Bacon, Prof. and Mrs. T. R.; Bushnell,
near College way. Tuesday.
- Miss
Annie S.; Miss Harriet B. (Tel. Red 751.)
Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. John;
- Frank.
Barker, Mr. and Mrs. James L.;
Miss Georgie; Frederick P.
- Miss
Emily; Miss Ethel; Benj. C.;
Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman T.; 3027
Blake, Mr. A. S.; (Tel Black 501.)
Blood, Mrs. Ellen; Miss May E.; George D.;
Bonte, Mrs. Emily; Miss Fannie;
Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Philip R.;
Booth, Mr. William F.; 2302 Dana.
Bradley, Prof. and Mrs. Cornelius B.;
Miss Bertha T.; Harold C.
Bunnell, Mr. and Mrs. James S.;
Miss Katherine C.;
Chase, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.;
Chick, Mrs. Florence H.;
- Guy
H.; Ralph H.
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. K.;
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. F. H.; 2530 Mark. (Tel. Red 501.) 2nd and 4th Tuesday.
Clayes, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.;
Miss Edith M.; Miss Mary B.
Colby, Mr. and Mrs. George Elden;
Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred F.;
Day, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton;
Deakin, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin;
Miss Edna M.; Miss Dorothy.
Deakin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.; 2321
Vine. 1st and 2nd Wednesday.
- Fred;
Deane, Mrs. John;
Miss Esma; Miss May R.; John F.; Henry E.
Doble, Mr. and Mrs. Abner; 2322
Donald, Mr. and Mrs. James C.;
Dunn, Dr. and Mrs. Martin J.; 2522 Dana.
2nd and 4th Wednesday.
- Miss
Letitia Leonard
Durgin, Miss H. E.; 2165 Center. Friday.
- Frank
Dutch, Miss Mary A.;
Eames, Mrs. Ninetta; N. W. cor.
Eames, Mr. Roscoe L.; N. W. cor.
Eastman, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S.; 2164
Center. (Tel. Red 331.)
Elder, Mr. and Mrs. David Paul; 1325
Henry. 1st Tuesday.
Elston, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. A. M.;
- Miss
Girlie J.; Charles A.; J. Arthur; Thomas S.
Everding, Mr. and Mrs. John; S. W. cor. Second and
Miss Elsa; John Jr.
Flagg, Prof. and Mrs. Isaac; 2001 Francisco.
- Miss.
Fox, Mrs. Annie;
Miss Frederica; Miss Sarah; Miss Rebecca; Dr. J. Moore.
Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Allen G.;
Garber, Judge and Mrs. John;
Miss Juliet W.; Miss Lida B.; Joseph B.
Gayley, Prof. and Mrs. Charles M.; 1745
Goodrich, Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.;
Gray, Mr. John Jr.; 1610 Louisa. cor. Cedar.
Green, Mr. and Mrs. Adam T.;
- Miss
Florence E.
Miss Edith L.; Ray; Dr. Henry S. (Tel. Red 815.)
Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.; 2218 Chapel.
Gross, Miss Mabel H.;
Haight, Mr. and Mrs. George W.;
Haley, Dr. Charles S.;
Miss Eugenia; Clarence; Chas. S. Jr.
Hammond, Rev. John D.; Miss Annie; 2427
Hanscom, Mr. and Mrs. John O.; 1521 Walnut.
Hanscom, Mr. and Mrs. Meldon L.; 1525 Walnut.
Miss Adelaide; Miss Marion; Miss Sarah.
Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.;
Hatch, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. George B.; 2500
Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund;
- Miss
Mary P.
Hayne, Mr. and Mrs. Brewton A.;
Henry, Mr. and Mrs. William W.;
Miss Evelyn; Miss Aurelia; Paul.
Hilgard, Prof. and Mrs. Eugene W.;
Miss Louise; Miss Alice R.
Hill, Dr. Albert; 2909 Adeline.
Howison, Prof. Geo. H.;
Hume, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.;
- Joseph W.; Herbert; John S.
Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M.; 2143
Center. 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Miss Pearl M.; Reuben H.
Hurlburt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard R.; 2025
Huse, Mrs. Helen C.; Mr. Charles
Jones, Prof. and Mrs. William Carey; 2520 Mark
Jones, Mr. Cecil K.; 2210 Atherton
Justice, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph;
Keeler, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A.;
Keen, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.; 2216 Dana.
Kellogg, Prof. and Mrs. Martin; Bushnell,
- Miss
Annie D.
Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Y.; 1743
Keith, Mr. William; 2207 Atherton, near
Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.; 2643 Telegraph Ave.
Miss Mary A.; Miss Evelyn; Richard T., Jr.
