San Francisco, California


Club Building, 1534 Sutter, N. E. Corner Octavia Street.


The Cosmos Club was organized in April, 1881, and incorporated July, 1883. It was instituted for the object of social intercourse among its members. The membership is 215, of which eighty are Army and Navy Members, being greater than any other club.




BRADFORD, W. B.  .....           President

LANGHORNE, J. P.  ..... Vice-President.

COTTINGHAM, H. P......Hon. Secretary.

REIS, F. Jr.  .....  Treasurer.
















ALEXANDER, John E.  .....  35 Steuart.

ALEXANDER, S. C.  .....  London, England.

ALVORD, Henry B.   .....  San Jose, California.

ARMSBY, George N.  .....  138 Market.

ARMSBY, J. K.  .....  Chicago, Illinois.


BAKER, Edmund  .....  329 Market.

BATES, George W.  ..... 16 Front.

BERG, A.  .....  Portland, Oregon.

BERG, William  .....  222 Sansome. r.6.

BEVERIDGE, Geo. F.  .....  San Mateo, California.

BRADFORD, William B.  .....  308 Market.

BRESSE, Eugene A.  .....  412 Pine.

BRESSE, Gustave L.  .....  412 Pine.

BROOKS, Thomas W.  .....  19 Beale.

BROWNE, C. R.  .....  315 Montgomery.

BUCK, Ralph S.  .....  15 Bluxome.

BUCKMAN, A. E.  .....  302 Montgomery.

BYRNE, Callaghan  .....  Los Angeles, California.


CARRIGAN, Andrew  .....  19 Beale.

CHAMPION, Charles N.  .....  222 Market.

CHAPMAN, S.  G.  .....  Cosmos Club.

CHURCH, Seymour R.  .....  307 Sansome.

COLE, Thomas  .....  331 Pine. r.11.

COLEMAN, N. D.  .....  New Orleans, La.

COON, Frederick H.  .....  2 Pine.

COOPER, Dr. C. E.  .....  771 Sutter.

COSTIGAN, A. B.  .....  303 California.

COTTINGHAM, H. P.  .....  234 California.


DANFORTH, Edw. P.  .....  723 Battery.

DAVIS, Dr. Henry C.  .....  131 Post.

DE BRUHL, Wm. J.  .....  The California.

DEVLIN, Frank J.  .....  309 Sansome.

DIMOND, Henry P.  .....  Mills Bldg.

DODD, Willis G.  .....  222 Market.

DOE, Loring B.  .....  22 Market.

DORSEY, J. W.  .....  Claus Spreckels Bldg.

DU BOIS, A. W.  .....  San Rafael, California.

DUNNE, Peter F.  .....  310 Pine. r.42.


EASTON, Ansel M.  .....  308 Market.

EICKOFF, Henry.  .....  530 California.

ELIOT, Joseph B.  .....  Chronicle Office.

ELY, Prescott  .....  Mokelumne Hill.


FARRELL, Dr. P. J. H.  .....  135 Geary.

FERRIS, John W.   .....  320 Sansome.

FLOOD, James L.  .....  7 Nevada Block.

FOLGER, James A.  .....  104 California.

FOLSOM, George S.  .....  222 Market.

FORTMANN, Henry F.  .....  308 Market.

FREDERICKS, George  .....  222 Market.

FREEMAN, Allen C.   .....  138 Market.


FULWEILER, J. M.     .....  Auburn, California.


GEOGHEGAN, Joseph  .....  Salt Lake, Utah.

GORDON, Cuthbert  .....  317 California.

GOULD, James L.  .....  14 Post.

GREEN, Fred. H.  .....  Palace Hotel.

GREER, Robert P.  .....  Cosmos Club.

GUILDLIN, O. N.  .....  Fort Wayne, Indiana.

GUNN, James O'B.  .....  222 Market.


HAMILTON, Claude T.  .....  19 Beale.

HANSON, W.  .....  Claus Spreckels Bldg.

HARRELL, A. J.  .....  Visalia, California.

HARRISON, A. D.  .....  406 California.

HAWES, Benj. C.  .....  205 Sansome.

HAYDEN, Brace  .....  19 Beale.

HOOPER, J.  .....  Mokelumne Hill, Cal.

HUIE, Robert B.  .....  203 California.


JONES, Edw. B.  .....  1820 Washington.

JOHNSON, T. L.  .....  Fort Bragg, California.

KAST, Marius J.  .....  412 Pine.

KELLOGG, Charles W.  .....  607 Front.

KNIGHTON, Robt. Jr.  .....  Mills Bldg.

KRUSE, Edward J.  .....  207 Front.



LANGHORNE, Jas. P.  .....   40 Montgomery.

LINDLEY, C. H.  .....  530 California.

LLOYD, Charles R.  .....  18 Second.

LOMBARD, Gay  .....  Cosmos Club.

LOMBARD, Harry D.  .....  Cosmos Club.

LOUGHHEAD, H. W.  .....  424 California.

LYMAN, W. W.  .....  St. Helena, California.



MAC LYMONT, V. H. M.  .....  10 Annie.

