Sacramento County









      WALTER C. CARR.--Though retired from active participation in business affairs, Walter C. Carr is one of the strong and influential men of the Fruitridge section adjacent to the city of Sacramenta, having for the past twenty-five years been associated with its best moral and material growth.  He was born on his father’s farm near Plymouth, N. H., February 16, 1842, the youngest of four children born to Jacob and Harriet (Beattie) Carr, both natives of New Hampshire.  Jacob Carr was of Scotch descent, while Harriet Carr came from an old English family who settled in America in early colonial days.  Jacob Carr and his wife were reared, educated and married in New Hampshire, where they became prosperous farmers and continued to reside until their demise.  Walter C. Carr received his education in the public schools of New Hampshire, and after completing his school course was associated with his father on the home place until his twenty-first year, when he began farming on his own account.

      The first marriage of Mr. Carr united him with Miss Muriella York; and they were the parents of one daughter, now Mrs. Alice D. Mason, who resides in New Hampshire.  Mrs. Muriella Carr is now deceased.  Mr. Carr was married the second time, to Miss Emma Pearl, a native of Maine.  He followed farming in New Hampshire for many years, and then learned the shoemaking trade, in which he was engaged for a time.  Afterwards he worked in the lumber camps of New Hampshire, removing later to Parsonfield, Maine, and again engaging in farming.

      On account of impaired health, Mr. Carr came West to California and located in Sacramento County, on the Freeport road; and later, in 1898, he purchased his present ranch of fifteen acres in the Fruitridge section of the county.  Here, in 1899, he built a fine residence; and he has otherwise improved his ranch, setting out an orchard and vineyard, and through unceasing industry has now become independent.  Mrs. Carr passed away at the family home; and some time after his wife’s death, Mr. Carr went to New Hampshire to visit his daughter, and while there was married the third time, to Miss Emily Frances Door, born in New Hampshire, and a daughter of Stephen D. and Melvina Frances (Staples) Door, both natives of New Hampshire and well-to-do farmers of that state.  Stephen D. Door was supervisor of Milton Township, N. H. for many years.  Nineteen years ago Mr. Carr returned to Sacramento.  He has since resided on his home place at Fruitridge, and is now contemplating subdividing his ranch into acre lots, making a desirable investment for home-builders in this section of Sacramento County.  In politics, Mr. Carr aligns himself with the Democrats.




Transcribed by Priscilla J. Delventhal.

 Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 589.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 P. J. Delventhal.




Sacramento County Biographies