Sacramento County
OLE ANDERSON.—Coming to Sacramento
County, California, more than a quarter of a century ago, Ole Anderson has made
good use of his time and opportunities here and is now numbered among the
successful ranchers and dairymen of the Galt section. A native of Sweden,
he was born in Wermland, January 21, 1864, the son of
Andrew and Christina (Olson) Anderson, who have both passed away. They
were the parents of six children: Andrew, John, Ole, Christina, Caroline, and Mangus. Ole Anderson received a
good common school education in the schools of his district, and when nineteen
he left his native land to try his fortune in America. Coming
directly to Sacramento County, Cal.,
he located first at Franklin, where
he worked on a dairy farm and then came to the Galt district. After his
marriage he farmed for four years on Staten Island, leasing
600 acres of land and raising grain and beans, then leased the McKune ranch, where he engaged in general farming,
stock-raising and maintained a large dairy, employing twelve men in his
operations. About eleven years ago Mr. Anderson purchased 311 acres five
and a half miles northwest of Galt and here he has developed a fine home place,
devoting it to general farming and operating a large dairy with sixty head of
high-grade milk cows.
September 18, 1891, at Sacramento, Cal.,
Mr. Anderson was married to Miss Caroline Olson, who was also born in Wermland, Sweden,
the daughter of Andrew and Mary (Olson) Olson, both of whom have passed away at
their home in Sweden
at the ages of sixty-two and sixty years, respectively. They were the
parents of five children: Caroline is Mrs. Anderson; Eric John; Mary is Mrs.
Jack long; Christina is Mrs. Becker of Sacramento; and
Hilda is Mrs. Albert Johnson of Sacramento. Mrs.
Anderson came to America alone in 1882, joining her brother who lived at
Sacramento, Cal. Mr. And Mrs. Anderson are the parents of three children:
Edna Margaret, Lester Edmund and Frank Elmer. The family
have many friends in the neighborhood where they have persevered and
Transcribed 4-19-07
Marilyn R. Pankey.
Source: Reed, G.
Walter, History of Sacramento County,
California With Biographical Sketches, Page 663. Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.
© 2007 Marilyn R. Pankey.