Except when designated Fruitvale, Piedmont, etc.,

the address is Oakland.








ABBOTT, Rev. and Mrs. Granville S.; 118 Eleventh. (Tel. Black 201.).

-------------Granville Davis; Carl H.

ACKER, Mr. and Mrs. N. A.; 1065 Twenty-sixth Ave., Fruitvale.

ADAMS, Dr. Frank L.; 1257 Jackson. (Tel. Red 121).

ADAMS, Dr. John S.; 514 Twenty-eighth. (Tel. Red 2214.).

ADAMS. Dr. and Mrs. I. R.; 1219 Jefferson. (Tel. Clay 311.).

ADAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Edson F.; 1379 Jackson.

ADAMS, Mr. Henry H.; 1351 Madison (Tel. Black 3761.).

ADAMS, Mr. James C.; 949 Filbert.

ADAMS, Mr. and Mrs. John C.; Bay Place, corner Oakland Ave.

AINSWORTH, Mrs. J. C.; Vermont Ave. near College Ave. Wednesday.

_______ Miss Maude; Miss Beth.

AKERLY, Dr. James C.; 1247 Adeline. (Tel. Red 801.).

_______ Morris K.

ALBRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank, 1203 Twenty-Seventh Ave. Thursday.

ALBRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.; 1303 Sixteenth. Thursday.

_______ Miss Violet K.

ALBRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. John T.; 1201 Twenty-Seventh Ave. Thursday.

ALEXANDER, Mr. and Mrs. C. O.; 1440 E. Sixteenth, Fruitvale. (Tel.  Red


ALEXANDER, Mr. and Mrs. S. T.; 1006 Sixteenth. (Tel. Red 1371.).

_______Miss Julia; Miss Annie; Miss Martha; Wallace M.

ALLARDT, Mr. and Mrs. G. F.; 1127 Linden. 3rd and 4th Thursday.

_______Miss Lottie; Charles F.

ALLANRT, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. A.; 1128 Chestnut. 3rd and 4th Thursday.

ALLEN, Dr. and Mrs. Reginald II.; 1304 Tenth Ave. "Brentwood." Larkspur.

ALLEN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. ; N.E. corner Madison and Ninth. Thursday.

_______Miss Gertrude.  (Tel. Black 351.).

ALLEN, Mr. and Mrs. James G.; 1325 Jackson. Wednesday.

ALVEY, Dr. and Mrs. Leonard A.; 952 Parkway. Thursday.

_______ Miss Jennie.

AMES, Judge and Mrs. Josiah P.; 1132 Adeline. Thursday.

_______ Everett, Fletcher, James I.

ANGUS, Mr. and Mrs.  William; 1512 Ninth Ave. (Tel. Grove 71.). Wednesday.

ANTHONY, Mr. and Mrs. R. M.; 964 Eighteenth.

ARCHIBALD, Mrs. F. A.; 966 Eighteenth.

ARMES, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.; 1201 West.

_______George H.

ARMES, Mrs. G. W.; 1116 West.

_______ Prof. William D.

AUGUR, Dr. and Mrs. George J.; 1257 Jackson. (Tel. Red 121.).

AVERY, Mr. and Mrs. M. H.; 574 Twelfth. (Tel. Black 381.). 1st & 3rd Thurs.

AYDELOTTE, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; 1073 Twelfth. Wednesday.

AYER, Mrs. Hattie G.; 1018 Sixth Ave. Tuesday.

_______ Richard B.; David N.

AYRES, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin; 1205 Oak. Tuesday.

_______ Albert  D.; Charles S.

BACKUS, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I.; Mont Vista Ave., near Woodworth Ave.

________ Miss Edith M.

BACON, Mrs. Henry D.; 960 Oak. (Tel. Black 371.). Wednesday.

________ Miss Carrie I.; Henry D.

BADGLEY, Mr. and Mrs. William O.; 306 Fifteenth. Thursday.

BAILEY, Mr. and Mrs. M. H.; 1369 Jackson. (Tel. Black 891.). 1st & 2nd Tues.

________ Miss Minnie H.; William H. Jr.

BAIN, Mr. and Mrs. R. B.; 1259 27th Ave. 1st & 2nd Friday.

________ Robert B. Jr.; Fred.

BAKER, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.; 1155 Madison. (Tel. Black 131.). 1st & 3rd Wed.

________ Miss Irene; Harry L.

BAKEWELL, Rev. and Mrs. John; 1219 Telegraph Ave.

________ Miss Ann S.; Miss Harriet B.;  Benjamin; Thomas A.

BALDWIN, Mrs. J. G.; 928 Linden, Vernon Heights.

BALDWIN, Mrs. Lloyd; Vernon, near 24th. (Tel. Red 1881.). Thursday.

________ Miss; Lloyd.

BALLARD, Mr. and Mrs. John; Claremont, near Tyler. (Tel. Red 2901.).

________ Frank M.

BANGS, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin; 118 Ninth. Friday.

BANNING, Mrs. Clara H.; 1219 Adeline. (Tel. Black 1441.).

________ B. Rudolph.

BARKER, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L.; 1119 Castro.

________ Miss Mamie S.

BARNEY, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S.; 946 Myrtle. Wednesday.

BARRETT, Mrs. Eliza J.; 183 Orchard. (Tel. Red. 551.). Thursday.

BARRY, Mrs. Edward; 1012 Adeline. (Tel. White 281.). Thursday.

________ Newton H.; Herbert M.

BARTLETT, Mr. and Mrs. Pliny; 1311 Franklin.

BARTLETT, Mr. and Mrs. William G.; 477 Prospect Ave. Thursday.

BARTON, Mrs. A. A.; Hotel Metropole.

BATES, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.; 1413 Market.

________ Miss Ada M.; Miss Ethel J.; C. D. Jr.

BAUMGARTNER, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.; 51 Eighth. Thursday.

BAXTER, Mr. and Mrs. William S.; 1419 Myrtle. Wednesday.

BAYLEY, Mrs. Gertrude K.; 1307 Castro.

________ Miss Novine; Arthur H.

BECK, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B.; 1339 Alice. (Tel. Black 2031.).

________ Charles C.; Edwin L.; Herbert B.

BECKWORTH, Dr. W. M.; 1177 E. Sixteenth. (Tel. Black 1091.).

BELDEN, Mr. and Mrs. H. K.; Oak and Lake. (Tel. Black 221.).

______ Miss Daisy; Miss Nadine; Dr. Roy K.; Dan E.

BELL, Mr. and Mrs. John T.; 1239 Linden. Tuesday.

______ Miss Alice M.;  Howard  W.

BENDEL, Col. and Mrs. Hermann; 700 Alice. Tuesday.

______ Miss Evelyn. Miss Johanna; Hermann F.; Horkman.

BENHAM, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.; 568 Twelfth.

BENJAMIN, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.; 1019 Oak. (Tel. Red 2341.).

BERLIN, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.; High near Penniman Ave., Fruitvale.

BERNAYS, Mr. and Mrs. P. H.; 491 Merrimac. Tuesday.

______ Miss Edith.

BICKEL, Mr. and Mrs. Homer T.; 1166 Tenth. 2nd and 3rd Friday.

______ Reddick Homer.

BIGELOW, Mrs. Lucy F.; 1137 Chestnut. (Tel. Black 1501.).

______ Miss.

BISHOP, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.; 1115 Jackson. Wednesday.

BISHOP, Mr. and Mrs. F.; 1165 West. (Tel. Black 1711.). Wednesday.

BISHOP, Mr. and Mrs. Ira; Vernon Heights. (Tel. Black 3161.).

BLAKE-ALVERSON, Mrs. M. R.; 1108 1/2  Broadway.

BLAKE, Mrs. Mary C.; Miss Alice; 1121 Telegraph Ave. (Tel. White 401.).

BLAKE, Mrs. M. K.; 528 Eleventh. (Tel. Main 519.). Wednesday.

BLASDEL, Capt. and Mrs. H. G.; Orange Ave. and F Twenty-Sixth. Wed.

______ Miss F.; Miss L.; Henry G. Jr.

BLETHEN, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O.; 1032 Linden.  Tuesday.

BLISS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I.; Oakland, California.

BLOOD, Dr. and Mrs. Warren H.; 1406  Eighth. (Tel. Red 1051.).

BLOOD, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; 976 E. Twenty-Ninth. Tuesday.

______ Miss Adeline; Dolos M.

BLOW, Mr. A. H.; Miss; Mr. Robert.; 305 Fifth.

BON, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.; 2319 Telegraph Ave. (Tel. Red 1031.).

BON, Mrs. J. B.; 2355 Telegraph Ave. Tuesday.

______ Miss.

BOALT, Judge and Mrs. John H.; 1003 Twelfth, Cloverdale, Cal.

BOARDMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F.; 1168 West.

BOARDMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Wilham I.; 315 Grove. (Tel. Black 131.).

______ Clifford  H.

BOLTON, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.; 1850 Telegraph Ave. Wednesday.

BOLTON, Mrs. Elizabeth A.; 1850 Telegraph Ave. Wednesday.

BONATEMORT, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.; 953 Jackson. Thursday.

______ Misses; Charles N.

BOOLE Mr. and Mrs. George; 613 Poplar. Wenesday.

______ Miss Emma J.

BOOTH, Mr. and Mrs. I. A.; Hazel Ave. near Highland Ave.  Wednesday.

______ Miss Lauta.

BORLAND, Mrs. Archibald; 1925 Webster. (Tel. Black 2641.). 2nd & 3rd Wed

______ Archibald; William J.

BORTEE, Mr. and Mrs. David E.; 588 Twenty-Second.

______ Miss M. F.

BOSLEY, Mr. and Mrs. William B.; Chetwood near Perry. Wednesday.

