J. Frank Clark, Coroner of Sacramento County, and one of the best known
citizens of Sacramento, is a native of Yates County, New York, born July 7,
1829, his parents being Stillman and Lucinda (Thayer) Clark, the former a
native of New Hampshire and the latter born in Vermont. J. Frank Clark was
educated in Middlesex, Yates County, New York, his native place, and at
Whitesburgh Seminary, near Utica. He learned the carpenters’ trade in Oneida
County, and followed it nearly six years. Then he went to Detroit, Michigan,
and there attended Gregory’s Business College, where he was graduated about
1853, and then went into the State Land Office at Lansing. After that he was
for a year on the Lakes, and then went into the banking house of Andrews,
Waterman & Co., Detroit. He remained with them two years, then went to
Buchanan County, Iowa. After the 1st of April he started for
California overland via Salt Lake. Some twenty miles east of South Pass City he
sold out his outfit, and completed his journey by stage, bringing up in
Sacramento, August 7, 1861. He engaged as bookkeeper for Houston, Hastings
& Co., and remained with them until the fall of 1862, when he went upon a
ranch. Two years later he went into the office of State Treasurer Pacheco, with
whom he continued one year. Then Mr. Cornell was elected and he continued with
him eighteen months. He next engaged in the grocery business, as a member of
the firm Bronner & Clark, and so continued for a little more than a year,
when he engaged in the undertaking business with R.K. Wick. The undertaking
establishment of Wick & Clark was opened in February 1872, that firm
continuing two years. Then Richmond Davis succeeded R.K. Wick, and the firm
became Clark & Davis. Two years later Mr. Clark bought out his partner’s
interest in the business. Mr. Clark has held the office of Coroner since
January 1883, and is now serving his fourth term. He was married in Detroit to
Miss Rosella Lowell, a native of New York State. They have three children,
viz.: George H., who is associated with his father as funeral director; and two
daughters, Effie R. and Dillie A. Mr. Clark is a member of Union Lodge, No. 58,
A.F. & A.M.; of Sacramento Chapter and Commandery; of Sacramento Lodge, No.
2, I.O.O.F.; of Occidental Encampment, and of Sacramento Lodge, No. 11, K. of
P. He is a past presiding officer of the Odd Fellows’ Lodges. Mr. Clark is an
active Republican, and has always taken a leading part in the party
organization. He is a very popular man, and has a large coterie of friends.
by Debbie Gramlick.
An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California.
By Hon. Win. J. Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 367-368.
© 2004 Debbie Gramlick.