Sacramento County









      H.S. BEALS, photographer, 415 J street, the veteran photograph artist of the Pacific Coast, was born December 2, 1823, in Hartford, Connecticut. He received his education there and at Wethersfield until the age of eighteen, when he went to New York and engaged in merchant tailoring at 156 Broadway, and continued there about six years. While there he cut the uniform for Stevenson’s regiment, which came to California for the Mexican war. He was engaged in the same business at Babylon, Long Island, two years; then he returned to New York and opened a daguerreotype gallery at 175 Broadway, and continued there until 1853, when he sold out and sailed from New York, and came to California via the Isthmus. From Panama he came on the steamer Uncle Sam, and landed in Sacramento in October, 1853. He came direct to Sacramento and opened a photograph gallery at 87 J street, where he conducted the business four or five years, and then removed to 415 J street, and remained there until after the flood of 1861. During that time and for years he was usher and assistant manager of the old Sacramento Theatre, for Thomas Maguire; was also manager of the Forrest Theatre, between Second and Third streets. After the latter was burned, he acted as manager of the old Metropolitan Theatre, on K street, between Fourth and Fifth, being manager of both theatres at the same time, and was manager for Maguire until the latter retired from the business. He conducted his photographic business as well, for over twenty-five years in the present location, 415 J street, and he is the oldest photographic artist now engaged in business on the Pacific Coast. He has been successful, and accumulated a valuable property on Twelfth and F streets, his homestead being one of the land-marks. He is a lover of fine horses, and usually has one or more in his possession. Mr. Beals is a veteran Odd Fellow, having been a member of the fraternity fifty-eight years. He was a member, with P. T. Barnum, of Island City Lodge, New York; is now connected with Eureka Lodge, No. 4, and is one of the oldest members of the order in the United States. Mr. Beals has been twice married. His first wife was Rosalia Fowler, of New York State. She died in 1879, leaving two daughters--Mrs. Josephine Ingalls, of Sacramento city, and Mrs. Sarah Campion. The latter inherited a talent for painting, and went abroad to pursue her studies in France, and achieved an enviable position in the profession. She died in 1887, leaving one son, who is cashier for the prominent commercial house of Williams, Dimond & Co., San Francisco. In 1886 Mr. Beals married Mrs. J. E. Dodge, a native of New York, and by this marriage there is one son.



Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 11/2/07.

Source: Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Page 792. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.

© 2007 Vicky Walker.




Sacramento County Biographies