BOWEN, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.; 932 Fourteenth. (Tel. Main 89.).

BOWLES, Mr. and Mrs.  P. E.; 31 Grand. (Tel. Black 781.). 1st & 3rd Thursday

BOWMAN, Mr. Henry; William J.; 630 Ninth.

BOYES, Dr. Edwin I.; 122 Lake. (Tel. Red 221.).

BOYES, Dr. Ernest B.; 122 Lake. (Tel. Red 221.).

BRADLEY, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest W.; 618 E. Fourteenth. (Tel. Black 1021)

BRADLEY, Mr. and Mrs. John; 364 Fourteenth. Thursday,

________Miss Mary F.; Miss Lucy; Hiram T.

BRADLEY, Mrs. G. L.; 80 Vernon. Vernon Heights.

BRAY, Mrs. Julia.; F Fourteenth near Twenty-Eighth Ave. (Tel. Black 125.).

________ Edward M.; Robert A.

BRAYTON, Mr. and Mrs. A. P.; 1167 Jackson. (Tel. Black 101.). Wednesday.

________ Miss Louise C.; Albert P. Jr.; Edward I.

BRECK, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel; 2003 Summit, Corner Orchard.

________ Miss Mary Augusta; Miss Nelia B.

BRECK, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jr.; 183 Orchard. Thursday.

BREED, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.; 3071 Webster. (Tel. Red 3181.). Monday.

BRETT, Mr. and Mrs. John R.; 1278 Fruitvale Ave., opp. F Sixteenth.

BREWSTER, Mr. and Mrs. C. U.; 1170 Ninth Ave.

BRIGHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin O.; 1007 Oak. (Tel. Black 331.). Friday.

BRIGHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E.; 1007 Oak. (Tel. Black 331.). Tuesday.

BRINKERHOFF, Dr. and Mrs. G. Edwin; 382 Albion Ave. (Tel. Black 451.).

________ Miss Ida.

BRITTON, Mr. John A.; 558 Thirteenth. (Tel.  Main 422.).

BROCK, Mrs. Annie; 953 Ninth. (Tel. Black 2912.). 2nd and 4th Wednesday.

BROMLEY, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ray.; Felton, near Baker.

________ Miss Hattie.

BROMLEY, Mr. and Mrs. John L.; 483 Merrimac.

________ Miss Marion; Thomas L.

BROMWELL, Col. and Mrs. L. L.; 961 Madison. (Tel. Red 351.). Thursday.

________ Percy H.

BROOMS, Dr. and Mrs. W. E.; 565 Seventeenth. Thursday.

BROWN, Dr. and Mrs. William M.___ M.; 974 Center. Thurs. and Monday.

________ Miss Mollie H.; William M. Jr.

BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; 13__Alice. (Tel. Red 1951.). Wednesday.

________ Miss Alma M.; Albert J.; Frederick I.

BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur; Hotel Metropole.

BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey; 1213 Poplar. Wednesday.

BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S.; 1227 Ninth.

BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. R. G.; 1389 Jackson. (Tel. Red 801.). Wednesday.

________ Miss Florinne.

BROWNE, Mrs. Effie; Gustav; 1915 Sixth Ave., near E. Eleventh. Monday.

BROWNE, Mr. and Mrs. P. D.; 977 E. Twenty-Eighth.

________ Miss Evelyn; Fred.

BROWNE, Mrs. S. C.; 438 Edwards; 1st and 3rd Wednesday.

________ Miss Lucy M.;Miss Florence E.

BUCK, Mrs. L. W.; 929 Adeline. (Tel. Red 861.). Tuesday.

________ Miss Emma L.; Miss Anna M.

BUCKLAND, Dr. and Mrs. Wallace O.; 1370 Franklin. (Tel. Black 731.). 

BUGBEE, Mr. and Mrs. Summer W.; 146 Lake. Abroad.

BULKLEY, Mrs. Kate A.; 541 Twenty-Eighth. (Tel. Black 2221.). Friday.

________ Milton.

BULL, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B.; 2111 Adeline.

BUNCE, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.; 11 Telegraph Ave. (Tel. Main 670.). Thursday.

________ Miss Mary L.

BUNNELL, Prof. and Mrs. George W.; 1305 Telegraph Ave. (Tel. Blue 211.).

________ Miss Alice; Mrs. E. F.

BURNHAUM, Mr. and Mrs. O. H.; Lee C.; 1017 Madison.

BUTTER, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.; Alta Vista, Piedmont. (Tel. Black 1701.). 


CADMAN, Mr. and Mrs. John O.; 1077 Valdez. Thursday.

CAMPBELL, Dr. and Mrs. A.; Butler Ave., corner Idaho. Thursday.

_________ Miss Nellie P.; Alfred L.

CAMPBELL, Miss Jessie; 480 Orchard. (Tel. Red 1541.). Wednesday.

_________ Donald Y.

CAMPBELL, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander; Hotel Metropole. Thursday.

CAMPBELL, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M.;  1262 Webster. Thursday.

_________ Miss Grace.

CAMPBELL, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.; 1084 12th. (Tel. Red 1581.). Thursday.

_________ Miss Mabel F.; George A.

CARMANY, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J.; 174 Tenth.

_________ Miss Ida M.

CARMANY, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W.; Thirteenth Ave., E. of Hopkins.

_________ Miss Mary A.

CARMANY, Mr. John H.; Thirteenth Ave., 1/2 mile E. of Hopkins.

 CARNEAL, Mr. Thomas D.; 720 Fourteenth.

CAROTHERS, Mr. John T.; 1622 Eighth.

CARRICK, Mr. and Mrs. David S.; 602 E. Fifteenth.

CARY, Mr. and Mrs. L. H.; San Leandro, Cal.

CASEY, Mr. and Mrs. William J.; 1031 Filbert.

CAULFIELD, Mr. Alban B.; 1445 Myrtle. Thursday.

_______ Miss Elsa.

CHABOT, Mrs. Mary A.; 104 E. Fifteenth. (Tel. Black 21.)

_______ Miss Ellen H.

CHABOT, Mrs. Emelie M.; 113 Madison, corner Eleventh. (Tel. Red 331.).

_______ Miss Claire; Miss Josephine F.; Miss Katherine; Mrs. R.

CHAMBERLAIN, Dr. and Mrs. N. H.; 302 E. Fifteenth. (Tel. Black 2511.).

CHAMBERLAIN, Mrs. Susan G.; 1382 Webster. Wednesday.

CHAMBERS, Mr. and Mrs. George; 1224 Eighth Ave. Friday.

CHAPMAN, Rev. and Mrs. E. S.; 1228 Filbert. (Tel. Black 1331.). Monday.

CHAPMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C.; 532 Twenty-Third.

CHAPMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Truman F.; 120 E. Fourteenth.

_______ Miss Bertha L.; Miss Elizabeth; Charles R.

CHAPMAN, Prof. William W.; 1329 Filbert.

CHASE, Mr. and Mrs. George; 202 E. Ninth.

_______ Miss Nellie; Albert B.; George M.

CHASE, Mr. and Mrs. Quincy A.; 2065 Webster. (Tel. Red 3771.). Monday.

_______ Miss Helen E.; George Q.; William.

CHESEBROUGH, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.; Orange, near Pearl. (Tel. Main 168)

CHICKERING, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 970 Sixteenth. (Tel. Black 1401.).

_______ Allen L.; Harry; Roger.

CLARK, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton H.; 768 Nineteenth. Thursday.

CLARK, Mr. and Mrs. F. H.; 1418 Myrtle.

CLAY, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.; 27th Ave. and E. Fourteenth. (Tel. Black 3501.).

_______ Miss Annie; Philip T.; Harrison.

CLAY, Mr. Charles C. Jr.; 558 Knox Ave.

CLEMENT, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.; 1703 Telegraph Ave. (Tel. Red 851.). Tues.

_______Miss Kate A.; Alpheus W.; Gerard.

CLOUGH, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H.; 1654 Nineteenth Ave.

COCKROFT, Mr. and Mrs. I. F.; Fairmount Ave., near Pearl. (Tel. Red 3071.).

COGHILL, Mr. and Mrs. T. B.; 1304 Jackson. (Tel. Black 601.).  Wednesday.

_______ Stanley; Edward S.

COLBY, Mr. and Mrs. G. F.; Claremont, Cor. College Ave. 1st & 3rd Thursday.

COLE, Mr. and Mrs. Leander G.; 1545 Webster.

COLLINS, Mr. and Mrs. D. Edward;1388 Harrison. (Tel. Red 841.).

COLLINS, Mrs. Eda; 1388 Harrison. (Tel.  Red 841.).

COLLINS, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 526 Tenth. (Tel. Black 3571.).

_______ Miss Charlotte I.; Miss Pauline.

COLEMAN, Mrs. Julia; 754 Eighth.

COMSTOCK, Mrs. Louise; Glen Echo, Piedmont. Friday.

CONKLIN, Mr. and Mrs. F. G.; 1326 4th Ave.; (Tel. Black1301.). Wednesday.

_______ Miss Alia J.; James Fred.

CONKLIN, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.; 580 Twenty-Fourth. (Tel. Red 2701.).

_______ Miss Louisa; Henry L. Jr.

CONNERS, Mr. John F.; 1209 Jefferson. (Tel. Red 281.).

CONNERS, Mrs. Mollie F.; Miss Margaret; 117 Thirteenth. Thursday.

CONNOR, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.; 1125 Eden Park Ave. Tuesday.

_______ Miss Nell M.

COOGAN, Mr.  Timothy C.; 1217 Filbert. (Tel. Red 1491.).

COOKE, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.;  Vernon Heights.

COOKS, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 1524 Eighth.  Thursday.

