Sacramento County





      In his chosen occupational activities as veterinarian Dr. Fox has gained a reputation that is not limited to his home city of Sacramento, but extends throughout the state.  The accuracy of this statement appears in his identification since January of 1899 with the state board of veterinary examiners, which position brings to him weighty responsibilities as well as a wide reputation among the members of his profession.  Many honors have been conferred upon him in recognition of his efficiency and skill in veterinary work.  The California State Veterinary Medical Association on three different occasions selected him as president and in that capacity he proved an accurate parliamentarian, a tactful leader and a consistent exponent of all that is most progressive in veterinary surgery.  Other honors have been conferred upon him, not only in the state society, but also in the American Veterinary Medical Association, of which for years he has been an active and interested member, serving as member of the executive committee, and for three years has been resident secretary for California and is first vice-president of the Association of Veterinary Faculties and Examining Boards of North America. 

      Descended from an old family of southern lineage, Dr. Fox was born near Delphi, Ind., October 5, 1864, and is the son of Jacob J. and Sarah (Dillman) Fox, natives respectively of Maryland and Indiana.  During boyhood he was a pupil in graded schools in Indiana.  He can scarcely recall a time when he was not interested in stock and especially in horses.  Even in early youth he showed a decided skill in veterinary science and this led him to devote himself to the work as a life occupation.  In order to secure the very best possible opportunities he took a course of study in the Chicago Veterinary College, from which he was graduated in 1891 with a high standing for thoroughness and efficiency.  Coming west immediately after his graduation he began to practice in Salinas, Monterey  county, Cal., but at the expiration of two years he removed to Sacramento and here he since has been located.  Since 1904 he has owned and occupied a valuable property at No. 1415 J street, where he has a frontage of thirty-one feet and a depth of one hundred and sixty feet.  On this property he has erected a three-story brick office building, a portion of which he occupies for his own offices.  In connection with this he has a veterinary hospital, where he gives care and treatment to animals brought to him. 

      Along other lines besides those directly connected with his occupation Dr. Fox has been prominent and active.  September 30, 1905, he received an appointment from the then adjutant-general, Hon. J. B. Lauck, as Veterinarian to the First Squadron Cavalry, National Guard of California, and at the expiration of three years of service he was again appointed to the position.  Although never a seeker after office, he staunchly supports Republican principles by ballot and influence.  Fraternally he holds membership with Sacramento Lodge No. 6, B. P. O. E., also Union Lodge No. 58, F. & A. M., and Naomi Chapter, O. E. S., and since 1892 he has been connected prominently with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having served as a delegate to the grand lodge of Odd Fellows, and also receiving all the other honors within the power of the local lodge to bestow.  During 1892 he was united in marriage with Mrs. Laura (Brown) Flood, of Knights Landing, this state, a lady of education and culture, a popular member of the Tuesday Club, likewise a leading worker in the lodge of Rebekahs and the local chapter of the Eastern Star.


Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.


Source: Willis, William L., History of Sacramento County, California, Pages 685-689.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1913.

© 2006 Sally Kaleta.




Sacramento County Biographies