Sacramento County





Rev. Clement Berberich, rector of St. Francis Roman Catholic Church in Sacramento, was born in San Francisco, California, on the 13th of December, 1881. His father, a native of Germany, became a California pioneer in 1865 and the family has since been identified with this state.


            When a youth of sixteen years Rev. Berberich began studying for the priesthood and joined the Order of Franciscan Missionaries at Santa Barbara. He was ordained there at the historic old Santa Barbara Mission in 1909 and soon after was made assistant pastor in St. Joseph’s parish of Los Angeles. Subsequently he was transferred to Washington, and with headquarters in Cowlitz, did missionary work in two counties. His next assignment was to pastoral duties in connection with St. George’s Church in Seattle. While laboring there he built the parochial school and greatly furthered the interests of his people in that locality. He was also active in civic affairs, did social welfare work and was secretary of the Southwest District Community Fund.


            In July 1928 Rev. Berberich arrived in Sacramento, where he took charge of the parochial school under the guidance of the Sisters of St. Francis and maintained in connection with St. Francis Church. This church was founded in 1894 by the Franciscan order of Missionaries, the parent house being at Santa Barbara. There are now ten hundred and fifty families in the parish and Rev. Berberich is aided in his labors by two assistant pastors. The work of the church and its various societies has been well organized and under his direction much constructive activity is being maintained.


            A native son of California, Rev. Berberich is greatly interested in the history of the state, which is rich in the color and romance of pioneer days and through the period of its later development. He is thoroughly versed concerning the annals of the commonwealth and converses most entertainingly upon matters relative to the upbuilding and development as well as the pioneer era of the state.            


Transcribed by Debbie Walke Gramlick.


Source: Wooldridge, J.W. Major History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 pgs. 59-60. The Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2005 Debbie Walke Gramlick.




Sacramento County Biographies