COOKE, Mrs. Harriet E.; 1227 Landen. (Tel. Black 1571.).

_______ Miss Grace M.; William L.

COPE, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 1427 Filbert. (Tel. Black 3751.).

_______ Miss Georgia W.

CORNELL, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.; 35 Bella Vista Ave. Monday.

CORWIN, Dr. and Mrs. Cecil; 55 Eighth. (Tel. Red 3372.).

COSTIGAN, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.; 1305 Franklin. (Tel. Black 581.).

_______ August.

COYLE, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh; Second Ave. and E. Fourteenth.

COYLE, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert F.; 1305 Alice. (Tel. Red 203.).

CRAFT, Mrs. Mabel C.; 1551 Ninth Ave. (Tel. Red 91.).

CRAIG, Mr. and Mrs. Homer A.; 121 Lake. (Tel. Black 231.).

_______ Homer T.; Corydon M.

CRAIG, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh. Vernal Ave., near Oakland Ave. Thursday.

______Miss Evelyn S.; Miss Margaret; Miss Jessie A. Roy H.; Donald.

CRAMER, Mr. A. E. H.; 610 Fourteenth. (Tel. Blue 21.).

CRANE, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F.; 1721 Thirteenth Ave.

_______ Miss Bessie.

CRANE, Mr. and Mrs. William W.; 1717 Thirteenth Ave.

CRELLIN, Mrs. John; 1060 Oak. (Tel. Red ____).

_______Mr. T. Arthur; E. Willard.

CRELLIN, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; Alice and Durant. (Tel. Black 2471.).

_______Miss Jennie F.; Miss Laura M.; Miss Mona L.; T. Stanley.

CRIST, Mr. and Mrs. R. F.; 1061 E. Fourteenth. Thursday.

_______ Miss.

CRIST, Mrs. G. F.; 1053 Fourteenth.

_______ Miss Clara; Fritz G.

CRITTENDEN, Mr. and Mrs. James L.;631 San Pablo Ave. Thursday.

CROWELL, Miss Mabel; 574 Twelfth. (Tel. Black 381.). 1st and 3rd Thursday.

_______ Clarence.

CROWLEY, Dr. and Mrs. D. D.; 1164 Alice. (Tel. Main 207.).

CULLEN, Mrs. Elizabeth R.; 1210 Eleventh Ave.

_______ Miss Edith M.; Miss Florence E.; W. M. D.

CUMBERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; 1318 Jackson. (Tel. Red 3761.).

CUMMINGHAM, Dr. and Mrs. A. L.; Sixteenth and Grove. (Tel. Black 1691.).

CUNNINGHAM, Mr. Harry L.; 708 Seventeenth.

_______ Gerald C.

CUSHING, Mr. and Mrs. John; 1228 Franklin.

_______ Henry D.

CUTTING, Mr. and Mrs. Francis; 1404 Harrison.

CUVELLIER, Mr. and Mrs. B. Charles; 1212 Poplar. Wednesday.

_______ Miss Beatrice.


DAM, Mrs. Lucy E.; Cleveland L.; 403 Twenty-Third.

DARGIE, Mrs. Eliza G.; 267 Ninth. (Tel. Red 271.).

_______ Miss Annie R.

DARGIE, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T.; Hotel Crellin.

DARGIE, Mr.  and Mrs. W. E.; 1227 3rd Ave.; (Tel. Blue 441.). Wednesday.

DART, Mrs. H. A.; Edith P.; Walter C.; 1129 Myrtle.

 DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. William R.; Prospect Ave., cor. Summit.

DAYTON, Mrs. Mary R.; 1168 Jackson. (Tel. Red 31.). Wednesday.

_______ Walter S.

DEAN, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha B.; 1219 Grove.

DEAN, Mrs. Emily; 1325 Jackson. Wednesday.

_______ James B.

DEAN, Mr. John E.; 1840 Telegraph Ave.

DEARBON, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.; Peralta Ave., cor. Oakland Ave.

_______ Miss Edith A.

DEARBON, Mr. and Mrs. G. Walter; 608 E. Fifteenth. Thursday.

DeFREMERY, Mr. and Mrs. W.; Prospect Ave., cor. Oakland Ave. Wed.

_______ Miss Grace; Miss Louise; Miss Alexandra; Miss Mary; Miss E.

DeFREMERY, Mr. William C.; Prospect Ave., cor. Oakland Ave.

DeGOLIA, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E.; 1390 Harrison; (Tel. Black 2961.). Thursday.

DENNISON, Mrs. Eli S.; 953 Fifth; (Tel. Black 831.).

_______ Miss Lurana; Miss Olive; Harry.

DERBY, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus B.; 1320 E. Fourteenth, cor. 28th Ave.

DERBY, Mrs. Nancy M.; E. Fourteenth, cor. 28th Ave. Fruitvale.

DETRICK, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jr.; 1125 Adeline.

DETROOST, Mr. George; cor. San Pablo and Central Ave. Golden Gate.

DEWING, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald A.; 275 E. Twelfth. Tuesday.

DIETZ, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C.; San Pablo Ave. opp. Central Ave.

_______ Miss Helen; Miss Alice.

DILLE, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. E. R.; 760 Tenth. (Tel. White 451.).

DINGEE, Mr. and Mrs. William J.; "Fernwood". (Tel. Main 101.).

DINGLEY, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jr.; Fruitvale Ave., near E. Fourteenth.

DINGLEY, Mrs. H. B.; 876 E. Fifteenth, Fruitvale.

_______ Miss Adelaide; Herbert H.; Willard E.

DODGE, Dr. A. H.; 1182 E. Fourteenth. (Tel. Black 3721.).

DODGE, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton G.; 1264 Twelfth Ave.

DONNELL, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C.; (East).

DRISCOLL, Mrs. J. M.; 1405 Webster. (Tel. White 251.). 1st & 3rd Wed.

_______ Thomas A.

DUKES, Dr. and Mrs. Harrison C.; Claremont Ave. near Summer.

_______ Dr. Charles A.; H. Claude.

DUNHAM, Miss Mary C.; 1397 Alice. (Tel. Black 1951.). Friday.

_______ Miss Florence Ruth.

DUNSMOOR, Mr. and Mrs. CH. H.; 584 Twenty-Fifth. Friday.

_______Miss Grace O.; Charles F.

DUNWOODY, Lieut. and Mrs. F. M.; 1257 Jackson. Tuesday

DYER, Mrs. J. B.; 312 Fourteenth.

DYER, Mrs. S. E.; 1383 Alice.

_______ Miss  Edith; Ernest; Henry S.

EARL, Mr. and Mrs. Guy C.; 10 McClure. (Tel. Black 2291.).

EATON, Dr. and Mrs. G. L.; 597 Sycamore. (Tel. Black 3351.). 1 & 3 Wed.

EDWARDS, Mr. David S.; "Alta Vista." Piedmont. (Tel. Black 1791.).

EDWARDS, Prof. George C.; 1568 Webster. (Tel. Black 2261.).

EIBACH, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 976 Chester. 2d Tuesday.

_______ Miss Helen.

ELIASON, Mrs. Caroline F.; 752 Sixteenth.

_______ Horace D.

ELSEY, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 653 Eleventh, Cor. Grove.

_______ Miss Charlotte; Herrmann; Fred.

ENGLISH, Miss M.; Alder Farm. Fruitvale. (TeL. Red. 1161.). 1 Bell.

ENGLISH, Mr. and Mrs. John M.; 1016 Jackson.

_______ Miss Ada M.; Fred B.; John M. Jr.

ENGLISH, Mr. and Mrs. Warren B.; 1268 Harrison.

_______ Miss; W. B. Jr.; Norris.

ENGLISH, Mr. and Mrs. William D.; 128 Tenth.

_______ William D. Jr.

ENOS, Dr. H. H.; Kahn Building; 12th and Washington. (Tel. White 873.).

EVANS, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.; 304 E. Fourteenth. Friday.

EVANS, Mr. Joseph F.; 1668 Webster. Friday.

_______ Miss; Miss J. V.; Charles J.

EVERETT, Mr. and Mrs. Edward; 719 Eighth.

_______ Miss Luella O.

EVERETT, Mr. and Mrs. S. L.; 1210 Tenth. Wednesday.

EVERSON, Mr. and Mrs. W.; 1269 Filbert. (Tel. Red 1361.). 2d & 4th Friday.

_______ Miss; Miss Marion R.


FAIRCHILD, Mr. and Mrs. George E.; 1305 Madison. (Tel. Black 31.).

_______ Miss Emily C.; Miss Kittie.

FARNUM, Mr. and Mrs. John E.; 558 Twenty-third. 2d Tuesday.

FEARN, Dr. and Mrs. John; 1165 Clay. (Tel. Red 1181.).

_______ Miss Ellen; Dr. John R.

FILLMORE, Mr. and Mrs. Luther; Lester Ave.

FINE, Dr. and Mrs. Andrew; 278 E. Eleventh. (Tel. Black 731.). Tuesday.

_______ Miss Pearl; Henry M.

FINE, Mr. and Mrs. William A.; 934 Myrtle.

FINNEGAN, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.; 1357 Webster. Thursday.

_______ Miss K.; Miss A.

FISHER, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.; 1219 Webster. (Tel. Black 471.). 1st Thurs.

FITZGERALD, Mrs. K.; 313 Fourteenth. (Tel. Red 2171.).

_______ Miss Margaret; Robert M.

FLETCHER, Mr. Francis A.; 1451 Adeline. Applegate, Placer Co.

FLINT, Mr. and Mrs. E. du Bois; Fairmount Ave., near Moss Ave.

_______ Edward D.

FLINT, Mr. and Mrs. E. P.; Orange Ave., cor. Perry. (Tel. White 331.).

