Sacramento County







      Although he had no recollection of any home except in California, having lived in this state from the age of six months until his death, Mr. Eldred was a native of Michigan, born during the year 1855. After he completed a course of study in a business college he became an assistant to his father, Horace Eldred, in the hotel business. For years he actively promoted the success of the State House Hotel, a popular hostelry of the capital city. In addition he was connected with the state railroad commission's office for a time. Politics received a due share of his attention and he voted the Republican ticket, but he never sought official honors or participated in partisan contests. Aside from his identification with the Ancient Order of United Workmen he had no connection with fraternities, preferring to occupy his leisure hours with domestic enjoyment, personal recreation and social intercourse.

      The marriage of Mr. Eldred in 1882 united him with Miss Edith Connell, a native of Sacramento County, now residing at No. 1317 Seventh street. With her are her two children, Alma and Horace, Jr., the latter an electrician by occupation. Mrs. Eldred is a member of an old and honorable family of Sacramento. To this city in the pioneer era came her parents, William and Katherine (Dailey) Connell, natives respectively of Scotland and Ireland, and a couple possessing true worth of character as well as patriotic devotion to the land of their adoption. It was the sad lot of Mrs. Eldred to lose her father, mother and husband about the same time, leaving to her and her children the memory of their sincere lives, unwavering integrity, honorable principles and fixedness of purpose in industry and well-doing.



Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.


Source: Willis, William L., History of Sacramento County, California, Pages 1013-1014.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1913.

© 2006 Sally Kaleta.




Sacramento County Biographies