Sacramento County








      BEVERLY GIBSON.–A Kentuckian who has made good in California is Beverly Gibson, the wide-awake, progressive proprietor of the popular River Auto-Stage, with headquarters at Sacramento. He was born in Corydon, Henderson County, on September 10, 1883, the son of George L. and Locky Ann (Christopher) Gibson, farmer-folk who did their part in developing the resources of the country, thus living useful lives, which are now closed.

      Beverly attended both the grammar and the high schools of Corydon, but when eighteen years of age left home. In 1903, he came to California and located at Fresno; and entering the service of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, he remained with them about eight and one-half years, for three years operating out of Berkeley and Oakland, He then went to Isleton, where he was with the Great Western Power Company for three years; and for a year he was in the electrical field.

      Using a Ford, in 1916, he then started a stage-route between Isleton and Sacramento, and after two months he was able to put a seven-passenger car on the service. At the end of a year he built the first large stage for twelve passengers, and after that one for sixteen passengers. In 1922 he was able to buy out his partners and has been engaged in the business on his own responsibility ever since. He now has six twenty-passenger and four twelve-passenger busses in the service and employs seven men, and gives the very best of service to a section of country that is rich in agricultural production. He runs six round trips daily to Isleton and Rio Vista, and the efforts Mr. Gibson has put forth have done much to aid in the development of the district he serves, and he takes an active interest in every project that is put forward to benefit the people of those districts he accommodates. He also operates a line from Walnut Grove, and has an extension into Stockton, thus giving him access to the rich delta country and the San Joaquin Valley. He also has a line to Franklin and Thornton, and has an application for an extension from Rio Vista to Antioch into Contra Costa County. He gives his personal attention to the details of his affairs and owns one of the most serviceable and most popular bus lines in central California.

      In the year 1905, Mr. Gibson was married to Miss Mary Belle Cochran, a favorite in the social circles of Fresno; and they have four children: Beverly Clay, Anna Belle, George Thomas, and Curtis Cochran. Mr. Gibson is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, a Shriner and a member of the Ben Ali Patrol of Sacramento.



Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 7/06/07.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Pages 923-924.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Vicky Walker.




Sacramento County Biographies