_______ Miss Alice M.

FLINT, Mrs. E. T.; 1269 Castro. Monday.

_______ Miss Annie K.; James P.; Charles; Elijah T.

FLINT, Mr. George B.; 550 Hobart. (Tel. Black 931.).

FOLGER, Mrs. J. A.; 1308 Jackson. (Tel. Red 601.). Wednesday.

_______ Atherton.

FOLGER, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R.; 1210 Harrison. (Tel. Black 2171.).

FOLKERS, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. A.; 915 Myrtle.

_______ Miss; Mr. G. A. W.

FOOTE, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.; 1154 Brush. (Tel. Black 1831.).

_______ Miss Bertha S.; Henry G.

FORCE, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B.; Oakland Ave., Piedmont. Wednesday.

FOX, Judge and Mrs. Charles N.; 1057 Market.

_______ Miss Ida E.

FREEMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M.; 1019 Linden.

_______ Miss Anna A.

FRENCH, Dr. H. W.; 1475 Tenth Ave., E. Oakland. (Tel. Black 3377.).

FRENCH, Mr. and Mrs. John D.; 1475 Tenth Ave. Tuesday.

_______ Arthur.

FRICK, Judge and Mrs. A. L.; 1710 Grove. (Tel. Black 1142.).

_______  J. F.

FRIEND, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 222 Eleventh. (Tel. Clay 131.). Friday.

_______ Roger B.; William Nathan.

FRY, Mr. Willis B., Miss Emma B.; 1661 Webster.


GAGE, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T.; 1300 Harrison.

_______ Miss Mabel T.; Miss Bessie S.; Miss Ethel F.; George G.

 GARBER, Judge and Mrs. John; Claremount Ave. (Tel. Red 1781.). Thurs.

_______ Miss Juliet W.; Miss Lida J.; Joseph B.

GARDINER, Mr. Thomas; 1376 Nineteenth Ave.

_______ Miss Florence A.; Thomas M.

GARDINER, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; 1370 10th Ave. 2d and 3d Thursday.

GARTHWAITE, Mr. Harry P.; Fairmount Ave., near Summit Ave.

GARTHWAITE, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.; 726 El Dorado, Linda Vista.

                (Tel. Red 186.).

GASKILL, Mrs. Bettie A.; 573 Fifteenth.

_______Miss Edith; Miss Margaret.

GASKILL, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt C.; 1395 Harrison. Thursday.

_______ Herbert D.; Percy D.

GIBBS, Mr. and Mrs. William C.; 154 Third. (Tel. Red 1011.).

_______ Alfred R.

GIBSON, Judge and Mrs. E. M.; 122 Eleventh.

_______ Miss Grace; Miss Clara N.

GIBSON, Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. K.; Fruitvale Ave. near Blossom.

GIER, Mr. and Mrs. Theo.; 561 Sixteenth. (Tel. Black 2001.). Friday.

GILBERTSON, Mr. and Mrs. John; 594 Thirty-fourth.

_______ Miss Grace E.; Henry G.; Dr. J. C.

GILMAN, Dr. and Mrs. S. M.; 462 Prospect Ave.

_______ Dr. Charles D.

GILPIN, Mr. and Mrs. Z. T.; 1954 Webster. Thursday.

GINN, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B.; 670 Thirteenth. Monday.

GLASCOCK, Mr. and Mrs. John R.; 820 Jackson, cor. Sixth. (Tel. Black 321.).

GLENN, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. G.; E. Twenty-third, near Twenty-fourth Ave.

GLENN, Mr. John Q.; 1311 Twenty-seventh Ave. Fruitvale.

GLENN, Mr. W. C.; 1271 Twenty-third Ave.

GOODALE, Dr. and Mrs. John R.; 949 Union. Monday.

GOODALL, Capt. Charles Miner; 150 Lake. (Tel. Red 3001.).

_______ Charles F.; Irving W.

GOODALL, Capt. and Mrs. E.; 1317 Jackson. (Tel. Red 211.). 1st Tues.

_______ Miss Ella; Arthur.

GOODFELLOW, Mrs. M. J.; Miss Bessie.; 1353 Webster.

GOODFELLOW, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.; 923 Fifth Ave. (Tel. Black 3511.). Wed.

_______ Arthur.

GOODMAN, Mr. George; 572 William.

GORDON, Mr. and Mrs. Harry F.; 1265 Harrison. (Tel. Black 2101.).

GORRILL, Mr. and Mrs. R. W.; 1231 Myrtle. (Tel. Red 1401.). 1st & 3d Wed.

GOURLEY, Dr. and Mrs. H.; Brandon, near Railroad Ave., Fruitvale. Wed.

GOVE, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.; 1523 Ninth.

GOWELL, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin; 676 Thirteenth. 2d and 3d Wednesday.

_______ Miss Edyth L.; Frank B.; (Tel. Red 361.).

GRANDJEAN, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 910 E. Twenty-fourth. Thursday.

_______ Miss Estelle; Miss Berthe.

GRANT, Mr. and Mrs. George; Twenty-first Ave. and E. 28th. Wednesday.

GRANT, Mr. and Mrs. George E.; 1253 Third Ave.

GRAVES, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H.; 1220 Linden. 1st and 3d Thursday.

_______ Walter; Huddleston.

GRAY, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H.; 1105 Jackson. 1st and 3d Monday.

GRAY, Mrs. Frances H.; 754 Tenth. (Tel. Black 131.).

_______ Giles H.

GRAY, Mr. George B. M.; 767 Alice.

GRAY, Mr. and Mrs. George D.; 758 Tenth.

_______Miss Elizabeth; Miss Mabel T.

GRAY, Mr. and Mrs. R. S.; 1427 Eighth Ave. (Tel. Blue 131.).

GRAYSON, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.; 9th and Madison. (Tel. Main 67.). 1st Thurs.

GREEN, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.; 953 Market. (Tel. Black 2912.). 2d & 4th Wed.

GREENE, Judge and Mrs. W. E.; 589 Twenty-fourth.

_______ Miss Ethel; Carlton W.; Lawrence L.

GREENWOOD, Mr. George D.; Twelfth and Jackson. (Tel. Red 2471.).

GREGORY, Mrs. H. P.; 585 Twenty-ninth. (Tel. Red 2311).

_______ Miss Elsie; D. McClure.

GREGORY, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1384 Franklin.

_______ Miss Jennie; Miss Agnes.

GRIMES, Mr. E. M.; 1206 Fifth Ave., cor. E. Fourteenth. (Tel. Blue 111.).

_______ Miss Alice.

GUNN, Mr. and Mrs. S. Herbert; 525 Hobart.

GURNEE, Mr. Clinton Jr.; 1421 Twenty-first Ave.

GURNETT, Mr. Albert G.; 1278 Fourth Ave. (Tel. Red 1351.).


HACKETT, Capt. and Mrs. Edward; 1303 Jackson. Wednesday.

_______ Walter L.

HACKETT, Dr. Samuel A.; 1168 Washington.

HADLEY, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.; Piedmont Ave., near Moss Ave. (Tel. Clay 91.).

HAIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.; 1210 Harrison. Thursday.

HAIGHT, Mrs. A. E.; 1201 Alice. (Tel. Black 481.). Wednesday.

_______ Miss Jeanette C.; Louis M.

HALL, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.; 110 E. 12th. (Tel. Black 1911.). Wednesday.

_______ Miss Harriett M.

HALL, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jr.; 1211 Fifth Ave. (Tel. Black 1351.).

HALL, Judge and Mrs.  Samuel P.; 1184 Fourteenth.

HALL, Mr. and Mrs. W.; 1400 Grove. (Tel. Red 1431.). 2d and 4th Friday.

HALL, Mr. and Mrs. W. M.; 216 Thirteenth. Tuesday.

HALSTED, Mr. and Mrs. J. Manderville; 1312 Myrtle. Wednesday.

HAMILTON, Mrs. C. F.; 1165 Jackson. (Tel. Red 191.).

HAMILTON, Mr. William T.; Vernon Ave. near Perry.

HAMLIN, Dr. and Mrs. O. D.; 615 Eighteenth. (Tel. Red 1721.).

HAMPTON, Mr. and Mrs. John C.; 1389 Alice. (Tel. Black 2071.).

_______ Miss Ida.

HANFORD, Mr. and Mrs. James M.; 1205 Peralta.

_______ Miss Libbie J.; James M. Jr.

HARDY, Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Jr.; 606 E. Twenty-fourth. Wednesday.

_______ Miss; Lovell Jr.; G. M.

HARDY, Mr. William B.; Miss L.; 330 Prospect Ave.

_______ Tracy S.; Charles; Samuel P.; Wm. R.; J. R.

HARMON, Mrs. Amanda M.; 1405 Thirteenth. Thursday.

HARMON, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. P. Jr.; E. 14th, Cor. 28th. (Tel. Red 2601.).

HARRIES, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 1361 Jackson. 1st Tuesday.

_______ Miss Reta; Harry J.

HARROLD, Mr. and Mrs. Frank K.; 1341 Twenty-sixth Ave.

_______ Herbert F.

HARROLD, Mr. and Mrs. James H.; 1305 E. Sixteenth.

HARROLD, Mrs. Sarah; 1307 E. Sixteenth.

_______ Miss Mamie; Miss Mary; Miss Elizabeth.

HARRUB, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.; 568 Twenty-fifth. (Tel. Red 2521.).

_______ Miss Katharine W.

HATCH, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; 512 Seventeenth. Tuesday.

_______ Miss Florence; Charles.

HATHAWAY, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund; 1264 Harrison.

_______ Miss Alice.

HATHAWAY, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M.; 481 Orchard.

HAVEN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.; 1074 Eighth. Monday.

