Sacramento County












            It is conceded by student, historian and economist that the Argonauts of California were among the most remarkable body of men in this or any other age. Our native sons and daughters have proved themselves worthy representatives of honored sire. The subject of our sketch was born in San Francisco, but has resided in Sacramento continuously since he was three weeks old, and his father, a native of France, and his mother a native of England, arrived in this State in 1849. Mr. Gregory, Sr., established his business, a produce shipping and commission house, shortly after his arrival in the State and continued until his death in 1871. Mrs. Gregory, with a family of four sons and three daughters, continued the business, and with the assistance of her sons, Eugene J. Gregory and Frank Gregory, who are now the firm of Gregory Brothers, continuously for a period of nearly forty years. In this connection it is but a just tribute to this remarkable and sagacious woman to quote what her son, Mayor Gregory, has said: “On all important matters connected with our house I always consult my mother and have followed her advice. Any success that I have had I owe it to the good counsel of my mother.” His house is one of the largest in the United States and is rated high commercially. Last year they sent East over 400 carloads of fruit. He received his education in the public schools, Santa Clara College and the State University. Two years ago he was elected Mayor of Sacramento by nearly 2,000 majority, and his administration has been one of the best in the history of the city. He is a Past Master of Tehama Lodge, No. 17, F. and A. M.; Past Grand Guide of the Ancient Order of United Workmen; member of Capital Lodge, No. 87, I. O. O. F.; Sacramento Parlor, No. 3, Native Sons of the Golden West, and Noble Arch of Union Grove, No. 61, Order of Druids. He is a leading Republican in politics and a member of the celebrated Dirigo Club, Sutter Club of Sacramento and Republican Alliance of Oakland.

            In all enterprises to benefit art, science or the advancement of our State he takes a deep interest. He is President of the Board of Control of Crocker’s Art Gallery and the Museum Association and Director of State Mineralogical Institution. He is a Director and one of the Executive Committee of the California Fruit Union, Sonoma Development Company and a Director of the Sacramento Board of Trade. He is married, and his marital union has been most fortunate. His wife was Miss Emma J. Crump, who is a noble and accomplished native of Sacramento city. Nature fashioned him in a generous mould. He has a fine physical organization, an impressive manner; genial, frank, firm in his convictions of duty and a magnetism that makes him (sic) leader. During a long career as a merchant and as a public officer he has gained the highest respect and esteem of his fellow-citizens. His comprehensive mind, tact and executive ability has earned him great popularity and presages a bright future and higher honors.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 234, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






Sacramento County Biographies

Golden Nugget Library