AINSWORTH, Dr. Frank K.: Nadeau Hotel. (Tel. Black 761.).

ANTHONY, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.: 1130 W. Seventh. (Tel. Green 621.).

AUSTIN, Judge Henry C.: 3118 South Figueroa.

                Miss Anna D.; Charles R.; Harry R.

AUSTIN, Mr. John M.: California Club.

AYLSWORTH, Mr. and  Mrs. George W.: 1113 Downey Ave.

                          Miss Alice E.; Miss Bess C.; Howard G.

BABCOCK, Dr. and Mrs. W. D.: 736 S. Alvarado. (Tel. Black 641.).

                      Miss Mary.

BAILEY, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan P., 326 W. Twenty-eighth. Wednesday.

                Miss Charlotte; Miss Helen L.

BAKER, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.: 1127 W. Twenty-seventh.

BANNING, Mrs. Mary H.: 535 N. Broadway. (Tel. Black 91). Thursday.

BANNING, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock: 416 N. Broadway. (Tel. Red 1741.) Thurs.

BANNING, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.: 945 Westlake Ave. (Tel. Blue 2711.). Thursday.

BANNING, Mr. and Mrs. William: 416 N. Broadway. (Tel. Red 1741.) Thursday

BARKER, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.: 1687 W. Adams. Wednesday.

BARTNETT, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.: 1345 S. Flower. (Tel. Blue 101.) Wednesday

                      Leo. W.

BARUCH, Mr. and Mrs. B.: 1407 S. Figueroa. (Tel. Blue 231.) 1 & 2 Wednesday

BARUCH, Mr. and Mrs. H.: 939 S. Olive. (Tel. White 531). 1st and 3rd Thursday

BARUCH, Mr. and Mrs. J.: 945 S. Olive. (Tel. White 1501.) 1st and 3rd  Thursday.


BEHRENDT, Mr. and Mrs. C.: 1021 S. Grand Ave. 2nd and 4th Monday.

                        Samuel H.

BICKNELL, Mr. and Mrs. C. F., 529 Rampart. (Tel. Brown 161.)

                     Walter H.

BICKNELL, Judge and Mrs. John D.: 226 S. Hill. (Tel. Main 916 - 3 bells)

                     Miss Edna J.

BICKNELL, Dr. and Mrs. F. T.: 419 N. Broadway. (Tel. Red 431.) Thursday.

                     Miss Elta F.




BISHOP, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.: 801 S. Hope. (Tel. White 1580.) 2 and 4 Mon.

BLANCHARD, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.: 1324 Arnold. (Tel. Red 1851.) Friday.

BLINN, Mr. and Mrs. I. L.: 2920 S. Flower. (Tel. White 171.) Wednesday.

BLINN, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W.: 137 W. Adams (Tel. Blue 2791)

BONEBRAKE, Mr. George H.: 2619 S. Figueroa. (Tel. Blue 1001.)

BONSALL, Maj. and Mrs. Wm. H., 2622 S. Grand Ave. (Tel. Blue 1341) Wed.

                    Miss Bessie; Miss Eliza.

BRADBURY, Mrs. S. M.; Miss Louisa; 406 Court. (Tel. Main 995)

BRALY, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.: St. James Park. (Tel. White 1121) Wednesday.

               Harold H.; Arthur H.; 943 S. Burlington Ave.

BROTHERTON, Mr. and Mrs. T. W.: 216 W. Adams. Wednesday.

                             Miss Mary M.; Willard T.

BUGBEE, Mr. George.: 941 S. Bonnie Brae.

BULLA, Mr. and Mrs. R. N.: 401 W. Twenty-third. (Tel. White 1861).

BURNETT, Mr. and Mrs. F.  W.: N. E. cor. Bacon and W. Eighth (Tel. Blk. 381)

CAMPBELL, Mr. and Mrs. Alex.: Hotel Vincent.

CAMPBELL,  Mr. and Mrs. Warren I.: 1930 W. Twenty-third.

                         Miss Jennie C.; Robert.

CARPENTER, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.: 1153 W. Twenty-seventh. (Tel. Blue 851).

