W. C. Felch


W. C. Felch, a pioneer, was born in the little village of Midway in the eastern part of Massachusetts, May 24, 1816. His father, Dr. Walton Felch, was a prominent physician of Boston, while his father’s brother, Rev. Cheever Felch, was an Episcopal clergyman and Chaplain in the United States Navy. The family is of Welsh origin. The subject of this sketch was educated in Boston, learned the printers’ trade there and worked as a journeyman in various offices of that city, and later conducted a job office of his own. In the spring of 1849 a company was formed to come to California known as the Boston & Newtown Company. Brackett Lord of Newtown, was president and W. C. Felch vice-president. The company came overland to the State, by way of Independence and Carson Valley, arriving safely in San Francisco September 27. For the first year Mr. Felch followed mining on the forks of the American River; but not succeeding as he had anticipated he came to Sacramento and established himself on Fifth street between J and K, as a sign and ornamental painter, an art he had also acquired in Boston. He can still show, after the lapse of all these years, a specimen of his handiwork, in the engine house on Tenth street between I and J, an oil painting which is preserved with much care by the company. In early days he was a staunch Democrat in politics, but became a Republican when Ft. Sumter was fired upon, and has been so ever since. In early days he was one of the city assessors and held the office of Assistant United States Assessor under John M. Avery, during Lincoln’s administration, and he was a member of the commission appointed by the Governor to appraise the land condemned for the State capitol purposes. After he left the revenue office he enter the real-estate business in which he is still engaged. He is a member of the Sacramento Society of California Pioneers and one of its past presidents. Mr. Felch has been a very active member of several fraternal organizations. His wife, who is a paralytic invalid at this writing, is a daughter of Mr.  Benjamin Ferris, of Horsehead, New York, who lived to the patriarchal age of 100 years.

Transcribed by Marla Fitzsimmons.

An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. By Hon. Win. J. Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 407-408.

© 2004 Marla Fitzsimmons.

Sacramento County Biographies