Jacob Gruhler


Jacob Gruhler, proprietor of the Butchers’ Home, Sacramento, is a member of the prominent Gruhler family, extended mention of whom is made in several places in this volume. He is a native of Germany, born at Aldingen, Wurtemberg, on the 2d of August, 1861, his parents being Frederick and Christina (Glazer) Gruhler. He was reared at his native place to farm work, and received his education between the ages of six and fourteen years. He came to the United States in 1880, locating in Sacramento on the 5th of May. For the first three years in this city he was engaged at the Columbus Brewery, and for the succeeding three years with his brother John on J street. He then started in business for himself in his present location, No. 1020 J street, where he has built up an extensive trade. Mr. Gruhler is L.S. to N.G. in Schiller Lodge, No. 105, I.O.O.F.  he is also a member of Sacramento Stamm, No. 124, Red Men; of the Verein Eintracht; of Sacramento Turn-Verein, and of the Sacramento Rifle Club. Mr. Gruhler is an active energetic young man, of excellent business qualifications, and for the comparatively short space of time that he has been in business for himself in Sacramento, has done remarkably well indeed. He is popular and has a host of friends.


Transcribed by: Marla Fitzsimmons

An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. By Hon. Win. J. Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 320-321.

© 2004 Marla Fitzsimmons.

Sacramento County Biographies