Sacramento County






      On a slight elevation overlooking the beautiful valley to the south a visitor to the Fair Oaks district notes with admiration the attractive residence owned and occupied by Mr. Gore, who in selecting the location bore in mind the need of a soil adapted to his specialties in fruit, but at the same time did not fail to note the advantages of the eminence as the site of a modern country home. Adjacent to the residence are the three fruit ranches which have come under his ownership and to which he devotes considerable attention, personally directing their management and overseeing the harvesting of fruit. In the main, however, he has given his time to business pursuits. For a time after his arrival in Fair Oaks he conducted a general mercantile establishment and in this he still owns an interest, although no longer its proprietor. Recently he has been interested in the management of the lumber business which he has bought and now manages with the same keen comprehensive energy characteristic of him in every commercial association.

      The birth of this influential citizen occurred in Clark county, Ohio, November 18, 1858. At an early age he was taken to Illinois by his parents, who settled on a farm in Sangamon county near the city of Springfield. There he passed the years of youth and received a common-school education, supplemented by attendance at the Springfield high school. Immediately after completing his studies he began to learn the profession of a pharmacist, in which he soon acquired proficiency. For some twenty years he carried on a drug store at Mechanicsburg, Ill., near Springfield, and meanwhile he devoted his leisure hours to the supervision of a valuable farm of one hundred and sixty acres which he had bought with the profits of the business. At Mechanicsburg he was also a local leader of the Democratic party and a well-known politician, serving as a delegate to numerous conventions and influencing the decisions of many assemblies of local party men. The only office which he consented to hold was that of assessor, but he aided his friends in their candidacies and kept himself thoroughly posted in regard to all important political measures.

      Having made visits to California in 1896 and '98 and having purchased property in Fair Oaks in 1896, Mr. Gore located permanently in California in the year 1900. Settling at Fair Oaks, he identified himself with the district by the purchase of a tract which he has since developed and still owns. His activities have been varied, for he has been a fruit rancher, merchant and owner of a lumber yard. In addition he promoted the organization of the Fair Oaks Bank, bought stock in the concern and now serves as one of the directors. A further proof of his devotion to the community is given in his zealous promotion of the Fair Oaks Fruit Company, in which he was one of the first to buy stock and to which he has tendered time as well as means with a firm faith in its importance to the community. Indeed, every enterprise of value to the town has the impetus of his energy and sagacity and he even has found leisure to promote numerous commercial ventures outside of Fair Oaks, for while this place naturally receives the principal share of his time, thought and investments, he possesses the broad patriotic spirit that foresees the general prosperity of the commonwealth and desires to aid in its permanent up-building. Sharing with him in the good-will of the community are his wife, a woman of culture, and his daughter, Miss Hortense S., who is a graduate of Mills College. The only other child in the family, Flutie, died during infancy. Prior to their marriage, which was solemnized at Springfield, Ill., December 6, 1882, Mrs. Gore bore the name of Miss Lizzie McDaniel. The family of which she was a member bore a part in the early upbuilding of Sangamon county, where she was born and where during girlhood she received the educational training, afterwards graduating from St. Mary's College at Knoxville, which forms the foundation of her broad fund of general information and her wide scope of mental attainments.



Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.


Source: Willis, William L., History of Sacramento County, California, Pages 886-887.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1913.

© 2006 Sally Kaleta.




Sacramento County Biographies