Sacramento County








      ERNEST CARITHERS.–An excellent example of how the right kind of a man may always hope to succeed in the capital city, is afforded by Ernest Carithers, proprietor of the popular Carithers Sign Company, whose headquarters at 707 California Street are busy from morning till night. Born at Perrysville, Ind., on December 18, 1890, he is the son of William and Agnes (Jones) Carithers, both of whom, highly esteemed for their years of pioneering, are still living to enjoy the wonderful developments in the Golden State.

      Ernest Carithers passed all the requirements of the grammar and high schools of his native district, and then matriculated at the state normal school at Terre Haute, Ind. Next he learned the sign painter’s trade; and that technical line he has since followed. He specializes in commercial signs, and with such success that he is able to keep five men busy the year round, and many more in the busiest season, his orders coming from the entire northern section of the county.

      Mr. Carithers came to Sacramento in 1914, the year memorable as the beginning of the World War; and for a while he was superintendent for W. H. Funk; but on July 1, 1921, he bought out the commercial department of his business; and knowing just what the public wants, and how to meet the demands, he has been very successful. He belongs to the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce and to the Rotary Club.

Mr. Carithers’ marriage took place at Woodland, Cal., when he and Miss Evlyn Patterson of Los Angeles were made man and wife. He is a thirty-second-degree Scottish Rite Mason.




Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 6/20/07.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 907.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Vicky Walker.




Sacramento County Biographies