B. N.
gentleman occupies the position of tax collector of Sacramento county and is a
most capable official, his loyalty to the public trust being above question.
His reputation in all life's relations is unassailable, and he justly
merits the confidence reposed in him by those who chose him for the important
and responsible office which he is now filling. He was born in Stafford,
Connecticut, on the 3rd of September, 1827, and is descended from one of the
good old Revolutionary heroes.
His paternal grandfather, John Bugbey, who
was also a native of the Charter Oak state, joined the colonial forces when the
attempt was made to throw off all allegiance to the mother country.
Through seven years he fought for the independence of the nations and
after the way was over he was granted a pension of ninety-six dollars annually
throughout the remainder of his life. He died in Skaungamug--a little
settlement south of Tolland, Connecticut in February 1838, at the age of
eighty-six years and three months. His wife was in her maidenhood a Miss
Their son, Eleazer Wales Bugbey, was born
in Tolland in 1793, and married Miss Hannah L. Norton, whose birth occurred in
Suffield, Connecticut, and who was a daughter of Harvey and Miss (Loomis)
Norton. They too were residents of Connecticut, where they spent their
entire lives.
The father of our subject was a merchant
and served as postmaster under Presidents Jackson and Polk at West Stafford,
Connecticut. He served as a private in the war of 1812, and participated
in the engagements at Saranac Bridge, at Plattsburg, New York, where the
English bullets flew thick and fast, and at New London, Connecticut, manning a
gunboat and peppering the British in that memorable fog. He also devoted
much of his time to church work, in which he took a great interest, being a
minister of the Methodist Episcopal denomination. His life was ever honorable
and upright, commanding the respect of all with whom he came in contact.
His wife died at Windsor Locks, Connecticut, at the age of eighty-eight
The family has always been noted for
loyalty and patriotism, and when the Civil War was inaugurated, two brothers of
our subject entered the service and fought to maintain the Union which their
grandfather had aided in establishing. George H. Bugbey became a member
of Company A, Hartford Light Guards, First Connecticut Volunteers, which was
the first regiment from that state that went to the front. He was the
first Connecticut soldier wounded, his left shoulder being shot away at Vienna,
Virginia, on the 16th of June 1861. His brother, Charles E. Bugbey, was
in Company K, Twenty-second Connecticut Infantry, in which he served with the
rank of corporal. He was enlisted August 28, 1862, and faithfully
defended the old flag and the cause it represented. William Bugbey, a son of E.
W. Bugbey Jr, the eldest brother of our subject, enlisted December 2, 1861,
re-enlisted December 13, 1863, was wounded June 3, 1864, and died on the 11th
of the same month at Cold Harbor, Virginia. Three cousins, Clark, Sumner
and Frank Bugbey, the last named a
member of a Massachusetts cavalry regiment, also died in the service.
Other relatives were numbered among the "boys in blue," and
thus the military record of the Bugbeys is one of which they have every reason
to be proud.
B. N. Bugbey spent the days of his boyhood
and youth in his native village, acquiring his education in the schools of
Stafford. At the age of nineteen he accepted a position as a commercial
salesman, remaining upon the road until 1848, when he went to Quincy,
Massachusetts, being connected with mercantile affairs at that place. In
that year gold was discovered in California, and desiring to gain a fortune in
that land of promise, Mr. Bugbey returned to his home and joined a party
preparing to make the trip to the new Eldorado of the west. He started in
December 1848, taking with him provisions for three years, machinery, tools and
a house which was ready to join together on reaching his destination. The
Hampden Mining and Trading Company, of which he was a member, chartered a
vessel, the John Castner, and ran to Brazos, or Point Isabel, thence crossed
through Mexico from Matamoras to Mazatlan. As a passenger on board the
French bark Olympia, he finally arrived at San Francisco on June 12, 1849.
Immediately he made preparations to enter
the mines and began his search for gold at Condemned Bar, on the north fork of
the American River. In the fall of that year he went to the future
capital city and at the first election held there aided in electing P. B.
Cornwall to the general assembly. In February, 1850, he again returned to
the mines and on the 5th of May, of the same year, began trading at different
places. He was thus engaged at Rock Spring and Condemned Bar, and was the
organizer of the Rock Bar Company, of which he was made the president.
They built a mill-race for the first flour-mill in 1852.
In the fall of 1851 Mr. Bugbey returned to
Connecticut, leaving California on the 4th of October, on board the old steamer
Independence, bound for New York via Nicaragua, connecting with steamer
Prometheus on the Atlantic side. The ice supply on Prometheus was
exhausted during the voyage and all their fresh provisions were thus rendered
unfit for use. On the way the vessel anchored in Havana Bay, off Casabianca,
and without a guide Mr. Bugbey visited Morro Castle. He viewed the
structure from all points and says no picture ever printed has given a correct
idea of the old fort.