McCREARY, R. C.  .....  Sacramento, California.

McGOVERN, T. B.  .....  New York, New York.

McHENRY, O.  .....  Modesto, California.

McINTOSH, C. K.  .....  First National Bank.

McIVOR, C. C.  .....  Mission San Jose.

MILLER, Charles E.  .....  18 Fremont.

MILLER, John H.  .....  Mills Bldg. 8th.

MILLS, Wm. L. B.  .....  330 Market.

MORRISON, Wm. H.  .....  Mills Bldg. 4th.

MOSELEY, A. S.  .....  302 California.



PAGE, Frank W.   .....  508 California.

PALACHE, Thos. H.  .....  309 Sansome.

PEASE, Luman S.  .....  414 Montgomery.

PITMAN, Francis H.  ..... 200 Market.

PETERSON, Enewald  .....  324 Bush.

PLUMMER, W. P.  .....  Fort Bragg, California.

POMEROY, Carter P.  .....  222 Sansome.

POTTER, Edw. E.  .....  508 California.

PRIBER, E. C.  .....  314 Post.


REIS, Ferdinand Jr.  .....  410 Pine.


SCOTT, A. Lowndes  ..... 18 Fremont.

SHIELS, Charles H.  .....  314 Bush.

SHANKLIN, C. S.  .....  New York, New York.

SPARKS, R. T.  .....  Guatemala, Central America.

STENT, E. A.  .....   Cosmos Club.

STINSON, William H.  .....  200 Sansome.

SULLIVAN, Dr. Maurice J.  .....  30 Post.

SULLIVAN, Thos. .....  244 Stevenson.

SWAN, Edw. S. Jr.  .....  3 California.


TAMS, Sampson  .....  Pac. Union Club.

TAPPENBECK, Wm.  .....  Cosmos Club.

TEN BOSCH, J. M.  .....  Liverpool, England.

TERRILL, Dr. Geo. M.  .....  317 Powell.

THANE, Arthur F.  .....  Portland, Oregon.

THORNTON, C.  .....  307 Front.

TIMLOW, William F.  .....  New York, New York.

TUBBS, Austin C.  .....  7 Front.

TUCKER, G. E.  .....  Cosmos Club.


VOGELSANG, A. T.  .....  Mills Bldg. 7th.


WAGONER, Luther  .....  328 Montgomery.

WALLACE, J. P.  .....  The Colonial.

WARD, Wm.  .....  Str. "Rio de Janeiro.

WHEELER, Charles S.  .....  532 Market.

WHITNEY, Dr. J. D.  .....  Crocker Bldg.

WILLIAMS, G. N.  .....  Mills Bldg. 7th.

WILLIAMS, Harry A.  .....  308 Market.

WILLIAMS, Philip A.  .....  308 Market.

WILLAR, Harry R.  .....  Cosmos Club.

WISE, Harry E.  .....  212 Sansome.

WOOD, Charles H.  .....  308 Market.

WOOD, Henry P.  .....  San Rafael.

WOODWARD,  R. B.  .....  419 California.


ZEILIN, W. S.  .....  Cosmos Club.







ACKLEY, Seth M.  .....  Com. U.S.N.

ADAMS, C. A.  .....  Lieut. Com. U.S.N.

ALMY, A. C.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.



BABCOCK, W. C.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

BALDWIN, W. H.  .....  Col. Sub. Dept.

BELKNAP, G. E.  .....  Rear  Adm. U.S.N.

BELL, J. A.  .....   Lieut. U.S.N.

BENT, C. L.  .....  2d Lieut. 1st U.S. Inf.

BIDDLE, Jas.  .....  Genl. 9th Cav. U.S.A.

BLOW, George P.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

BLUE, Victor  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

BRANT, L. P.  .....  Capt. 1st U.S. Inf.

BROWN, George  .....  Rear Adm. U.S.N.

BRUMBY, T. M.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

BULL, J. H.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

BURNETT, J. C.   .....  Lieut. U.S.N.


CABELL, H.  C.  .....  Surgeon U.S.N.

CHAPIN, F. L.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.



DAPRAY, J. A.  .....  Capt. 23d. U.S. Infan.

DAVIS, Cleveland  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

DOUGHERTY, W. C.  .....  Cap. 1st Inf.



EDGAR, J. M.  .....  Surgeon U.S.N.


FAISON, S. L.  .....  Lieut. 1st Inf. U.S.A.

FORD, H. L.  .....  Draughtsman U.S.N.


GEORGE, Harry  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

GIBBONS, J. H.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

GREBLE, E. W. J.  .....  1st Lt. 2d. Cav.

GILMORE, F. P.  .....  Lieut. Com. U.S.N.

GILMORE, W. W.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

GREENE, O. D.  .....  Genl. Ad. Gen. Dept.


HAINES, J. P.  .....  Lieut. 3d Art. U.S.A.

HELM, J. M.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

HIGGINSON, F. J.  .....  Capt. U.S.N.

HILL, F. K.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

HUGHES, R. P.  .....  Brig. Genl. U.S.A.

HUTCHINS, C. T.  .....  Com. U.S.N.


