr. Gustafson was born in the famed northern European land on July 18, 1883, the son of A and Anna Gustafson, of whom the latter is still living; and because of their own high regard for education, Alfred was given an excellent training in the public schools. He learned the cabinet maker’s trade and learned it well.

      In 1902, he crossed the ocean and came out to America, and four years later he reached Sacramento. He was engaged at his trade until May, 1913, when he established his present business, which has steadily grown in popularity and material proportions. Now he employs twenty men, and he makes a specialty of first class mill work, and store and office fixtures. The Sierra Mill is located at Twelfth and North B Streets in the yards of the Sacramento Lumber Company, and is equipped with the latest improved machinery for the manufacturing of all kinds of mill work. Mr. Gustafson was the sole owner until January, 1923, when he took in Elliott McSwain and Henry Gilbert as partners. Their product is chiefly for the Sacramento Valley, but they also fill important commissions in other parts of California, the highest compliment, considering the high standards possible and the keen competition in other cities. For about ten years Mr. Gustafson has been a member of the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce, and also of the Sacramento Builders’ Exchange. Mr. Gustafson is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason and a member of Ben Ali Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., of Sacramento, while his wife is a member of the O. E. S. When not too busy, Mr. Gustafson finds relaxation in fishing and hunting.

      At San Francisco, in 1907, Mr. Gustafson was married to Miss Josephine Johnson; and their fortunate union has been blessed with two children, Mildred and Stanley by name. Mr. Gustafson is a Republican, but first, last and all the time a patriotic American, appreciating the land of his adoption; and it was very natural that he should take an active part in various drives during the American participation in the World War.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 991.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Jeanne Taylor.




Sacramento County Biographies