Sacramento County
LOUIS CAFFARO, proprietor Hotel Roma, Sacramento, is a native of Italy, born at Lessolo, County of Torino, on the 19th of July, 1854, his parents being Giulio and Maria (Boschis) Caffaro, the father a dealer in horses, etc. He spent his boyhood days at his native place, and had finished his schooling at the age of fourteen years. He then commenced mining on the borders of France and Italy. He then traveled throughout France, Africa, Italy, Egypt, Germany, Greece and Turkey. Having decided to come to America, he took passage at Constantinople on a vessel bound for New York. After his arrival there he proceeded westward, and brought up in Clear Creed County, Colorado. He mined there two years, then proceeded to Amador County, California, and after mining there five years, came to Sacramento on the 8th of February, 1886. He commenced the manufacturer of wine the same year, and in this line he has built up a reputation second to none. His seven large tanks range in capacity from 1,500 to 2,000 gallons each, and he has on hand from 8,000 to 9,000 gallons of good wines. He makes clarets, white wines and ports, and ships the product of his winery direct to the trade at Chicago, and throughout Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Dakota, etc. He gives his personal attention to the details of manufacture, and takes care that every thing is done in a proper manner. Besides his outside business, he has a large local trade, which keeps a horse and wagon busy, delivering to customers. An idea of the increase of his business may be formed from his purchase of grapes. In 1886 he bought only about twenty-four tons, in 1887 he bought forty-one tons; and in 1888 he bought over forty-seven tons of selected grapes. Of his stock now on hand he has about 3,000 gallons of old white wines and clarets, and he stocked up about $2,000 worth of wines last harvest. He also buys and ships brandies. On the 27th of March, 1889, he opened the Roma Hotel, having a partner the first three months. He has built up a large patronage, and while his hotel has accommodations really for only thirty boarders, he has to take care of from that number to fifty constantly. Mr. Caffaro is a member of Eureka Lodge, No. 4, I. O. O. F.; of Unity Lodge, A. O. D., No. 66; of the Chosen Friends, and of the Bersaglieri. Politically he is a Republican. Mr. Caffaro is an enterprising man, and well deserves the success he has met with.
Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of
Sacramento County, California. Page 754. Lewis
Publishing Company. 1890.
© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.