Sacramento County
LOUIS FICETTI,--A ladies' tailor whose artistic conceptions and expert workmanship have brought him patrons from near and far, is Louis Ficetti, who was born in Italy on June 18, 1884, but educated in France, so that in the very beginning he had the advantage of two important environments for the cultivation of his taste, and the training of his eye and hand.
In 1910, or at the age of twenty-six, Mr. Ficetti came to America, and having at length reached the Pacific Coast, he entered the service of the "City of Paris" store as head designer and continued there for half a year. In 1911, he came inland to Sacramento, where he established himself in business; and he has been so successful that he now enjoys an exclusive patronage, his reputation for high-class dressmaking making it necessary to employ as many as twelve people. He has a suite on the second floor of the Physicians Building. He not only belongs to the Chamber of Commerce, but he had the honor to be a representative in the Rotary Club; and he is a member of the Retail Merchants' Association and also of the Retail Credit Men's Association. Prior to Mr. Ficetti's coming to Sacramento, one could not get a high-class gown made without visiting San Francisco; but now Mr. Ficetti himself visits New York City every year, to study the latest styles, and this has helped him to build up a fine business from a modest start. In this enterprise, Mrs. Ficetti, who was Miss Catherine Fascio before her marriage, and was educated in Europe and is a very gifted woman, has been of great service to him, helping him to acquire his 600 customers. She is deeply interested in charitable work, and assisted him in various war activities. They are both interested also in out-of-door life, and Mr. Ficetti has a little farm of his own, where he spends his leisure or vacation time. Seeing the need of a high-grade dry-cleaning establishment in Sacramento, and because so much of the best grade of work goes to San Francisco, in 1923 Mr. Ficetti decided to engage in that line of business and with a partner, under the name of the Ficetti Dry Cleaning Company, of which he is president, established a place of business at Thirty-first and S Streets. It is fully equipped with the most modern and up-to-date machinery and appliances to handle all kinds of wearing apparel, and thus absolute satisfaction is guaranteed.
Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
Source: Reed, G.
Walter, History of Sacramento County,
California With Biographical Sketches, Pages 881-882. Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA.
© 2007 Jeanne Taylor.