CASWELL, Mrs. Mary  S.: 865 W. Twenty-third. Wednesday.

CASWELL, Mr. and Mrs. S. B.: 518 W. Fifth. (Tel. Red 701.) Thursday.

CASWELL, Mr. and Mrs. W. M.: 1003 E. Washington. (Tel. White 891.) Wed.

CHANDLER, Mr. and Mrs. B.: 2121 E. First. (Tel. Macy 101.) Tuesday.

CHANDLER, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M.: 503 N. Broadway. (Tel. Main 1368).

                        Miss Clara E.

CHANSLOR, Mr. and Mrs. John: 1130 W. Tenth. (Tel. White 51.).

                        Miss Birdie; Walter G.

CHASE, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.: 308 E. Twelfth. Wednesday.

CHAUVIN, Mrs. Elizabeth: 1132 S. Figueroa. Wednesday.

CHILDS, Mrs. Emeline H.: 1111 S. Main. (Tel. Blue 641.) 1st Tuesday.

                 Miss Ruth E.; Miss Hortense C.

CHILDS, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.: 1111 S. Main. (Tel. Blue 641.) 4th Thursday.

CHURCHILL, Mr. and Mrs. Owen H.: 2201 S. Figueroa. Wednesday.

CLARK, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross.: 2433 S. Grand Ave. Wednesday.

                Miss Ella H.

COBLEIGH, Mr. and Mrs. G. R.: 500 W. Adams. (Tel. White 381.).

                      Miss Mary V.

COCHRANE, Mr. and Mrs. George I.: 947 S. Figueroa. (Tel. Blue 1181).

COCHRANE, Dr. and Mrs. William G.: 218 Loma Drive. (Tel. Red 81).

                         Guy H.

COLE, Dr. and Mrs. George L., 1425 S. Hope. (Tel. White 941.). Monday.

COLLINS, Mr. and Mrs. H. O.: 122 W. Third. Wednesday.

CONROY, Mr. and Mrs. J. F., 500 W. 30th. (Tel. White 671.) 1st Wednesday.

COOK, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.: Abbotsford Inn. 4th Thursday.

COULTER, Rev. and Mrs. B. F.: 219 N. Grand Ave. (Tel. Black 1121.). Wed.

                     Miss Fannie C.

COULTER,  Mr. and Mrs. F. M.; 1015 S. Figueroa. (Tel. White 436.). Wed.

CREIGHTON, Mr. and Mrs. T.: 2400 S. Flower. Wednesday.

DAVISSON, Dr. and Mrs. J. H.: 1442 Pleasant Ave. (Tel. Park 221.).

                      Carl W.

DAY, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.: 1017 Wall. (Tel. White 2941.).

          Miss Helen L.; Mr. Ralph.

DENIS, Mr. and Mrs. G. J.: 516 Westlake Ave. (Tel. Red 1681.). Friday.

DESMOND, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel: 937 S. Hill. Wednesday.

                      Miss Nora; Miss Katherine; Miss Anna; D. Joseph.

DUCOMMUN, Mrs. L.: 1317 S.  Grand Ave. (Tel. White 1941.). Wednesday.

                          Miss Bertha C.; Charles A.; Emil F.; Edmond F.




DUNN, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.: 1919 Park Grove. (Tel. White 811). Thursday.

DUPUY, Mr. and Mrs. James R.: 310 W. Pico. Wednesday.

DUQUE, Mr. and Mrs. Benito V.: 1036 S. Hope.

                Miss Josefina; Miss Mary A.

DUQUE, Mr. and Mrs. T. L.: 1131 S. Olive.

EARL, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T.: 1019 S. Hill. (Tel. Blue 161.). Monday.

EASTON, Mr. and Mrs. George: Hotel Van Nuys.

EASTON, Mr. and Mrs. G. D.: 1141 W. Twenty-eighth. (Tel. Blue 1581).

EASTON, Mr. and Mrs. Langdon C.: 344 S. Grand. (Tel. Black 731.). Wed.

                  Miss Aby W.; Miss Susan M.; Joseph.

EDGAR, Mrs. W. F.: 514 W. Washington. (Tel. White 1371.). Wednesday.

