Sacramento County







JOSHUA FOUNTAIN.   The Fountain family, whose California immigrant was Joshua Fountain, well known throughout the Sacramento valley, was established in America by one of three brothers, who emigrated from France before the middle of the last century.   One settled in Maryland, one in Long Island, and the other went south; afterward the last-named returned to France, where his death occurred and through whose demise a large fortune was left to the American heirs.  This has never been investigated by the descendants, as they have inherited the sturdy characteristics of the American pioneer and have won for themselves a competence in whatever location they have resided.  A grand-uncle of Joshua Fountain was a colonel in the French and Indian wars about 1760, serving on the side of the British colonies, and is said to have received the grant of one or two sections of land over which the city of Baltimore has since spread.  The name became prominent in public affairs in Maryland, and in that state, February 27, 1811, Joshua Fountain was born, the son of Andrew and Rebecca Fountain, the mother who lived to be over seventy years old, being a daughter of James and Mary (Fisher) Barwick and a descendant of an early established family in that state.  Joshua Fountain was reared on the Maryland farm near the Delaware line.  In 1834 he married Prudence Rebecca Fountain, who was born June 15, 1815, a daughter of Solomon and Anvibater Fountain.

     During the first year after his marriage Mr. Fountain rented a farm in Maryland, and in 1835 removed to Michigan.  He began farming on property he purchased in Cass county and three years later bought a farm near Farmington, Iowa.  Later he located in Lee county, that state, and farmed for seven years.  In 1850 he crossed the plains to California, accompanied by his oldest son, then a boy of fourteen years, and upon his arrival in Grass Valley on the 15th of September of the same year, turned his attention to mining.  During the spring of the following year he engaged in prospecting and afterward began mining on Big Rich bar, on the north fork of the Feather river.  During the winter of 1851 and the following spring he mined at Oregon Gulch, below Oroville, and in the summer of 1852 came to Sacramento, his accumulated earnings amounting to about $3,000.  He purchased property at the corner of Eight and O streets and there began his old business of brick-making, which work he continued from 1852 to 1861.  August 20, 1855, Mr. Fountain left his son in charge of the business and retuning to Iowa brought back his wife and four children.  Two years later he bought the ranch of two hundred and forty acres at the northeast corner of Franklin township, which he still owns, and where he has made his home since 1859.  While manufacturing brick in Sacramento Mr. Fountain went to Grass Valley in 1857, and there made brick for the Catholic Church of that place; and in 1859 to Suisun City, where he made brick for the courthouse and jail.  Mr. Fountain still devotes his farm to the raising of grain.

     The death of Mrs. Fountain occurred in December 13, 1871.  She was the mother of the following children:  William Andrew, born June 9, 1836, a member of the firm of Fountain Brothers, brick manufacturers of Sacramento; James Barwick, born July 11, 1838, associated with his oldest brother in the brick manufactory; Ann Eliza, born January 13, 1841; George Walton, born January 19, 1844; Sarah Jane, who was born December 17, 1847, and died in 1849; and May Marion and an unnamed twin sister, born March 17,1849, the first-named dying in 1851, and the latter soon after birth.  All but William A. were natives of Iowa, he being born in Michigan.  The following were born in Sacramento: Joshua, Jr., born April 2, 1857; an un-named child who was born March 31, 1861, and died April 12, 1861; and Charles Henry, who was born April 6, 1862, and died February 12, 1884.  Ann Eliza married F.S. Hotchkiss, of Sacramento.  George W. is engaged in the dairy business on the Locke and Lavenson place, below Courtland; he supplies half the stock, the firm the other half and the land, the products being owned in equal shares; his wife was formerly Louisa Hollman.  Joshua Jr., is a traveling salesman for the hardware house of Hillburn Brothers, of Sacramento; his wife was in maidenhood Clara Hoyt.  December 30, 1874, Mr. Fountain was united in marriage with Mary Myers, a native of Dade county, Mo., and the daughter of Garrrett Laure and Delina (Robertson) Myers, the father being of French and the mother of English descent, both now living in Sacramento.



Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker, October 10, 2007.

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California  by J. M. Guinn.  Page 661. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

© 2007 Louise E. Shoemaker.




Sacramento County Biographies