_______ Miss Caroline; Edward; Lawrence; Chas. D. Jr.

HAVEN, Mr. and Mrs. James M.; 1329 Harrison. Wednesday.

_______ Miss Mattie E.; P. A.

 HAVEN, Mr. and Mrs. William P.; 941 Adeline.

HAVENS, Mr. and Mrs. Albert W.; 97 Vernon. (Tel. Red 3461.).

_______ Miss Marietta B.

HAVENS, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.; 961 Harrison. Thursday.

HAVENS, Mrs. E. M.; 528 Eleventh. (Tel. Main 519.). Monday.

HAVENS, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.; Bonita Ave., Piedmont. (Tel. Red 3901.).

_______ Harold; Wickham.

HAVENS, Mrs. H. H.; 528 Twelfth. Wednesday.

_______ Miss Ethel M.; Henry H.

HAVENS, Mr. Henry Roscoe; 1083 Clay.

HAWLEY, Mr. and Mrs. George T.; Prospect Ave., cor. Hawley.

_______ Miss Imogene S.; Miss Caroline E.; Miss Adelaide I.

HEATH, Mrs. John; 268 Twenty-third. (Tel. Red 3741.). Thursday.

HEATON, Mr. and Mrs. O. G.; 411 E. Sixteenth. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

HELMKE, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.; 1535 Franklin. Friday.

HENDERSON, Mr. Charles; Miss G. Ella; 923 Pine. Wednesday.

HENRY, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.; 1221 Harrison. (Tel. Black 2551.).

_______ Miss Edith M.

HENRY, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H.; 1221 Harrison.

HENSHAW, Mr. and Mrs. Edward T.; 974 Sixteenth.

HENSHAW, Judge and Mrs. F. W.; Sixth Ave. and E. Fourteenth. (Tel. Black 81.).

HENSHAW, Mr. Tyler; 941 Myrtle. (Tel. Red 3581.).

HENSHAW, Mr. and Mrs. William G.; Jackson and 13th.

_______ Miss E. C.

HERON, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.; Linda Vista. (Tel. Black 1851.). 1st & 3d Thursday.

HERRICK, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.; 2081 Webster. (Tel. Black 3181.). Wednesday.

HERRICK, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.; 1202 Twelfth. (Tel. Black 174.). Friday.

_______ Miss Margaret.

HIGH, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jr.; 1432 Webster. Tuesday.

HILL, Mr. and Mrs. Alex H.; 1406 Alice. (Tel. Red 2071.).

_______ Miss Freda; Miss India; Miss Mildred.

HILLBORN, Mr. and Mrs. S. G.; 275 E. Twelfth. Tuesday.

_______ Miss ____.

HINKLE, Dr. and Mrs. J. M.; 1541 Franklin. Tuesday.

HINCKLEY, Mr. Daniel B.; Fruitvale Ave., cor. Chicago Ave. (Tel. Red 1123.).

_______ Edward B.

HINCKLEY, Mr. and Mrs. H. G.; Fruitvale, cor. Chicago Ave. (Tel. Red 1123.).

HINCKLEY, Mrs. Fritz; Fruitvale, cor. Chicago Ave. (Tel. Red 1123.).

HODGHEAD, Mr. and Mrs. Beverly; Tenth, cor. Powell, Golden Gate. Tuesday.

HOLCOMB, Mr. and Mrs. Myron T.; 431 Wadsworth Ave. (Tel. Blue 411.).

_______ Myron T. Jr.

HOLT, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; 1355 Madison. (Tel. Black 241.).

_______ Charles P.

HOOK, Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Oak Shade, Contra Costa County.

_______ Miss Elizabeth.

HORNUNG, Mrs. P.; 561 Sixteenth. Friday.

HORTON, Miss Sarah W.; N.E. cor. Twelfth and Filbert.

HOSMER, Mr. and Mrs. Abel.; 949 Chestnut. Wednesday.

HOUGHTON, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.; 1215 Harrison. Wednesday.

HOWARD, Mrs. Emma S.; 1206 Alice. (Tel. Black 201.). Friday.

_______ Miss ____; Karl; Shafter; Harold (Southborough).

HOWARD, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.; Vernon near 24th. (Tel. Red 851.). Thursday.

HOWELL, Mr. Albert; 109 Mattie Ave. near 28th.

HUBBARD, Mr. Bert S.; Vernon near Santa Rosa Ave. (Tel. Red 3721.).

HUBBARD, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 118 13th. (Tel. Main 469.).

_______ Charles P.; Samuel J.

HUME, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W.; Piedmont Ave. near Echo.

_______ Miss Elizabeth C.; Miss E. May; William R.; Edwin C.

HUNT, Mrs. J.; Piedmont Ave. near Echo, Glenn Echo. (Tel. Red 1973.).

_______ Miss ___; Miss D.; Henry O.; William.

HUNTINGTON, Dr. and Mrs. W. D.; 425 Walsworth Ave. (Tel. Red 3491.).

_______ H. Lloyd.

HUSH, Mr. and Mrs. V. G.; 1340 E. 14th, Fruitvale. Monday.

_______ Miss Jean M.; Miss Florence B.

HUSSEY, Mrs. Eleanor F.; 1221 Lincoln. Tuesday.

_______ Miss Anita M.; Miss Ella F.; Miss Florence C.; Edwin A.

HUSTED, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.; 952 Myrtle. Tuesday.

HUTCHINSON, Mrs. T. R.; 730 Eighth, cor. Brush. (Tel. Black 522.). Wednesday.

_______ Miss Martha; Miss Isabell; Dwight; Prentice C.

HYDE, Mrs. Flora I.; 323 Nineteenth. Wednesday.

_______ Wallace E.


IRISH, Mr. and Mrs. John P.; 1438 Adeline. Thursday.

_______ Miss Frances; John P. Jr.

IRVIN, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S.; 968 E. 27th, Highland Park. Wednesday.

_______ Miss Mabel G., Elliott C.

ISAACS, Mr. and Mrs. John D.; 1154 Alice. (Tel. Black 2461.).


JANIN, Mr. Luis; Charles; Galindo Hotel.

JEROME, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.; 1331 Chestnut. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

_______ T. F.; (Tel. Black 2801.).

JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. William P.; 461 Merrimac. (Tel. Black 2271.).

JONES, Dr. and Mrs. H. Isaac; 228 E. Sixteenth. Thursday.

JORDAN, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.; 326 E. Nineteenth.


KALES, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.; 176 Lake. (Tel. Red 611.). Tuesday.

_______ Arthur F.

KATZENBACK, Mr. Fred.; 1008 Tenth. Tuesday.

_______ Miss Bessie; Charles A.

KELLER, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.; 674 E. 27th. (Tel. Red 1191.).

KELLOGG, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.; 1253 Grove. (Tel. Black 361.). Tuesday.

_______ Miss Louise.

KELLOGG, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jr.; 1253 Grove. Tuesday.

KENDALL, Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus; 953 Jefferson.

KENDALL, Mr. Harry G.; 532 Hobart.

KENDALL, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I.; 1076 Fourteenth. (Tel. Red 591.). Thursday.

KENDALL, Mr. and Mrs. Noah C.; 1012 Filbert.

KENNA, Mr. and Mrs. J. G.; 1505 Thirteenth Ave. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

_______ James R.   (Tel. Black 661.).

KENNEDY, Mr. Charles D.; Athenian Club.

KENNEY, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.; 1360 Harrison. Wednesday.

KERR, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.; 1219 Harrison.

_______ Miss M. Louise; A. F., Jr.

KERR, Mr. and Mrs. M. B.; S. Pablo Ave., opp. Mattie Ave. Thursday.

KING, Mr. and Mrs. G. L.; Walsworth Ave. (Tel. Black 3271.). Tuesday.

KING, Mr. and Mrs. William B.; 1313 7th Ave. (Tel. White 71.).

KITTREDGE, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.; 1373 Grove, "Tres Encinos". Saratoga, Cal.

_______ Miss Ethel; Miss Harriett;  (Tel. Black 741.).

KINSEY, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.; 578 26th. Tuesday.

_______ Miss Elizabeth; C. Frank.

KNIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.; 122 Tenth. St. Helena.

KNIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 1300 Webster.

KNOWLES, Mrs. J. N.; 1302 Jackson, cor. 15th. (Tel. Red 181.). Tuesday.

_______ Miss Alice; Miss Ruth W.

KNOWLES, Mr. and Mrs.  Harry S.; 1167 Oak. (Tel. Black 902 - 2 bells.).

KNOX, Dr. and Mrs. Henry E.; 480 Merrimac.

_______ Miss ___; Henry B.

KNOX, Mrs. Dr. Myra W.; 958 Fourteenth.

_______ Miss Bertha D.; Miss Margaret.

KRONE, Dr. and Mrs. C. Rudolf; 1505 Telegraph Ave. 2d, 3d & 4th Wednesday.

_______ Miss Helen G.  (Tel. Main 276.).


LAKE, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. W.; 932 Union. Wednesday.

LALLY, Mr. H. T.; 1360 Madison. (Tel. White 671.).

LANDERS, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J.; "The Gables," San Leandro.

________ Miss Mabel.

LANGDON, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G.; 581 Hobart. Wednesday.

LAYMANCE, Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter; 1401 Seventh Ave.

LAYMANCE, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.; 1375 Sixth Ave. (Tel. Black 1291.).

LEA, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J.; 1122 Twelfth.

LEACH, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.; 541 Hobart. (Tel. Red 2651.). 2d & 4th Wednesday.

________ Abe P.; Edwin R.

LEACH, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Jr.; Bayo Vista Ave, near El Dorado.

LECKIE, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.; 1320 Fourth Ave. Monday.