EISEN, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A.: 2626 S. Figueroa. 1st and 3rd Wednesday.

ELLIS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.: 854 W. Twenty-third. Wednesday.

             Miss Elizabeth; Miss Katherine.

FLINT, Mr. and Mrs. C. N.: 929 Westlake Ave. (Tel. White 1231.). Wednesday.

FORD, Mrs. Julia: Bellevue Ave. and Rosas. (Tel. Main 300.).

FORMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles: 1015 W. Pico. 2nd and 4th Wednesday.

                   Miss Eloise; Charles Jr.

FORRESTER, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W.: 949 W. Seventh.

                          Edward A.; Fred W.

FORRESTER, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.: 846 S. Figueroa. Wednesday.

                          Miss Lena.

FOY, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C.; 651 S. Figueroa. (Tel. Green 441.) Tuesday.

          Miss Mary; Miss Edna; Miss Cora C,; Miss Alma.

FRANK, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.: 1705 Figueroa. (Tel. Blue 561.). 1 & 2 Wed.

FRANKENFIELD, Mr. and Mrs. J.: 1007 S. Hill. (Tel. White 191.). Thursday.

FRANCISCO, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W.: 850 W. Ninth.

FURREY, Maj. and Mrs. W. C.: 1103 Ingraham. (Tel. Red 567.). Thursday.

                  Miss Edith L.; William B.

GAGE, Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.: 1146 W. Twenty-eighth. (Tel. White 2071.).

GATES, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W.: 720 S. Burlington Ave. Thursday.

GEPHARD, Mr. and Mrs. George: 530 Temple.

GIBBON, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F.: 101 Beacon. (Tel. White 41.).

GLASSELL, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew: 352 Buena Vista. Monday.

                       Lucien T.; Philip H.; Andrew.

GRAVES, Mr. and Mrs. William L.: 1047 S. Figueroa. Wednesday.

GROFF, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A.: 1933 Lovelace Ave.

                Miss Frances A.; Miss Dorothea; Gregory.

HAAS, Mr. and Mrs. A.: 951 S. Olive; (Tel. White 2301.). 1st and 3rd Thursday

HAINES, Mr. and Mrs. R. R.: 218 W. Twenty-seventh. (Tel. White 2141.).

HALL, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.: 512 W. Thirtieth. (Tel. Blue 171.). Wednesday.

HARALSON, Mr. and Mrs. Orr: 1106 Georgia Bell.

HARRELL, Mrs. Victoria: N. W. cor. Pearl and Orange.

HART, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J.: 956 S. Hope. (Tel. White 2511.).

HAZARD, Mr. and Mrs. H. T.: 2826 S. Hope. 1st and 2nd Wednesday.

HELLMAN, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.: 958 S. Hill. (Tel. West 64.).

                   Miss Frida; Miss Amy; Irving H.

HELLMAN, Mr. and Mrs. James W., 1513 S. Hope. (Tel. Blue 1031.).

HELLMAN, Mr. and Mrs. M. S.: 1137 S. Hope. (Tel. Blue 3331,) Thursday.

HELLMAN, Mrs. S.: 1623 S. Figeroa. 1st and 2nd Friday.

HENDERSON, Mr. and Mrs. John A.: 2515 S. Grand Ave. Monday.

HENDERSON, Mr. and Mrs. John M.: 828 S. Figueroa. (Tel. Black 631.).

                           Miss Jennie E.; Horace H.; Frederick B.; Chas. A.

HICKS, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.: 1104 S. Main. (Tel. White 641.). Tuesday.

HIRSCHFELD, Mr. and Mrs. Philip.: 1049 S. Main. 3rd and 4th Wednesday.

HOLLENBECK, Mrs. Elizabeth.: 573 Boyle Ave. (Tel. Macy 111.).

HOLLIDAY, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.: 1109 W. Adams. (Tel. White 1831.). Wed.




HOLMES, Mr. and Mrs. Burwell A.: 917 S. Broadway.

                   Charles B.

HOLTERHOFF, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jr.: 2637 Severance. (Tel. White 1641.).

HOOKER, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.: 325 W. Adams. (Tel. White 921.). Wednesday.

