W. C. Fitch, foreman of the painting department, Central Pacific Railroad shops, Sacramento, is a native of New York State, born at Sidney, Delaware County, December 3, 1840, and son of Cyrus and Evelyn (Eels) Fitch, both of whom were natives of Connecticut, and the father a farmer.  W.C. Fitch spent his early boyhood days at his native place, and at the age of fifteen years went to Otsego County to learn the carriage-painting trade with the firm of D. Hanford & Co., at Unadilla. He remained with them five years, and then decided to go to California. Proceeding to New York City, he took passage there, March 21, 1861, on the steamer North Star. He landed on the 1st of April, and crossing the Isthmus of Panama by rail, resumed his sea voyage on the steamer Golden Age, landing at San Francisco on the 13th of April. After working three weeks in San Francisco, he went to Marysville, where he obtained employment with the California Stage Company, and had charge of their painting for over four years, or until the stage company closed up business on account of the railroad competition. He then established a carriage painting shop at Marysville, and conducted it for two years. He was then offered his present position at the head of the painting department of the Central Pacific Railroad Company at Sacramento, and accepted the offer, and has filled that position since March 28, 1868. Mr. Fitch was married at Marysville, May 28, 1865, to Miss Roscelia M. Graham, a native of Indiana, but reared at New Boston, Mercer County, Illinois. Five children have been born to them, viz.: Adah, wife of Nelson H. Shaver, Jr., of this county, Beatrice G., William L., and Irma R. The one deceased was named Frank Laurence. Mr. Fitch is a member of Union Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and of Union Lodge, A. O. U. W. Before his marriage he belonged to the Marysville Rifles, in which command he rose through the grades of Third and Second Lieutenant to that of First Lieutenant. This company sent two of its captains (Gibson and Randall), with companies which they had organized, to the war of the Rebellion. Mr. Fitch is a master of his business, and is very popular with the large number of men under him, in the employ of the railroad company. His long tenure of his important position is an index to the opinion held of him by the company.

Transcribed by: Marla Fitzsimmons

An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. By Hon. Win. J. Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 309.

© 2004 Marla Fitzsimmons.

Sacramento County Biographies