Sacramento County








            SIDNEY ELDRED is a native of Ohio and was born January 30, 1830. His parents were Daniel and Hannah Eldred. They removed to Michigan in 1834, and there Sidney was reared and attended school during boyhood. Upon reaching early manhood he determined to come to the Pacific coast. He came by water and sailed in the “Star of the West,” via the Isthmus, and on this side by the Brother Jonathan, and after a rough voyage of fifty days, arrived in San Francisco in March, 1854. A few days later he came up to Sacramento and went to draying. In the spring of ’56, he opened the National Hotel on J street, between Tenth and Eleventh. After running this house two years he opened the Noyes House on Tenth and I streets, and continued there until 1860, when he sold out, and during the same year went East and remained until the spring of 1861. He then left there with a drove of horses and came across the plains, bringing them to this State. He afterward built the Eldred House, on K street, above Tenth. He owned a farm six miles out of the city and engaged in farming for some years, but on account of poor health he came to this city and retired from active business life. Mr. Eldred has never sought political preferment. He has been twice married. In October, 1856, he married Miss Sarah White, from Michigan. Her death occurred in August, 1880. They had four children, only two of whom survive – a son and daughter: Frank, now living in Washington State, and May, now Mrs. Dr. Root, of this city. In 1881 Mr. Eldred married Mrs. May Gilman, a native of New Hampshire. Mr. Eldred is a man of generous impulses and one of the best known citizens in the Capital City.



Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 10/16/07.

Source: Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Pages 790-791. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.

© 2007 Vicky Walker.




Sacramento County Biographies