LEET, Mr. R. A.; 568 Ninth.

LEHNHARDT, Mr. and Mrs. Emil; 1115 West.

LEWIS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.; 560 Fifteenth. Monday.

LEWIS, Mr. Columbus R.; 1453 Eighth.

LEWIS, Mr. and Mrs. Irving C.; 1302 Franklin. Wednesday.

LEWIS, Dr. and Mrs. Walter F.; Linda Vista Terrace. (Tel. Red 3492.). Monday.

______ Miss May; John R.

LEWIS, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frisbie; 1302 Franklin. 1st Monday.

______ J. Mellgren.

LILIENCRANTZ, Dr. and Mrs. A.; 359 Telegraph Ave. (Tel. Red 2401.). Wednesday.

______ Miss Edith; Henry T.; Guy H.

LITTLE, Col. and Mrs. Wm. C.; Broadway near Hawthorne Ave.

______ Miss Caroline.

LIVERMORE, Mr. and Mrs. Horatio P.; Rockridge Park. Thursday.

______ Miss Edith; Miss Mamie; Norman.

LOHMAN, Mrs. Fannie E.; 1387 Madison. (Tel. Red 1111.). Wednesday.

______ Ralph W.

LONG, Capt. and Mrs. Oscar F.; Highland Ave., near Terra Bonne, Piedmont.

LOOMIS, Dr. and Mrs. W.H.; E. 29th near 23d Ave. (Tel. Red 1052.).

______ Miss Marguerita M.

LOW, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah O.; 658 Fourteenth.

LOWELL, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P.; 1425 Franklin. Tuesday.

LUDLOW, Mr. and Mrs. William B.; 1614 Eighth.

______ Miss Mary E.; Dr. Wm. B., Jr.

LUKENS, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.; 1362 Jackson. (Tel. Red 231.). Tuesday.

______ Miss Eva G.; Russell; F.

LUNING, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar; 2429 Telegraph Ave. (Tel. Red 2051.).

LYMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.; Cor. Moss and Fairmount Ave. Tuesday.

MacDERMOT, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.; 1407 8th. (Tel. Main  174.). Thursday.

_______ Miss ___; Miss Flora; Louis M.

MacDONALD, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; 1261 Fourth Ave. Wednesday.

MacDONALD, Mr. John H.; 804 Thirteenth. (Tel. Black 71.). Thursday.

_______ Miss Bernice G.; Augustin S.; Royal P.

MAGEE, Mr. F.  E.; Alder Farms, Fruitvale. (Tel. Red 1161 - 1 bell.).

_______ Walter.

MAGEE, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jr.; 1340 E. 14th. (Tel. Black 3191.). ‘Alder Farm’.

MAGEE, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A.; 1305 27th Ave. (Tel. Red 1161 - 1 bell.). A-Farm.

MAGILL, Capt. and Mrs. Arthur E.; 706 Thirteenth.

_______ Arthur E. Jr.; Percy W.

MAIN, Mr. Charles; 1407 Eighth. (Tel. Main 174.).

MAKINS, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. N.; 1318 Market.

_______ Miss Elizabeth L.; Joseph H.; Jos. M.

MANUEL. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W.; 678 Fourteenth.

_______ Miss Pearl.

MANUEL, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G.; 1423 Chestnut. (Tel. Black 101.).

MARCUSE, Mr. and Mrs. M.; 1034 Myrtle. (Tel. Black 3581.).

MARTIN, Capt. and Mrs. D. E.; 1323 Harrison. (Tel. Black 2331.).

MARTIN, Mr. and Mrs. J. West; 720 Fourteenth. (Tel. Red 1821.).

MARTIN, Mr. Shelby F.; 1919 Telegraph Ave. (Tel. Black 2691.).

MARWEDAL, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.; 1278 Fruitvale Ave. Friday.

_______ Miss Elsie.

MATHEWS, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A.; 1129 Myrtle. Wednesday.

MATHEWS, Mr. and Mrs. Walter P.; 1159 Alice. Tuesday.

MAUVAIS, Mrs. Zeno.; 266 Thirteenth. (Tel. Red 3321.).

_______ Roy.

MAUZY, Mrs. R. D.; Miss Alice; 730 Eleventh. 1st Thursday.

MAUZY, Dr. and Mrs. J. L.; 1069 Market. (Tel. Black 1531.). Tuesday.

MAY, Mr. and Mrs. Alex W.; 527 E. Eleventh. Thursday.

_______ Miss Rosa.

MAYON, Dr. and Mrs. J. L.; 1969 Market. (Tel. Black 1531.). Tuesday.

McARTHUR, Mr. Will. D.; Bonita Ave. near Oakland Ave.

McCARTHY, Mr. and Mrs. James P.; 1225 Third Ave. (Tel. Red 21.). Thursday.

_______ Miss Lulu Estelle.

McCLURE, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David; 586 29th. (Tel. Red 2311.).

_______ David Jr.

McCOY, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.; 62 E. Twelfth. Thursday.

_______ Miss Florence; Harry.

McELROY, Judge and Mrs. J. P.; Oakland Ave. near Vernal Ave. Tuesday.

McELRATH, Maj. and Mrs. J. E.;  North Temescal. (Tel. Red 1974.).

_______ Miss Marion; Miss Elsie; Miss Phoebe.

McGRAW, Mr. and Mrs. E. W.; 945 Chestnut.

McKEAND, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W.; 10 Thirteenth. Tuesday.

_______ Miss Constance.

McKEE, Mrs. S. B.; 1033 Adeline. (Tel. Black 1551.). Tuesday.

_______ Miss Amy M.; Samuel B.; James C.

McKILLICAN, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.; 560 Twenty-Fifth. Tuesday.

_______ Miss Leila; Lesley R.

McKNIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J.; Fruitvale Ave. near E. 16th.

McMENOMY, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; S. Pablo Ave. near Crawford. Tuesday.

_______ Miss Lydia; George S.; Walter F.

McMULLEN, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.; 1224 E. 27th. (Tel. Red 1051.).

_______ Robert J.

McLEAN, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. K.; Webster, near Plymouth Ave.

McNEAR, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W.; 957 Linden. (Tel. Main 13.). Monday.

_______ Miss Bessie; Frederick W.

McNEAR, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jr.; 107 13th. (Tel. Black 2771.). 2d Thursday.

McNEAR, Mr. and Mrs. Seward; 957 Linden. (Tel. Main 13.). Monday.

McPIPE, Mr. Henry C.; 1274 Franklin. (Tel. White 261.).

MEADE, Mr. and Mrs. Calvert; 1064 Fourteenth.

MEDROS, Dr. and Mrs. J. J.; 542 Jones. (Tel. Red 1202.). 1st Monday.

MEEHAN, Mrs. Elizabeth; 309 E. Fourteenth.

MEEHAN, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.; 309 E. Fourteenth. (Tel. Red 2511).

______Miss Elizabeth.

MEEK, Dr. Rudolph W.; 512 Albion. (Tel. Black 3791.).

MEEKS, Mr. Edward; Columbus Ave. near Broadway. N. Temescal.

________ Miss Constance.    Friday.

MEGHAN, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.; 309 E. Fourteenth. (Tel. Red 2511.).

________ Miss Elizabeth.

MEIN, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; Cor. Lake and Jackson. (Tel. Black 3001.).

________ Robert M.

MELVIN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.; 811 E. Twenty-second.

MELVIN, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.; 1362 Tenth Ave.

MELVIN, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H.; 275 E. Twelfth.

MELVIN, Mr. William P.; 366 E. Fourteenth.

MERRIMAN, Dr. and Mrs. A. F.; Oakland and Hillside Ave.,  Piedmont. Thursday.

________ Miss Mamie; Miss Frances T.; Dr. Will C.

MERRIMAN, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Jr.; 772 Twelfth. 1st & 3d Friday.

MERRILL, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L.; 1215 Brush.

MERRITT, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A.; 1273 Sixth Ave. (Tel. White 111.).

MERRITT, Mr. and Mrs. James B.; Damon Ave. Seminary Park. (Tel. B. 1171.).

MERRITT, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.; 1228 Adeline. (Tel. White 461.).

MERRITT, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.; 804 Madison.

METCALF, Mr. John W.; 508 Caledonia Ave.

METCALF, Mr. and Mrs. Victor H.; 1263 Harrison. (Tel. Red 2101.).

MHOON, Maj. and Mrs. John B.; 1017 Adeline. (Tel. Red 1551.).

________ Miss Belle S.; Mckee.

MILLAR, Mr. and Mrs. John E.; 1318 Tenth.

MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; 1264 Fourteenth. (Tel. Red 1441.).

________ Miss Annie; Horace H.; Paul L.

MILLER, Mr.  and Mrs. Harry E.; Union between 14th and 16th.

MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. C.O.G.; 1397 Alice. (Tel. Black 211.). Wednesday.

MILLER, Mrs.  E. J.; Butler Ave. near Idaho.

________ Miss Burdette; Miss Ada; Miss Flora.

MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.; 253 Thirteenth cor. Alice.

________ Miss ____.

MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. A.; 1171 Alice. (Tel. Red 481.).

MILLER, Dr. J. Austin; 1561 Eighth. (Tel. Black 1681.).

MILLS, Mrs. C. T.; Mills College, Seminary Park, San Leandro Road.

MOFFITT, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J.; 1337 Filbert. (Tel. Black 1361.). Thursday.

MOFFITT, Mr. and Mrs. James; Webster and 22nd. (Tel. Red 1291.). Tuesday.

________ Miss ___; Miss Alice; James K.

MOLLER, Mr. and Mrs. William; 476 Prospect Ave. (Tel. Red 3031.).

MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.; 6th Ave. and E. 20th. (Tel. Red 1291.). Tuesday.

