Dewey S. Baker



Dewey S. Baker, one of Sacramento’s enterprising business men, is manager of the Riverside Baths, of which he has made a notable success, having control for the past six years. He was born in Puyallup, Pierce county, Washington, on the 2d of May, 1895, and is a son of John W. and Rose (Gorman) Baker, both of whom were descended from old American stock.  In 1890 his father took the family to San Francisco, California, where he ran a café for a few years, and in 1909 became a resident of Sacramento, in which city both parents passed away.

Dewey S. Baker attended the public schools of San Francisco and Sacramento and took a commercial course in Heald’s Business College of this city. For several years he was engaged in the beverage business here, but when the United States entered the World war he laid aside all personal considerations and enlisted. After two years and twenty-seven days of loyal service, he was honorably discharged, and on his return to Sacramento he entered the employ of the American Railways Express Company.  Later he was with the Leitch Draying Company and in 1924 took over the Riverside Baths, which he has successfully managed to the present time.  This establishment was much run down at the time but he at once began a series of improvements, installing new and modern sanitary equipment and appliances, making it a thoroughly modern bathhouse in every respect.  That his efforts have been appreciated by the public is evident in the greatly increased patronage which the establishment receives during the eight months of the year in which it is operated. Mr. Baker employs eleven people, all of whom are experts in their particular lines, and every effort is made to render the highest quality of service.

Mr. Baker was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Hunziker, who was born and reared in Sacramento, and they are the parents of two children, Dorothy Rose, and Dewey S., Jr. The republican party receives Mr. Baker’s support and he has shown a commendable interest in matters affecting the welfare of his city. He was elected a city councilman for the years 1930 and 1931 and is ably discharging his official duties. He is a member of Sacramento Lodge, No. 6, B. P. O.  E.; Sacramento Aerie, No. 95, F. O. E.; Sacramento Post, A. L., of which his is a past commander, and the Veterans of the Republic. Baseball, football and swimming are his favorite sports and he is a popular member of the social circles to which he belongs.




Transcribed by Marla Fitzsimmons.

Source: History of the Sacramento Valley California Vol. III J. W. WOOLDRIDGE 1931. Page 256-259.

© 2004 Marla Fitzsimmons.

Sacramento County Biographies