JANEWAY, J. H.  .....  Lt. Col. Ret. U.S.A.


KERR, Leeds C.  .....  Paymaster U.S.N.

KILBURN, D. W.  .....  Lieut. 1st U.S. Inf.


LOCKETT, J.  .....  Capt. 4th U.S. Cav.

LOVERING, L. A.  .....  Capt. 4th U.S. Cav.

LYMAN, C. G.  .....  1st Lieut. Retired.


MARTIN, J. R.  .....  Paymaster U.S.N.

MAYER, A. W.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

McGUINESS, J. P.  .....  Maj. Ord. Dept.

McVAY, C. B.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

MILLER, W. G.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

MORRILL, Henry  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.


NEALL, J. M.  .....  Capt. 4th Cav. U.S.A.

NELSON, Thos.  .....  Com. U.S.N.

NILBACK, A. P.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.


OLIVER, J. H.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

OYSTER, Jos.  .....  Lieut. 1st U.S. Art.


PERKINS, C. P.  .....  Lieut. Com. U.S.N.

POUNDSTONE, H. C.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.


ROGERS, A. G.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

RANDOLPH, B. H.  .....  1st Lt. 3d Art.

ROSS, John W.  .....  Surgeon U.S.N.

RUNCIE, J. E.  .....  Maj. U.S.A.


SCOTT, B. O.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

SEBREE, U.  .....  Capt. U.S.S. "Wheeling".

SHEARMAN, J.  T.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

SHIPLEY, John H.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

SHOEMAKER, W. R.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

SPEAR, L.  .....  Nav. Constructor U.S.N.

SPEYERS, A. B.  .....  Lieut. Com. U.S.N.

STAHL, A. W.  .....  Naval Con. U.S.N.

STANTON, J. R.  .....  Paymaster U.S.N.

STEVENS, T. H.  .....  Rear Adm. U.S.N.

STONEY, Geo. M.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.


TISDALL, W. H.  .....  Capt. U.D.A.  Retired.


WAGGENER, J. R.  .....  Surgeon U.S.N.

WATSON, J. C.  .....  Commodore U.S.N.

WELLS, R.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

WELLS, Benj.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

WELBORN, L. S.  .....  Lieut. U.S.A. ret'd.

WHITE, W. P.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

WILCOX, W. B.  .....  Paymaster U.S.N.

WILEY, H. A.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

WILLARD, W.  .....  Maj. Sub. Dep. U.S.A.

WILSON, J. C.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

WILSON, E. T.  .....  Lieut. 3d Art. U.S.A.

WOOD, A. W.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

WOOD, J. L.  .....  Asst. Eng. U.S.N.

WOOD, S. S.  .....  Lieut. U.S.N.

WOODRUFF, T. M.  .....  Capt. 5th Inf.


YOUNG, B. M.  .....  Col. 4th Cav. U.S.A.


ZANE, A. V.  .....  Lieut. Eng. U.S.N.







           San Francisco, Cal.  This association was organized in 1881, the members thereof being residents of California, who have graduated from Dartmouth College. The annual reunion and dinner is held on the second Thursday in April, in San Francisco. Membership 120. Officers of the club:  Thomas FLINT Jr. - President; Ira G. HOITT - Vice-president; C. S. WRIGHT - Treasurer; Frank MORTON - Chorister; Sidney WORTH - Mem. Ex. Committee; T. A. PERKINS - Secretary. Office of the secretary, Mills Building, San Francisco.




             The Phi Delta Phi Club was chartered in 1896. The San Francisco Alumnus Chapter of the Legal Fraternity of Phi Delta Phi is composed of lawyers who were members of Pomeroy or any other chapter while students in a law college. Annual reunion and dinner at the call of the Secretary. Officers:  Thomas A.PERKINS - President; Charles W. SLACK - 1st Vice President; John R. AITKEN - 2d Vice President; W. I. BROBECK - 3d Vice President; O. K. McMURRAY - Secretary; Beverley L. HODGHEAD - Treasurer.




              The Yale Alumni Association of California was organized February 3, 1892; the members thereof being residents of California, who have attended Yale University. The annual meeting of the association is held in April or May of each year, and the annual banquet in November or December, on such days and such places as the Executive Committee shall determine. Officers of the club:  Gordon BLANDING - President; Edward L. PARSONS - Vice President; Carl WESTERFELD - Treasurer; Edward Lacy BRAYTON - Secretary.




              San Francisco, Cal. Club Rooms, 421 Post Street, bet. Powell and Mason. The Cercle Francais was organized April 12, 1884, and incorporated June 9, 1888. The membership is mostly composed of French Merchants, a good number residing outside of San Francisco. The regular meetings take place on Second Thursday in each month. Membership 170. Officers of the club: J. BLUM - President; A. RUEF - Vice President;B. REISS - Treasurer; E. LEVY - Secretary. Directors of the club: L. KLEIN, E. A. SCHMITT, J. L. WOLF, E. E. KAHN, Jos. Kahn.



Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book, Pages 261-263.  Charles Hoag Pub., San Francisco, CA. 1899.

© 2006 Sally Kaleta.