                   Miss Marion O.

HOUGHTON, Judge and Mrs. Sherman O.: 156 N. Spring. Wednesday.

HOWARD, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J.: 156 W. Twenty-fifth. Wednesday.

HOWELL, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.: 1122 W. Seventh. Wednesday.

HOWES, Mrs. Felix C.: 2920 S. Figueroa. Wednesday.

                 Miss Flora G.; Miss Clara F.

HOWES, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C.: 919 West Twenty-eighth. (Tel. White 731.)

                 Miss Helen E.

HOWLAND, Mr. Charles T.: 2927 Hoover. (Tel. Black 1461.).

HOWLAND, Mr. and Mrs. F. T.: 1419 Rich. (Tel. Blue 1151.). 1st & 3rd Thurs.

HUBBELL, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C.: 1315 Pleasant Ave. (Tel. Macy 221.).

HUGHES, Mr. and Mrs. Walton G.: 206 S. Spring. Wednesday.

HUGHES, Dr. and Mrs. W.: 507 W. Adams. (Tel. Blue 501.). Wednesday.

HUNT, Dr. and Mrs. John W.: 158 W. Jefferson. (Tel. Blue 1131.).

HUNT, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner P.: 2645 Severance. Wednesday.

HUTTON, Judge and Mrs. Aurelius W.: 1215 S. Main.

                  Miss Mignonette; William B.

HUTTON, Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland. 807 Alpine.

INNES, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel: 1331 Carroll Ave. (Tel. Black 51.).

              Miss Sarah C.; William  A.

IRVINE, Major and Mrs. Javan B.: U. S. A. 813 Lake.

              Javan B. Jr.

JAMES, Mr. and Mrs. Frank: 887 Pasadena Ave.

JEVNE, Mr. and Mrs. H.: 849 Burlington Ave. (Tel. Red 621.) 1 and 3 Friday.

               Burdette Jacka.

JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. B. F.: 2666 Menlo Ave. Wednesday.

JOHNSON, Gen. and Mrs. E. P.: 947 S. Hope. (Tel. Blue 91.) Thursday.

                     Miss Sada L.; Miss Gertrude; Edward P. Jr.

JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. O. T.: 1221 Orange. (Tel. Red 441.). Monday.

JONES, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.: 1106 W. Twenty-seventh. (Tel. Blue 2071.).

JONES, Dr. and Mrs. C. B.: 2302 S. Flower. (Tel. White 181.). Wednesday.

               Miss Florence; Ewing L.

JONES, Mr. and Mrs. Edward  W.: 615 S. Broadway. Tuesday.

               Miss Anna; Miss E. Louise; Edward C.

KELLAM, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Y.: 325 North Ficket.

                  Miss Anna; Miss Lydia; Edward R.; Milton Y. Jr.

KELSEY, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.: 2304 S. Grand Ave. (Tel. White 1631.).  Wed.

KING, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.: 903 Westlake Ave. (Tel. Blue 751.).

KINGSBAKER, Mr. and Mrs. T.: 1830 S. Figueroa. (Tel. Blue 371.). 1 & 3 Fri.


KLOKKE, Major and Mrs. E. F. C.: 2105 Figueroa. Wednesday.

                  Miss Helen A.; Carl C.; Ernest A.

KOEPFLI, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O.: 615 S. Broadway. Wednesday.

KURTZ, Dr. and Mrs. J.: 361 Buena Vista Ave. (Tel. Black 741.).

               Miss Christina; Dr. Carl: 65 Baker Block.

LACY, Mrs. William: 940 West Washington. Thursday.

LACY, Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.: 1532 Ingraham.

LACY, Mr. and Mrs. William Jr.: 1014 Downey Ave.

LANKERSHIM, Mr. and Mrs. James B.: 950 S. Olive. Monday.

LEE, Mr. and Mrs. B. W.: 1105 S. Hope. (Tel. Blue 111.). Wednesday.

LEE, Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.: 414 W. Adams. Wednesday.

          Thomas R.

LEWIS, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B.: 710 W. Adams. 1st and 3rd Wednesday.




