Sacramento County








GEORGE G. DAVIS, attorney at law, of the firm of Hart & Davis, Sacramento, was born in Nevada County, California, January 21, 1858.  His father, Aaron Davis, crossed the plains from Wisconsin, in 1849, and was engaged in mining at Park Bar, Yuba County; and in connection with his partner, Captain Richardson, is said to have had the largest find of gold that was ever discovered in one pocket, it being sixty-three pounds.  When George G. was nine years old, his parents moved to Sierra Valley, Sierra County, where they still live.  Here he was educated, graduating at the grammar schools, then the highest grade in the county.  For two years after graduating he taught school in Sierra Valley, Sierra County.  Being desirous, however, of entering one of the professions, and his predilection being toward that of the law, he gave up teaching, and, coming to Sacramento, entered the law office of Armstrong & Hinkson, then one of the most prominent firms of the city.  Here he prosecuted his studies with energy and determination, and in 1885 was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of California.  In 1886 he received the nomination for justice of the peace on the Republican ticket, and was elected by a handsome majority.  On the expiration of his term of office in 1888, he formed a partnership with E. C. Hart, ex-city attorney.  Mr. Davis is one of the rising lawyers of Sacramento, and he and his partner enjoy the confidence and esteem of the public; and his friends confidently predict that at no distant day he will be one of the shining lights of the Sacramento bar.  Mr. Davis has been prominently connected with the Sacramento Hussars, and has enjoyed the distinction of having been First Lieutenant and Captain of that company of soldiers; is also a member of the Sunset Parlor of the Native Sons of the Golden West, and of Eureka Lodge, No. 4, of Odd Fellows. 

Transcribed by Karen Pratt.

Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Pages 553-554. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.

© 2006 Karen Pratt.




Sacramento County Biographies