Sacramento County
ROGER GIORGI.--Popular among the leading and most successful Italian-Americans in Sacramento County, Roger Giorgi, of the well-known firm of Messrs. O. Giorgi & Son, occupies an enviable position of influence. He was born in Tuscany, Italy, on March 7, 1874, the son of Oreste and Gelsimina (Cagniacci) Giorgi, his father being an ambitious pioneer of 1876, who came across the ocean to America in the Centennial year and settled in San Francisco until 1880. Then he went back to Italy for ten years, and returned to San Francisco in 1890; but a year later, he located with his family in Sacramento.
On April 2, 1891, Mr. Giorgi established the business of merchant tailor at 828 J Street, and in time the house removed to 304 K Street, owing to their need for larger quarters. Then they removed to 406 Third Street, and after that at 422 J Street. Oreste Giorgi died in October 5, 1912, but his devoted wife is still living.
Roger attended a private school in San Francisco, and then he joined his father in business and on the death of his father, he became the head of the business. In time, the firm bought the two-story, modern brick building at 605 J Street, and on February 1, 1922, they threw open the doors of their up-to-date tailoring establishment, where they employ twelve men. Roger Giorgi is assisted by his son, Oreste. Mr. Giorgi did much to effect the bringing of the Bank of Italy to Sacramento and he is one of the directors of the Sacramento branch. He was at the head of the Italian brigade which participated in raising the $73,500 for the American Liberty Loan drive; and when the Italian Government raised their loan in the United States, Mr. Giorgi had charge of the campaign in the Sacramento district. He is president of the Italian-American Club, was formerly the secretary of the committee on Italian schools, and is in many ways a very representative citizen.
At Sacramento, on August 25, 1899, Mr. Giorgi was married to Miss Matilda Consiglieri, of Sacramento, a native daughter and member of an old pioneer family. Her mother is still living at the age of seventy-six. A son, William R., is pro-assistant cashier of the Bank of Italy at the head of the foreign exchange department. Another child is Oreste, a graduate of the Sacramento high school; a daughter is named Anna, and the youngest of the family is Roger, Jr. Mr. Giorgi is a member of the Eagles, secretary of the Bersaglieri Lodge, No. 3, and past noble arch of the Druids, and was also district deputy in the Order of Foresters, now associated with the Bersaglieri; he belongs to lodge No. 6 of the Sacramento Elks, and is a Knight of Columbus of the third degree. He is fond of hunting and fishing.
Joyce Rugeroni.
Source: Reed, G.
Walter, History of Sacramento County,
California With Biographical Sketches, Page 383. Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA.
© 2007 Joyce Rugeroni.