Sacramento County










      JAMES B. DIVINE, a native of our Golden State of California, while but a comparatively young man, has already been worthily entrusted with official position, holding the responsible office of justice of the peace for the city of Sacramento for now two terms. He was born in the city of Sacramento, April 1, 1861, his parents being P. J. and Ellen V. Divine. His father, P. J. Divine, was one of the well-known citizens of the city, and a man of unusual talent in his profession, and widely known on the Pacific Coast. He came to California in 1856 from New York, where he had mastered the art of sculpture, and was one of the pioneer marble workers of the Pacific Coast. Specimens of his work will be seen in the beautifully designed marble work upon the State capitol, which is much admired, and at once established his reputation as a sculptor. We may instance, also, the bust of Senator Broderick upon his monument in San Francisco; the bust of Senator W. R. Ferguson; of Governor Weller; of Thomas Starr King; and others. He died January 1, 1870, leaving three children surviving, two sons and one daughter, all in this city. Mr. James B. Divine received his education in Sacramento, studying law in the office of Judge McFarland and of A. C. Freeman, and he was admitted to practice at the bar May 31, 1882, and immediately began to practice his profession in this city. For some years he was court commissioner. In January, 1887, he was elected justice of the peace, and was again re-elected in January, 1889. Mr. Justice Divine is a member of the Native Sons of the Golden West.



Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 12/07/07.

Source: Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Page 785. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.

© 2007 Vicky Walker.




Sacramento County Biographies