Sacramento County









            ALBERT E. CLARKE.--Although of English birth, Albert E. Clarke has spent practically his entire life in the United States and has identified his interests with those of his adopted country, being now numbered among the leading directors of the noted bands in America. He was born in Newark, England, on June 9, 1861, the son of Richard and Katherine (Clarke) Clarke. His parents were laid away to rest in their native land when he was but a child.

      Albert E. Clarke was educated in the public schools of Dublin, and after the death of his parents he attended the military school, now the Royal Hibernian Military School. For six years he was in the British Army, and it was during this period that his musical education began. He emigrated to America and stayed in Boston, Mass., for one and one-half years, and also stayed in Portland, Maine, for one year, and then he went to Chicago, Ill., where he remained for twenty-six years. He played at McVickers Theatre, and soon after became the bandmaster of the 1st Regiment, National Guards of Chicago, and he served in this capacity for two years. During this period he also was the director of Clarke’s Illinois State Band. At Clay Center, Kans., he became the bandmaster of the 2nd National Guards of Kansas. Then he removed to Bisbee, Ariz., and for two years he was instructor of the Copper Queen Band. In Phoenix, Ariz., he organized the Boys’ Band, and made a very fine record, and in Tucson, Ariz., he made a world’s record by organizing a Boys’ Band and turning them out in thirty-two days from the time he started. For two and one-half years he remained in Los Angeles. When the World War broke out he was made director of the 2nd Regiment Coast Guard Artillery Band. In Aberdeen, Wash., to [sic] took charge of the Aberdeen Motor Corporation, and was employed by this concern for two years. In 1921, Mr. Clarke came to Sacramento and organized Clarke’s Sacramento Band, which gives municipal concerts.

      Mr. Clarke was married in Halifax to Miss Isabella McLellan, of Cape Breton, N.S. She died in Los Angeles in 1919, leaving three children: Albert E. Jr., solo trombonist in the Cleveland symphony orchestra; Minnie Belle, wife of Walter C. Anderson, a banker in Galt; and Florence, wife of Carl E. Day, an attorney in San Francisco.

      Mr. Clarke is interested in all musical organizations that are beneficial to Sacramento. He was president of the Sacramento musicians’ union for one year and he organized a band of 315 pieces for the big music week in Sacramento in 1922, the largest ever brought together here. He is director of the Sacramento Elks’ Band and also organized the Firemen’s Band in Sacramento. Mr. Clarke is a Democrat. Fraternally, he is an Elk and a Mason. He is very fond of athletics and is an expert swimmer.



Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 8/23/07.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Pages 970-971.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Vicky Walker.




Sacramento County Biographies