LEWIS, Dr.  W. M.: Nadeau Hotel (Tel. Red 761.).

LOEB, Mr. and Mrs. L.: 827 Westlake. (Tel. Brown 1101.). 2nd and 4th Thursday.

LOEW, Mr. and Mrs. J.: 1417 S. Figueroa. (Tel. White 231.). 2d & 4th Thurs.

LUITWIELER, Mr. and Mrs. S. W.: 1925 S. Figueroa.

MacGOWAN, Mr. and Mrs. G.: 733 Gartland Ave. (Tel. Green 911.). Monday.

MANNING, Dr. and Mrs. Edward C.: 1325 S. Hope. (Tel. White 71.).

MARBLE, Mr. and Mrs. John M. C.: 3201 Figueroa.

                   Miss Elizabeth D.; John E.

MASON, Mr. and Mrs. George.: Miss Gertrude. 2527 S. Grand Ave.

MASSER, Dr. and Mrs. William. H.: 1619 Bush. Friday.

MATHEWS, Mrs. Mary L.: 822 Westlake Ave.

MATHEWS, Hon. and Mrs. John R.: 822 Westlake Ave.

MAXWELL, Mr. and Mrs.  Walter S.: 609 S. Main. 2d Thursday.

                      Miss Carmelita; Miss Mercedes.

McFARLAND, Mr. and Mrs. Albert: S. E. cor. Lucas Ave. and Arnold.

McFARLAND, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.: 1145 W. 28th (Tel. Blue 1706.). Friday.

                          Daniel L.

McFARLAND, Mr. and Mrs. Dan.: 2307 S. Figueroa. 1st and 3rd Wednesday.

McLELLAN, Mrs. Juliet B.: Miss Florence F.; Miss Juliet; 815 W. Washington.

McKINLEY, Judge and Mrs. J. W.: 508 W. Adams. (Tel. White 1221.). Wed.

MELLUS, Mr. and Mrs. James J.: 157 W. Adams. Wednesday.

MERRILL, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.: 2719 Ellendale Pl. (Tel. White 1211.). Wed.

                   Miss ______; John C. Jr.

MESERVE, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.: 139 S. Hill. Monday.

MEYERS, Mr. and Mrs. Marion M.: 1935 Bonsalle Ave. Tuesday.

MILLAR, Mr. and Mrs. C. B.: 301 S. Olive. (Tel. Black 221.). 1st and 3rd Tuesday.

                Miss Bess.

MILLARD, Mrs. Ida H.: 1259 Ionia. (Tel. Brown 255.). Wednesday.

MONROE, Mr. and Mrs. Charles: 729 W. Twenty-eighth. (Tel. Blue 2476.).

MONTGOMERY, Mr. and Mrs. G. A.: 1010 W. Twenty-first. (Tel. White 1201.).

MONTGOMERY, Mr. and Mrs. James A.: 747 S. Bonnie Brae. Tuesday.

MOORE, Dr. and Mrs. Melvin W.: 746  Westlake  Ave. (Tel. Black 681.).

MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.: 1367 S. Figueroa. (Tel. West 52.). Wednesday.

MORTIMER. Mr. and Mrs. C. White: 1929 S. Grand Ave. Wednesday.

MOSSIN, Mr. and Mrs. John G.: 1033 Santee. (Tel. White 2461.). Tuesday.

MOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H.: 337 Commercial.

MOTT, Col. and Mrs. Thomas D.: 645 S. Main. (Tel. Black 451.).

             Thomas D. Jr.

MULLINS, Col. and Mrs. George G.: 2626 Ellendale Place. Wednesday.

                   Miss Anna B.; Miss Ethel S.; Miss Mary V.

MUNDAY, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. C.: 334 W. Twenty-third. Friday.

NEWELL, Rev. and Mrs. Henry T.: 1275 Bellevue Ave.

NEWMARK, Mr. and Mrs. Harris: 1051 S. Grand Ave. (Tel. White 741.)

                       Marco R.

NEWMARK, Mrs. J. P.: 1043 S. Grand Ave. (Tel. White 741.). 2nd & 4th  Thurs.

                       Miss Emma; Phineas; Philip A.; Maurice H.

