Sacramento County








JAMES EDWARD ENOS was born August 16, 1841, in Chicago, Illinois, his parents being James Myron and Jane Eliza (Foote) Enos; the former was born March 21, 1813, in the town of Lester, Addison County, Vermont, the son of Sessions and Mehitable (Lyon) Enos.  Sessions Enos was a native of Scotland, who emigrated to Vermont, thence to Chicago, Illinois, in 1836, and died October 10, 1838, in his fifty-seventh year; his wife died August 23, 1839, in her fifty-eighth year; they had five children, viz.:  Minerva, Benjamin, James, Martha and Sessions M., of whom Martha is the only one now living.  James married Jane Eliza Foote, whose family came originally from England; there were three brothers who came in the Mayflower; one of them, Nathaniel Foote, settled in Connecticut, and the third generation from him was Elisha Foote, whose daughter Jane Eliza was born in New York State, in 1816, and became the wife of James Enos.  James was raised in New York city; in 1852 he came to California, across the plains; two years later he returned East on a visit.  In 1855 he again crossed the plains, with his family, and came to Sacramento, settling at Florin.  He died October 10, 1886; and his wife died April 25, 1887.  They had six children, of whom three are still living.  James Edward Enos, the subject of this sketch, was raised in Chicago to the age of fifteen, when he came to California with his parents in 1855.  In 1860 he began learning the carpenters’ trade.  In 1869 he went to San Francisco and there attended Heald’s Business College, from which he graduated in August of that year, and is now a life member of that institution.  He then went to Lakeville, Sonoma County, and there carried on building and contracting for fourteen years.  At the end of that time, in 1885, he removed to Galt, remaining there two years in the capacity of manager of the Galt lumber yards of the Friend & Terry Company, of Sacramento; he put in their lumber yard for them, and made various other improvements while there.  He owns considerable property in Galt.  At present he lives on the home property, consisting of eighty acres in Brighton Township, Mr. Enos has been a member of the order of Odd Fellows since he was twenty one years old. 


Transcribed by Karen Pratt.

Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Pages 547-548. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.

© 2006 Karen Pratt.




Sacramento County Biographies