Kierulff, Dr. and Mrs. Harry N.;
King, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm G.;
Miss Nettie W.; Miss M. Alice; Miss Edith D.
Kinghorn-Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.; 2537
- Miss
E.; Miss A.; Frank; Douglas
Landstrom, Mr. and Mrs. E.;
- Miss.
Lange, Prof. Alexis F.; 2729 Haste
Lansing, Mrs. Mary R.;
Le Conte, Dr. and Mrs. J.;
Miss Carrie; Joseph N.
Leechman, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2655 Dwightway.
2nd and 4th Tuesday
Leonard, Miss Letitia; 2522 Dana;
2nd and 4th Wednesday
Leuschner, Mr. and Mrs. A. O.; 2226 Chapel.
Little, Mr. and Mrs. James R.;
Marliave, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.;
- Miss
Alice D.; Victor
McCleave, Capt. and Mrs. William;
1515 Walnut, near Vine
Miss Mary C.; Miss Annie E.; Edward G.
McMichael, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. J.; Channing and
Merriam, Mr. and Mrs. John C.;
Merrill, Prof. W. A.;
Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. G. D.; Bushnell, nr.
College Way. (Tel. Black 751.)
- John
B.; Peyton
Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry;
Miss Olga; Miss Alice M.
Mighell, Mr. and Mrs. William E.;
Frank E.; 1533
Miner, Dr. Henry N.;
Morgan, Mr. Horace W.;
Morrison, Capt. and Mrs. John T.; 2143
- Miss
May; Dr. John McI.
Morse, Mr. and Mrs. Ralza E.;
Miss Blanche; Miss Ruby; Clinton R.
Moses, Prof. and Mrs. Bernard;
Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.;
Osterhout, Mrs. W. J. V.;
Ott, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.; 1501 Louisa, cor.
Vine. Wednesday
- Miss
Paget, Prof. and Mrs. F. V.;
Palache, Mr. and Mrs. James;
- Miss
Eliza; Miss Mary; Charles; Whitney
Palmer, Mrs. Harriet D.; Harold;
Partridge, Mr. and Mrs. Sam C.; 2021
Haste. Tuesday
Partsch, Dr. and Mrs. H.; 2001
Peck, Mr. Edward P.;
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter; 2203 Atherton
Miss Mary; Miss Elizabeth; Wm. A.
Preble, Mr. Charles S.; 1534 Arch. nr.
Putzsker, Prof. and Mrs. Albin;
Miss Anna E.; Otto A.; Oscar E.
Rising, Prof. and Mrs. Willard B.; 2202 Chapel, cor.
- Miss
Ruth L.; Miss Alice S.; Lawrence
Ritter, Prof. Wm. E.; Dr. Mary Bennett;
Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. C. P.;
- Miss
Edna; Miss Ida
Roberson, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jr.;
Rosenstirn, Dr. and Mrs. J.;
- The
Senger, Prof. J. H.; (Tel. Black
Slate, Prof. and Mrs. Frederick;
Shattuck, Mrs. F. K.;
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Stuart;
Squires, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2102 Vine
- Harry
J.; Will E.
- Miss
Helen; Miss Josephine; Miss Alice; Chas.; Edward J.
Stringham, Prof. and Mrs. Irving;
Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Alex C.;
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 1020 Albina. (Tel. Red 311)
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel;
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. R. P.; "La Loma:,
Vine, nr. Spring
Trimble, Maj. and Mrs. Joel G.; (
- Miss
Mary N.; Miss Maitie; Edward; Allan
Wall, Mrs. Sarah; 2200 Atherton.
(Tel. Red 421)
Miss Lillie B.; Dr. Benj. P.
Waters, Mr. and Mrs. Byron; 2315 Durant.
(Tel. Black 431)
- Miss
Clara; Miss Sylvia
Wattles, Mr. and Mrs. William S.;
- J.
Webb, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.;
Wellendorff, Mr. and Mrs. Louis;
Miss Maude; 1601 Walnut
Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Amasa H.;
Wells, Mrs. M. A.;
Whirlow, Mrs. Harriet E.; 2214
Wickson, Prof. and Mrs. E. J.;
Miss Edna H.; Miss Katherine R.
Wickson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G.; 2309
Whitworth, Dr. and Mrs. George F.; 2200
Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Harley R.;
Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T.;
Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Winn, Mr. and Mrs. William B.; 1927 Haste
Woolsey, Mr. Walter P.; Dr. Frank R.;
Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Paxton;
Transcribed by
Elaine Sturdevant.
Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book,
Page 177-180. Charles Hoag Publishing,
© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.
Golden Nugget Library's California Statewide