NILES, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.: S. E. cor. Washington and Maple Ave. Monday.

NORDLINGER, Mr. and Mrs. S.: 628 S. Main. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

                            Louis; Melville.

NORTHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.: Hollenbeck Hotel. (Tel. Green 271.).

O'MELVENY, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.: 1148 Figueroa. (Tel. White 471.). Wed.

OFF, Mr. and Mrs. John W. A.: 1406 W. Seventh. (Tel. Red 201.).

OSBORNE, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Z.: 740 S. Hope. (Tel. Black 521.). Tues.

                      Henry Z. Jr.

OTIS, Gen. L. and Mrs. Harrison G.: Wilshire Boulevard. (Tel. West 57.).

OVERTON, Capt. and Mrs. Gilbert E.: 2643 Portland. (Tel. Blue 1741.).

                      Miss Gwendolen; Eugene.

OWENS, Mr. and Mrs. James B.: 525 S. Broadway. (Tel. Green 701.). Thursday.

OWENS, Dr. and Mrs. J. Stormant: 1059 S. Figueroa.

PARRIS, Mr. and Mrs. W.: 325 N. Thirty-first. (Tel. White 481.). Wednesday.

PARSONS, Miss Ione.: Charles T.; Robert B.; 219 Loma Drive. Friday.

PARSONS, Mr. George W.: 1026 Olive. Wednesday.

                     Miss Emeline H.; Samuel M.

PECK, Mr. and Mrs. John H. F.: 941 W. Beacon. (Tel. Blue 41.).

PENDLETON, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius W.: 2212 S. Figueroa. 4th Wednesday.

PEPPER, Dr. and Mrs. C. T.: 743 S. Burlington. (Tel. Red 381.).

                   Charles F.

PERKINS, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory; Gregory Jr.: 505 W. Twenty-first.

PERRY, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M.: 1952 Lovelace Ave.

               Miss Grace M.; Miss Mary S. C.

PERRY, Mr. and Mrs. William H.: 607 S. Figueroa. (Tel. Red 671.). Tuesday.

PETSCH, Mr. and Mrs. John P. A.: 2110 S. Figueroa. Wednesday.

PLATER, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.: 106 Baker Block. (Tel. Black 1311.). 1 & 3 Monday.

POINDEXTER, Mr. and Mrs. R. W.: 206 S. Spring. (Tel. Alta 331.). Wednesday.

POMEROY, Mr. and Mrs. Abram E.: 619 South Hill.

                      Charles W.; Walter V.

PONET, Mr. and Mrs.V.: Alvarado and Pico. (Tel. White 1921.). Wednesday.

                Miss Gertrude; John P.

PRAGER, Mr. and Mrs. Charles.: 2716 S. Grand Ave. 1st and 3d Monday.

PRAGER, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel: 321 West Pico. (Tel. Blue 931.).

                   Miss Belle; Miss Eva.

PREUSS, Mr. and Mrs. Edward: 118 N. Broadway. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

PRIDHAM, Mr. and Mrs. William: 342 N. Main. (Tel. Main 1664.).

RODMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby: 2631 Orchard Ave.

ROSE, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J.: 400 S. Grand Ave. (Tel. Green 346.). Monday.

ROSS, Judge and Mrs. Erskine M.: Hotel Van Nuys. Monday.

             Robert E.

ROSS, Mr. and Mrs. Percy W.: 845 S. Hope. Thursday.

ROWAN, Major and Mrs. Thomas E.: 3 Colonial Flats.

                 Miss Josephine; Thos. E. Jr.; 810 S. Figueroa.

SALE, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.: 109 S. Hill. (Tel. Black 701.). Wednesday.

            Loren D.

SALISBURY, Mr. and Mrs. John C.: 1311 South Hill.

SALISBURY, Dr. and Mrs. S. S.: 648 S. Figueroa. (Tel. Red. 631.). Wednesday.

SALKEY, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.: S. Bonnie Brae and W. 10th. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

SALKEY, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.: S. Bonnie Brae and W. 10th. 1st and 3d Thursday.

SANDERS, Mr. and Mrs. C.  W.: 757 S. Bonnie Brae. (Tel. Black 651.).

SANDERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.: 1632 Pleasant Ave.

SATORI, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.: 725 W. 28th. (Tel. White 2471.). 4th Wednesday.

SCARBOROUGH, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.: 1029 W. Twenty-second. Wednesday.

                                 James W.

SCHUMACHER, Mrs. Carrie: 118 N. Broadway. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

                               Frank G.: 107 N. Spring.

SCHUMACHER, Mr. and Mrs. Percy F.: 1128 W. Twenty-eighth.

SCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R.: 1233 S. Hope. Wednesday.

SEAMAN, Mr. and Mrs. William N.: 943 S. Olive. Monday.

SELIGMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Carl: 633 S. Grand Ave. 2d and 4th Thursday.

SESSIONS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.: 1330 Carroll Ave. (Tel. Green 251.).

SEVERANCE, Mrs. Caroline S.: 806 W. Adams. (Tel. Blue 1051.). Wednesday.

SEVERANCE, Mrs. Isabelle.: 806 W. Adams. (Tel. Blue 1051.). Wednesday.

SHORB, Dr. and Mrs. Andrew S.: 665 E. Adams, cor. S. Pedro. (T. Blue 2051.)

SHORB, Dr. J. de Barth Jr.: 352 Buena Vista. (Tel. Red 91.).

SILENT, Judge and Mrs. C.: 711 W. Adams. (Tel. White 241.). Wednesday.

                Miss Florence.




SILENT, Mr. and Mrs. E. D.: 2714 Severance. Wednesday.

SILVER, Mr. and Mrs. Herman: 1321 S. Figueroa. (Tel. West 27.). Wednesday.

                Miss Cora E.

SLAUSSON, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.: 2345 S. Figueroa. (Tel. Black 671.). Wednesday.


SMALL, Dr. and Mrs. Henry E.: 2503 Michigan Ave.

SPENCE, Mrs. Anna M.: 445 S. Olive. (Tel. Red 151.). Thursday.

                   Albert H.; George E.

STECKEL, Mr. and Mrs. George: 1427 S. Hope. Wednesday.

STEPHENS, Judge and Mrs. Albert M.: 133 S. Hill. (Tel. Red 121.).

STEWART, Mr. and Mrs. George H.: 237 S. Bunker Hill Ave.

STEWART, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman.: 1133 Ingraham. Friday.

STIMSON, Mr. and Mrs.  Charles W.: 223 S. Hill.

STIMSON, Mr. and Mrs. E. T.: 226 W. Adams. (Tel. White 1011.). Wednesday.

STIMSON, Mr. and Mrs. George W.: Pasadena.

                    Robert W.

STIMSON, Mr. and Mrs. Martin W.: 2701 Orchard Ave. (Tel. Blue 2201.).

STIMSON, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. : 2426 S. Figueroa. Wednesday.

                    Charles H.

STOWELL, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W.: 144 S. Grand Ave. Monday.

STRONG, Mr. and Mrs. Austin F. M.: 838 Alvarado.

                   Miss Alice B.; Miss Hattie; Will A.

SUMNER, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.: 1301 Orange Ave.

                   Miss Marguerite.

SUNDERLAND, Mr. and Mrs. J.: 1811 S. Flower. (Tel. White 371.). 1 & 3 Friday.

                             Miss Julia.

 TANNER, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.: 146 W. Thirty-first. 1st Wednesday.

                   Miss Mabel; Miss Maude; Ernest; Bernard.

TAYLOR, Mr. and Mrs. William G.: 1417 Highland Ave.

TEALE, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J.: 213 South Soto.

               Miss Charlotte P.; William R.

TEED, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman G.: 2367 Scarff. (Tel. West 11.). Wednesday.

THOM, Capt. and Mrs. C. E.: 118 E. Third. (Tel. Main 712.).

              Miss Jette B.; Cameron; Catesby C.

THOMAS, Col. and Mrs. C.: S. E. cor. Figueroa and Jefferson. Wednesday.

THOMAS, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.: S. E. cor. Figueroa and Jefferson. Wednesday.

