Sacramento County






      A resident of Sacramento and a member of Sunset Parlor, N. S. G. W., by virtue of his birth in Rio Vista, Solano county, December 21, 1881, Clay W. Emigh is realizing the popular idea of the enterprising citizen laboring not alone for his personal and family advancement, but for the best interests of his fellowmen and for the general good.  His parents were Thomas P. and Rachel Emigh, and they believed in education as a basis for success in America.  Consequently they sent their younger son to the public and high schools at Oakland, after completing which he entered Heald's Business College, from which efficient institution he was graduated in 1900. 

      At Suisun City, as a clerk in his brother James L. Emigh's store, Mr. Emigh began his business career.  He remained there, obtaining a wide knowledge of the hardware trade, till 1904, then came to Sacramento and accepted a position as salesman with the wholesale hardware house of Miller & Enright, which he served faithfully and successfully till 1908.  Next we find him in San Francisco, a salesman in the employ of George H. Tay Company.  There he advanced well in his chosen field and in 1910 he came to Sacramento to become the partner of his brother, James L. Emigh, doing business under the name of Emigh Hardware Company, carrying builders' supplies in addition to hardware.  In his present business he has been successful beyond his expectations, and his brother attributes the prosperity of their house not a little to Clay W. Emigh's trained ability as a salesman and his indomitable devotion to their common interests.  In 1912 the brothers joined forces with the Capital Hardware Company under the new incorporation of Emigh, Winchell, Cline Company of which Mr. Emigh is a director and in charge of the builders' hardware department.  They now have the most extensive hardware establishment in Sacramento County, if not in the whole of Northern California. 

      The Republican party includes Mr. Emigh among its most devoted members.  He was made a Mason in Tehama Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M.  In December, 1904, he married at Suisun Miss Grace Oliver, who was a native daughter of that place.  He finds time from his business to consider public questions and public measures, has a clear understanding of the needs of the people at large, economically and politically, and gives himself patriotically to such service as comes to his hand with the promise that by accepting and discharging it he may do something toward the promotion of the public welfare.


Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.


Source: Willis, William L., History of Sacramento County, California, Pages 797-798.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1913.

© 2006 Sally Kaleta.




Sacramento County Biographies