Sacramento County








      ANDREW N. ANDERSON.--An energetic, progressive, and very successful rancher, whose prosperity has become a source of pride to his friends as well as to himself, is Andrew N. Anderson, who was born at Rio Vista, on February 28, 1880. His father, Neil Christian Anderson, was a native of Fyen, Denmark, and married Miss Anna Thorhaven, from Schleswig-Holstein; he had come out to California when he was eighteen years old, during the seventies, and their wedding was one of the pleasant features of the social life of their day in San Francisco. He moved to Rio Vista with his bride, and first worked for Mr. Toland, on his farm there; and later he embarked in farming for himself. He owns a 2,000 acre ranch in the Montezuma Hills, four miles from Rio Vista, but he now lives retired in Oakland. The worthy couple had nine children: Lulu, the eldest; Andrew, of this review; and William, Holger, Anna, Neil, Jr., Edward, Clarence and Iva.

      Andrew Anderson attended the common school at Rio Vista and Atkinson's Business College of Sacramento, where he was graduated in 1900. He followed clerical work for five years, for the Wood-Curtis Company, of the capital city, and then became shipping clerk for Baker & Hamilton, hardware merchants of Sacramento, with whom he remained for three years. Thereafter he had charge of the electrical department of the Southern Pacific stores in Sacramento, and from there he was transferred to the supply train of the Southern Pacific Railroad, and traveled over the Western Division. For two years he worked under Mr. Fay, on the City of Sacramento wharf. In 1912, Mr. Anderson came to Sherman Island and began farming, and now he has 150 acres devoted to asparagus for the most part, and the balance to grain. He is now serving his eighth year as a trustee of the local school district. Non-partisan in his support of measures for the benefit of the community as a whole, in matters of national political moment Mr. Anderson is a liberal Republican.

      Andrew N. Anderson was married at Sacramento on September 21, 1904, to Miss Minnie Nagle, a native of Sacramento, and the daughter of William and Mary (Sheehan) Nagle, who were early settlers at Courtland, Cal. After marriage, Mr. Nagle farmed Mr. Sheehan's ranch for a few years, and then he was for years associated with the San Francisco municipal railroads. Today he enjoys a pension in retirement. They had two children: Annie, Mrs. Dittus of Sacramento; and Minnie, now Mrs. Anderson, a graduate of St. Joseph Academy. One child, Ila, has added to the happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson's married life. Mr. Anderson is a member of Valley Lodge, No. 559, B. P. O. Elks.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 850.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Jeanne Taylor.




Sacramento County Biographies