________ Miss Carmen.

MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.; 1041 Adeline. (Tel. Black 811.).

MORGAN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.; 754 Fourteenth.

MORGAN, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H.; 518 Fourteenth.

MORRIS, Mr. and Mrs. William; 170 Ninth. Tuesday.

MORRISON, Mr. and Mrs. William H.

MORROW, Mrs. Geo.; Columbus Ave. near 2nd Avenue. Temescal.

________ George P.   (Tel. Red. 2041.).

MULLER, Dr. and Mrs. H. E.; 1143 Filbert. (Tel. Red 2841.). Wednesday.781.).

MUNSELL, Mr. and Mrs. James Jr.; 1665 Webster. (Tel. Red

MURDOCK, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.; 120 Perry. (Tel. Red 3541.). 2d and 4th Thursday.

MUSER, Dr. Frances R.; 1320 Webster. (Tel. Red 2751.).

 NEWTON, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin; 1315 Tenth. (Tel. Black 3362.).

_______ Willard;  1062 Kirkham.

NEWTON, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G.; 1522 Franklin. (Tel. Red 2631.).

NEWTON, Mrs. Jane; Hanover Ave., cor. Lester. Peralta Heights. Tuesday.

______ Miss Alice; Miss Jessie; Harry.

NICHOLSON, Dr. I. E.; 1877 Webster. (Tel. Black 2461.).

NICHOLSON, Mrs. M. B.; Miss Belle A.; Miss Carrie K.; 626 Eighth.

______ Miss Laura M.; Miss Rozella; John.

NORDHANSEN, Mrs. Louise; 1322 Adeline. Wednesday. Monterey.

NUSBAUMER, Mr. E.; 1303 Sixth Ave.

NYE, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.; 130 Vernon, Vernon Heights. (Tel. Blue 191.).


O'BRIEN, Col. and Mrs. W. H.; 1210 West.  Wednesday.

OGDEN, Judge and Mrs. Frank B.; 1175 Alice.

OLIVER, Mr. William Letts.; 1066 Twelfth. (Tel. Red 1571.). Santa Cruz.

OLNEY, Mr. and Mrs. W.; 481 Prospect Ave. (Tel. Red 2461.). Wednesday.

______ Miss ___; Miss Ethel; Warren Jr.; Thos. M.; William.

OSBORNE, Mr. and Mrs. James S.; 1614 Eleventh Ave.

OSGOOD, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. S.; 951 Myrtle.

OSGOOD, Mr. and Mrs. Howard; 62 Eleventh.

______ William.


PAGE, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D.; 1267 Jackson.

PALACHE, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.; Claremont Ave. (Tel. Black 1781.). Wednesday.

______ Miss Mary; Miss Eliza; Whitney. (Tel. Black 1782.).

PALMER, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; 1157 Oak. (Tel. Red 761.).

______ Miss Ida B.; Miss Bessie; Silas S. H.

PALMER, Mr. and Mrs. Wade L.; 2175 E. Fourteenth.

______ Miss Sophie; Miss Ruth E.; Miss Emma.

PALMER, Mr. and Mrs. William E.; 2175 E. Fourteenth. Wednesday.

PARCELLS, Mr. and Mrs. C. B.; 1409 Webster. (Tel. Black 3951.). Thursday.

______ Charles E.; Frank M.

PARDEE, Mrs. E. H.; 672 Eleventh. (Tel. Red 721.).

PARDEE, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C.; 672 Eleventh. (Tel. Red 721.).

PARTINGTON, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; 137 E. Twelfth. Tuesday.

______ Miss Gertrude; Miss Phyllis; Richard L.; Edward H.

PEARSON, Mrs. A. M.; 1335 Myrtle. (Tel. Red 1331.). 3d & 4th Friday.

PEARSON, Mr. and Mrs. J.; 1335 Myrtle. (Tel. Red 1331.). 3d & 4th Friday.

PENNOYER, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.; Hotel Metropole.

PERCY, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.; 318 Grand Ave. (Tel. Red 3881.). Thursday.

PERKINS, Sen. and Mrs. Geo. D.; Vernon Heights. (Tel. Red 1891.). Thursday.

_______ Miss Mae R.; Fred K.; Milton G.

PHELPS, Mr. and Mrs. C. B.; Vernon, near College Ave, Claremont. Friday.

_______ Miss Mary A.

PHEBY, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.; 1301 Alice.

_______ Fred. S.; Thomas B., Jr.; Joseph.

PHILLIPS, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.; 977 6th Ave. (Tel. Black 1341.). 2d & 3d Thursday.

PIERCE, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D.; 585 33rd. (Tel. Red 111.). Wednesday.

PIERCE, Mr. Marshall; Miss Josephine; 455 Merimac. (Tel. Red 2271.).

PIERCE, Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank; 1389 Harrison. (Tel. Red 491.). Wednesday.

_______ Miss Mabel.

PINNEY, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.; 1366 Harrison.

_______ Egbert.

PLOMTEAUX, Dr. and Mrs. H. J.; 1615 23d Ave., Sunol, California.

_______ Miss Daisy M.

POPE, Mr. and Mrs. T. Edward; 1604 E. 22nd. (Tel. Red 3711.). Thursday.

POSEY, Dr. and Mrs. A. C.; 560 E. 22nd. Monday.

POWELL, Mr. and Mrs. Howell A.; 921 Myrtle. 1st & 3d Wednesday.

PRATHER, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.; 1253 Alice. Tel. Red 261.).

PRATHER, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.; 1004 Tenth. (Tel. Red 1961.).

_______ Miss Myrah.

PRATHER, Mr. W. L. Jr.; 558 27th. (Tel. Black 2251.).

PRATT, Dr. and Mrs. A. H.; 1659 Grove. (Tel. Black 2521.).

_______ Miss Ethel A.

PRESCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.; 452 E. 24th.

_______ Leo F.; Frank G.

PRICE, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.; Santa Rosa Ave., cor. Jean. Wednesday.

PRICE, Dr. and Mrs. W. E.; 960 Sixth Ave. (Tel. Red 3231.). Tuesday.

PRIEST, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H.; 931 Myrtle. Wednesday.

_______ B. Frank.

PRINGLE, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.; 326 E. 19th. (Tel. Black 1271.). Wednesday.

_______ Miss Cornelia; Miss Hess.; Edwin J. Jr.; Wm. B.; Chas. A.; Harry B.


RABE, Dr. and Mrs. B. A.; 1553 Eighth. (Tel. Red 751.). Tuesday.

_______ Miss Hazel; Arthur K.

RABE, Mrs. F. M.; 300 28th. (Tel. Black 2281.). Wednesday.

_______ William H.

RALSTON, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.; 1170 Madison. (Tel. Red 631.). Thursday.

_______ Miss Clare; Lewis C.

RANDALL, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W.; Highland Ave., Piedmont. (Tel. Red 1701.).

_______ Miss Mary H.; Miss Marion.

RANDALL, Mrs. M.; Highland Ave., near Terra Bonne Ave.

_______ Miss ____.

REDFIELD, Mr. and Mrs. Horace A.; Chetwood, Oak'd Heights. (Tel. Clay 541.).

_______ Miss Matie A.; Lowell;   1st & 3d Wednesday.

REMILLARD, Mr. Edward; 1355 Webster.

REMILLARD, Mr. and Mrs. P. N.; 654 13th. Wednesday. Pine Villa S. Jose.

_______ Miss Emma; Miss Lillian; Phillip H.

REMILLARD, Miss Eveline C; Forty-second and Adeline.

REQUA, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac L.; Highlands, Piedmont. (Tel. Main 20.). Wednesday.

REQUA, Mr. and Mrs. Mark L.; Highlands, Piedmont. (Tel. Main 20.). Wednesday.

RICHARDSON, Mr. and Mrs. John B.; Highland Ave., near Terra Bonne Ave.

RICKETTS, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.; 1323 Tenth Ave. Wednesday.

ROBERTS, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.; 1920 Thirteenth Ave.

________ Edward W., Jr.

ROBINSON, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.; 559 Twelfth.

RODOLPH, Dr. and Mrs. Charles T.; 573 Seventeenth.

ROGERS, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 1209 Jackson. Wednesday.

ROSBOROUGH, Judge and Mrs. A. M.; 1769 Nineteenth Ave. Tuesday.

________ Alex. J.; Joseph J.

ROSENBAUM, Mr. Fr. H.; 1357 Eleventh Ave. Wednesday.

________ Miss Bertha; Miss Emma; Fred H.

ROTHERMAL, Mr. and Mrs. Peter; 1887 Valdez. Thursday.

________ Miss Elizabeth.

ROWE, Mr. and Mrs. H. D.; 1254 Eleventh Ave. (Tel. Black 1031.). Monday.

RUDGEAR, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 1107 Eighth, cor. Chestnut. (Tel. Black 161.).

________ William.

RUSS, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick; Claremont Ave., opp. Tyler.

________ Fred G.; Ralph.

RUSS, Mr. and Mrs. John; 543 Twenty-eighth.

________ Raymond J.

RUSSELL, Dr. and Mrs. A. J.; Hotel Metropole. (Tel. Main 180.).

RUSSELL, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.; 160 Webster. (Tel. Red 401.).

 SANBORN, Mrs. E. B.; Fruitvale Ave., near E. 16th. (Tel. Red 3141.). Thursday.

_______ Miss Grace; William B.; John A.; Frank.

SANBORN, Mr. Sheffield S.; 670 Thirteenth.

SANDS, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; 2014 Chestnut.

SARGENT, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L.; 1361 Tenth Ave. Tuesday.

SATHER, Mrs. Pedar; 664 Twelfth, cor. Grove. 1st Monday.

