Sacramento County










      THE REV. FATHER JOHN HENRY ELLIS. Prominent among the distinguished representatives of the Christian clergy whom Californians delight to honor, the Rev. Father John Henry Ellis, the popular pastor of the Immaculate Conception Church, at the corner of Sacramento Avenue and Thirty-Second Street, Sacramento, appeals to an unusual number of his fellow-citizens because of his broad-mindedness and sympathetic, patriotic attitude toward the community in which, since the death of his lamented brother, the late Rev. Father William Francis Ellis, he has become one of the central figures. He was born in Ireland, the eldest of six boys, and received his early education at the Christian Brothers’ schools, and his philosophical and theological training for the priesthood at All-Hallows’ College, Dublin, in which city, too, he was ordained priest, in Holy Cross College, on December 24, 1899, by Archbishop W. Walsh.

      During the following month, he set out for America and the diocese of Sacramento, in California, and reached here in 1900. His first assignment was to Grass Valley parish, and for two years he served the churches of Grass Valley and Nevada City. In 1902, he was appointed curate to the Cathedral in Sacramento; and ten years later, he was made pastor.

      In 1912, after a visit to Europe, he was sent to Jackson; and while there he looked after the spiritual needs of the boys at the Prison School of Industry at Ione. He remained at Jackson until 1919; and the state biennial reports contain the official records of his work at the school. From Jackson he was transferred to Folsom, made pastor of the local church there, and appointed chaplain to Folsom Prison; and the biennial reports published at San Quentin show officially what work he did up to September, 1922, the limit of his stay in that field, where his services were both needed and appreciated.

      In that month and year, Father Ellis was appointed to fill the pastorate made vacant by the death of his brother, William, whose inspiring life-story is very properly sketched elsewhere in this volume; and he has remained at his new post of growing responsibility ever since.



Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 2/6/07.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 503.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Vicky Walker.




Sacramento County Biographies