TOLHURST, Dr. and Mrs. Shelley H.: 1210 W. Adams. Thursday.

TUFTS, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q.: 3203 S. Grand Ave. (Tel. Blue 1631.). Tuesday.

               Misses _______; John Q. Jr.; William B. A.

VAIL, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W.: 336 W. Twenty-eighth. Santa Monica, Cal.

VAIL, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L.: 720 S. Burlington Ave. (Tel. Black 261.).

VALENTINE, Mr. and Mrs. William L.: 401 Westlake. (Tel. Black 1981.).

VAN DYCK, Judge and Mrs. Walter: 321 S. Olive. (Tel. Green 431.).

                       Miss Caroline; Henry S.

VAN DYCK, Mr. and Mrs. W. M.: 222 W. Adams. (Tel. Blue 1011.). Wed.

VAN NUYS, Mr. and Mrs. I. N.: 715 S. Spring. (Tel. Red 531.). Friday.

VOSBRG, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.: 1020 S. Figueroa. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

WACHTEL, Mr. and Mrs. John V.: 215 N. Sickel. Friday.

WALTON, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.: 2337 Thompson. 1st and 4d Wednesday.

WALTON, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.: 755 W. Adams. (Tel. Blue 541.). Wednesday.

                   Frank P.

WANKOWSKI, Mrs. Adeline; Robert, Victor, Edward N.: 208 W. Eighth.

WARD, Mr. and Mrs. John S.: 1200 South Hill. Tuesday.

WARD, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley C.: 1107 W. Twenty-seventh. Wednesday.

WASHBURNE, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.: "Waianae Lodge". 1200 Dewey Ave. 1st & 3d Thurs.

WATERMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse F.: 1136 W. Twenty-ninth. Wednesday.

WATERS, Mr. and Mrs. Russell J.: 900 W. Adams.

                   Miss Mabel; Arthur J.




WEDEMEYER, Maj. and Mrs. W. G.: U S A (Retired). 845 S. Alvarado.

WELLS, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiley: 1019 S. Hill. 1st and 2d Thursday.

WESTLAKE, Dr. and Mrs. H. W.: 817 Burlington Ave. (Tel. Black 981.).

WHITE, Senator and Mrs. Stephen M.: 1058 S. Main. (Tel. West 34.).

WHITNEY, Mr. and Mrs. O. C.: 956 S. Hope. Tuesday.

WICKS, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.: N. W. cor. Douglas and Kensington Ave.

WIDNEY, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P.: 150 W. Adams. Wednesday.

                 Miss Arabella E.

WIDNEY, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.: Pocoima, Cal.

WIDNEY, Judge and Mrs. R. M.: 416 S. Olive. (Tel. Black 151.). Thursday.

WIGMORE, Mr. and Mrs. John: 949 W. Adams. Wednesday.

WILLS, Mrs. Charlotte L.: 501 Buena Vista. (Tel. Red 841.).

              Miss Madeline Frances; Dr. William Le Moyne.

WILSON, Mrs. Catherine: 1103 W. Seventh. (Tel. Black 571.). Monday.

                 Miss Agnes T.

WINSTON, Mrs. Margaret; Miss Julia; Miss Margaret: 729 W. Seventh.

WOLTERS, Mrs. Mary: 1110 Ingraham. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

                     Miss Elizabeth A.; John W.

WOOD, Mr. and Mrs. C. Modini: 607 S. Figueroa. 2d and 4th Tuesday.

WORKMAN, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.: 120 Boyle Ave. 1st and 2d Tuesday.

                       Miss Gilleta M.; Miss Laura.

WORKMAN, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.: 357 Boyle. 1st and 2d Tuesday.

                       Miss Mary; Miss Elizabeth; William H. Jr.; (Tel. Macy 211.).

WRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L.: 2121 Bonsalle Ave. Wednesday.

WYMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Frances O.: 926 S. Bonnie Brae. Wednesday.

                 Miss Edna F.; Elliott B.

YEREX, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E.: 1602 W. Twelfth. Tuesday and Friday.



Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book, Pages 209-216.  Charles Hoag Pub., San Francisco, CA. 1899.

© 2006 Sally Kaleta.




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