Sacramento County








      WILLIAM H. DAILEY--Another experienced carpenter in such demand that he has been led by circumstances to undertake contracting in a more or less extensive manner is William H. Dailey, of Sacramento, a native of Virginia City, Nev., who has more than made good in California. His parents were C. W and Mary (Sheehy) Dailey, and his father came to California as a pioneer in 1858, and for a while tried his luck at mining. They ranched for five years, and then returned to Nevada, and spent some time in the principal mining camps. In 1887, the family came once more to California, and settled in Sacramento, where Mr. Dailey was a foreman carpenter; and in 1915 he died at the age of seventy-nine, six months, having well earned the good name of an able and an honest workman. Mrs. Dailey, who was always a favorite with those who knew her, lived five months longer, and breathed her last at the age of seventy-five.

      William Dailey attended the schools of Nevada, in particular those of Virginia City, and then he learned the carpenter trade; and after coming to Sacramento, he joined his father in contracting enterprises. They built the Orphans’ Home, the Oak Park skating rink, Mrs. Mason’s residence on Twenty-first Street, and the old Consumer’s Ice plant; and they erected a large number of residences, mostly of the better class, some as fine as any in town at that time. Their busy shop was where the Stoll Hotel now stands; and he is recalled as about the oldest in his line.

      In 1881, Mr. Dailey was married to Miss Emma Klees, a native daughter, and a member of an old-time family, the heads of which had come across the great plains in the usual oxen-train; and two children and four grandchildren have sprung from this fortunate union. Mrs. Dimmick of Alta is the elder child; and Mrs. Evelyn Morse is the younger. Mrs. Dailey’s father, John Klees, came across the plains in the spring of 1849. He died in 1902, but Mrs. Klees is still living. Mr. Dailey is a Republican; and for twenty-three years has been a Modern Woodman of America. He is very fond of fishing, and is a loyal booster for the great playground of nature.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 919.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.




Sacramento County Biographies