Mr. Bugbey remained in the east until May
1852, when he returned to California arriving at San Francisco on the 25th of
June. He engaged in the hotel business for a short time and afterward
purchased another hotel, the Monte Cristo, on the old Coloma road eighteen
miles east of Sacramento.
Later he established a furniture
store in Sacramento and built a shop for the manufacture of his goods.
The big flood and fire which swept over the city caused him severe loss,
and the overcrowded conditions of that branch of business also led him to turn
his attention to ranching. He removed to a ranch sixteen miles from Sacramento,
on the American river and there carried on agricultural pursuits until the
spring of 1856, farm products at that time bringing high prices. In the
operation of his land and for the purpose of conveying his goods to market he
used a bull team. On his way home he would frequently go to sleep and the
team would stop, standing quietly in the middle of the road until he would
awaken and start them again on their way.
He was early recognized as a leader
of the better element in the community and was chosen constable, which position
he filled for five years. Immediately after being elected constable he
commenced a war on the thieves and robbers, and the following June arrested
thirteen in one gang. He continued in this work, during his entire term,
completely ridding the section of this class. He was elected on the 5th
of November, 1861 sheriff of the county. At the close of his term it was
his desire to enlist in the Union army after the breaking out of the Civil War,
but Hon. F. F. Low, the governor of California, said he wanted home guards, and
as Mr. Bugbey was filling the office of sheriff of Sacramento county he felt
that he was doing good service for the government at home. He was chosen
for the position in September, 1861, and on October 6th following, entered upon
his duties, and with fearlessness discharged every task devolving upon him
until his retirement in 1864. Every Saturday night he would return to his
home at Folsom. He had during his incumbency established a vineyard, and
for sixteen years was extensively engaged in the cultivation of grapes, being
one of the pioneers in the industry in the state. His efforts were so
successful, and the fruits which he raised of such a high grade that he won
three gold medals from the state and two from the Mechanics' Institute.
He was the first man to produce raisins in America. He is yet
regarded as high authority on matters of horticulture, and has written many
letters and articles setting forth his manner of producing fruits and other
articles in this locality. His methods are very practical, yet
progressive, and he is a recognized leader in this line of business.
In February 1879 Mr. Bugbey took up
his residence again in Sacramento, and engaged in the real estate business,
which he continued for two years. He then accepted the position of under
sheriff, under Sheriff M. M. Drew, and at the same time was connected with
mining and farming interests. He has met many difficulties and obstacles,
his buildings having at three different times been destroyed by fire, and on
one occasion, his loss amounted to over one hundred and forty-six thousand
dollars! Such disaster would have utterly discouraged most men, but with
determined purpose and renewed energy he resumed his work and has conquered
adverse fate.
Other political offices have been
accorded him, including the appointment to the position of United States commissioner.
Great trouble had arisen on account of the opposition to Chinese
immigrants, and the objection to the "Celestials" was carried into
the realm of violence. It was necessary that law and order should be
maintained, and in order to do this Mr. Bugbey placed eighteen of the prominent
leaders in jail, which was an intrepid act and one which many a man would not
have performed, for influential citizens thus aroused might use their power
against him; but he never for a moment shirked his duty. He served as
under sheriff under Lee Stanley for one term, and during a portion of Mr.
O'Neil's term. In November, 1898, he was elected to the office of tax
collector and ex officio license collector on the silver Republican ticket.
There were fourteen candidates against him and he made a very bitter
fight, but his popularity and well known reliability triumphed over all
opposition and won him the office.
He cast his first presidential vote
in 1848, and since that time has manifested an active interest in political
affairs, keeping well informed on all the issues of the day and earnestly
supporting every measure which he believes will advance the welfare of the
American people. He is now the secretary of the silver Republican county committee
and is one of the leaders of the party in this state; is a member of the state
central committee and was a delegate to the national convention of that party
that met July 4, 1900. Socially he is connected with the Masonic Lodge,
in which he has attained the Knight Templar degree. He attends Oak Park
Methodist Episcopal church and gives his aid and cooperation to all measures
for the public good. He well deserves mention among the honored pioneers
of California, for through more than half a century he has resided in this
state, and his efforts have been potent in the development and upbuilding of
this great state. His business interests have ever been conducted in an
honorable manner, and in public office his capable, impartial and faithful service
has gained him the respect of even his political enemies.
Source: “A Volume Of Memoirs And Genealogy of Representative
Citizens Of Northern California” Standard Genealogical Publishing Co. Chicago.
1901. Pages 435-438.
Submitted by: Betty Tartas.
© 2003 Betty Tartas.