SCHILLING, Mr. and Mrs. August; 1404 Jackson. (Tel. Black 1111.).

SCHLESINGER, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph C.; 1207 Filbert. (Tel. Red 1501.).

SCHROCK, Mr. and Mrs. William A.; 1503 Twelfth.

SCHULTZ, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.; 512 E. Seventeenth.

SCHULTZE, Mr. and Mrs. Max C.; 320 Myrtle.

SCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lownless; Vernon, near Santa Rosa Ave.

SEATON, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M.; 1604 27th Ave.

SELBY, Mrs. P.; 515 E. 22nd. (Tel. Red 3821.). 3d & 4th Thursday.

______ Miss Coralie; Miss Florence; Miss Edith; Prentiss; Paul.

SELFRIDGE, Dr. Clarence M.; 216 E. 16th. (Tel. Black 701.).

SELFRIDGE, Dr. James M.; 312 Fourteenth. (Tel. Red 471.).

SESSIONS, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.; 310 Nineteenth. Thursday.

______ Miss ___; Miss Annie; Edward C. Jr.; George L.; Harry C.

SHANNON, Dr. and Mrs. J. M.; Chicago Ave., cor. Watson Ave.

SHARON, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.; 1402 Franklin. (Tel. Red 531.). Wednesday.

______ Miss Lillian; Claude S.; Virginia City, Nev.

SHEPARD, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. N.; San Pablo Ave. (Tel. Red 2451.). Thursday.

______ Miss Louise; Miss Evelyn.

SHERMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A.; 1212 Webster. Tuesday.

______ Edwin A. Jr.

SHERMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.; 620 Fourteenth.

______ Miss Elizabeth M.; Miss Ethel.

SINCLAIR, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F.; N. E. cor. 18th Ave. and Eighth.

______ Miss Sarah; Miss Margaret.

SHUEY, Dr. Granville E.; 651 E. Fourteenth.

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J.; 1572 Grove. (Tel. Clay 491.). 1st & 4th Tues.

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Byron G.; 1502 West.

SMITH, Mr. Charles L.; 1214 Clay.

SMITH, Mrs. Delia M.; 1572 Grove.

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.; E. 24th and end of 7th Ave. 1st & 2nd Thursday.

______ Miss M.; Mrs. M. J. Thompson. (Tel. Main 159.). Arbor Villa, N.Y.

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Leon D.; Terminus, Piedmont Ave.

______ Henry H.

SNELL, Mrs. Julia; 1460 Chestnut.

SNELL, Mr. and Mrs. Richard B.; 1460 Chestnut. Tuesday.

______ Miss Mary E.; Miss Mariedna.

SNYDER, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.; 1410 Telegraph Ave. (Tel. Red 2292.).

SOULE, Prof. and Mrs. Frank; 960 Oak, cor. Tenth. Tuesday.

______ Beach C.

SPAULDING, Mr. and Mrs. N. W.; 683 Thirty-fifth. Friday.

______ N. Walter Jr.

SPENCER, Mr. and Mrs. D. A.; Fairmount Ave., near Summit. Pr'p't Heights.

______ Edward A.

SQUIRE, Mr. and Mrs. Henry P.; Oakland Ave., Piedmont.

STANDERFORD, Mrs. W. W.; Wiliam B.; 1361 Broadway. Wednesday.

STANFORD, Mrs. J.; 1218 Oak. (Tel. Black 761.).

______ Miss Gertrude; Josiah W.

STANLY, Judge and Mrs. John A.; 1221 Jackson. (Tel. Black 121.). Wednesday.

STARK, Dr. and Mrs. James; 1416 Eighth. (Tel. Red 1681.). Thursday.

STEELE, Mrs. Emma C.; 824 Jackson. (Tel. Red 321.). Thursday.

______ Miss Beatrice; Edward L. G.

STEINEGGER, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 10 Nichol Ave., Fruitvale. Tuesday.

STETSON, Dr. and Mrs. B. F.; 815 E. 15th. (Tel. White 361.). Wednesday.

______ Benjamin F. Jr.

STOCKHAM, Mrs. Dr. Wilson; 542 17th.

STOKES, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; 1059 Jackson.

______ Bernard.

STOLP, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M.; 160 Lake. (Tel. Red 1751.). Monday.

______ Fred A.

STONE, Mrs. A. L.; Elmhurst,  San Leandro Road.

STOUT, Dr. and Mrs. J.  O.; 171 E. Fourteenth. Thursday.

______ Miss Pearl; Arthur G.

STRATTON, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.; 1301 Harrison. (Tel. Red 2111.). Tuesday.

STUBBS, Mr. and Mrs. David D.; Hotel Metropole.

______ Miss Louise; John J.; Wm. D.

STURTEVANT, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen K.; 1315 Linden. 2d & 4th Thursday.

STURTEVANT, Mr. and Mrs. Henry G.; 1441 Myrtle. Tuesday.

______ Miss Faith M.

SUNDERLAND, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James; 378 E. Fifteenth.

______ Miss L. Grace; Clyde H.

SUTTON, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; "Brookside," Hayward. 1st and 3d Friday.

SWIFT, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel; 1112 E. Sixteenth.

______ Miss Mollie H.


TAFT, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.; 1363 Harrison. (Tel. Black 841.). 2d & 4th Thursday.

______ Miss Chrissy; Maxwell.

TALCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey; 1209 Magnolia.

TALCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R.; 1288 High.

______ Miss Anna F.

TAYLOR, Mr. Archibald L.; 1601 Eighth Ave.

TAYLOR, Mrs. Chauncey; 704 Eighth, cor. Castro. (Tel. Black 521.).

______ Henry B.

TAYLOR, Mr. James P.; 486 Merrimac.

TEVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua; 1251 E. Fourteenth.

______ Carter; Dr. Samuel; Hugh.

THELLER, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L.; 1513 Ninth. (Tel. Red 1001.).

______ Miss Margaret; Miss Florence.

THOMAS, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R.; 816 Eleventh. (Tel. Black 3561.). Thursday.

______ Miss Mary; Harry W.; 1361 Jackson (Tel. Red 241.).

THOMPSON, Mrs. M. J.; End of E. 24th and 7th Ave. 1st & 2d Thursday.

THOMPSON, Mrs. Rees B.; Fairmount Ave., near Summit Ave.

THOMSON, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D.; 117 13th. (Tel. Red 2481.). Wednesday.

THORNTON, Mrs. Louise M.; E. Fourteenth, Near Twenty-eighth Ave.

______ Miss M. Louise; Frank.

THWAITES, Mr. Frank P.; 1379 Jackson.

TILLMAN, Mr. F. Jr.; 520 Tenth. Tuesday.

TITUS, Mrs. Daniel M.; 956 Myrtle. (Tel. Red 291.). Wednesday.

TODD, Dr. and Mrs. F. J.; 520 Tenth. Tuesday.

TODD, Dr.  and Mrs. F. J.; 520 Tenth. (Tel. Black 2411.). Wednesday.

TODD, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P.; Ben Venue, Piedmont. Friday.

TOLER, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P.; Ben Venue, Piedmont. Friday.

_______ James; Hoyt.

TOMPKINS, Mrs. Sarah; The Misses ___; 905 Linden. Wednesday.

TOUCHARD, Mrs. M.  A.; 1055 Eighth. (Tel. Black 2321.).

______ Miss Lillie; Miss Marie.

TRAVERS, Mr.  and Mrs. W. E.; 568 Fifteenth.

TREADWELL, Mr. James; Broadway, near Clifton. (Tel. Black 1072.).

______ John.

TREMBLY, Mrs. J. B.; 952 8th, Cor. Myrtle.

TRIPP, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson M.; 1021 7th Ave.

______ Miss Ruby.

TROWBRIDGE, Mr. and Mrs. Henry O.; 541 19th. (Tel. Black 681.).

TUBBS, Mrs. H.; 266 E. Twelfth, corner Fifth Ave. (Tel. Red 1311.).

______ Herman A.

TURNER, Capt. and Mrs. Louis H.; 1108 Twenty-fourth.

TUTTLE, Mrs. Nettie L.; 150 Hanover Ave., Peralta Heights.


VALENTINE, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.; 13th Ave., cor. E. 20th. (Tel. Red 661.).

_______ Miss Ethel S.; Edward C.; 1st, 2d, & 3d Thursday.

VANDERCOOK, Mr. and Mrs. E. P.; 458 Ninth.

VAN LOBEN SELS, Mr. and Mrs. Peter; 1305 Adeline.

VEITCH, Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.; 1969 Summit.

VEITCH, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T.; 333 Wallsworth Ave. (Tel. Black 3492.).

VESPER, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M.; 1453 Tenth Ave. Tuesday.

_______ Miss Alice.

VINZENT, Mr. Ed. G.; 604 Seventeenth. Thursday.

_______ Miss Caroline A.; Miss Gertrude A.

VON ADELUNG, Dr. and Mrs. E.; 1925 Webster. (Tel. Black 2641.). 2d & 4th Wed.

VROOMAN, Mrs. Emily M.; 1167 Oak. Wednesday.

_______ The Misses _____.


WADE, Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.; 1365 11th Ave. (Tel. Red 2881.).

WADE, Mr. and Mrs. S. H.; 1380 Tenth Ave. (Tel. Red 461.). 1st & 3d Monday.

_______ Miss Edyth.

WADSWORTH, Mr. and Mrs. H.; 1347 Alice. (Tel. Red 2061.). Wednesday.

_______ Henry E.; J. Albert; Philip A.

WALDRON, Mr. Vernon; 573 Fifteenth.

WALL, Rev. and Mrs. J. S.; Hotel Metropole.

WALSH, Mr. Edward M.; Monte Vista Ave., opp. Walsworth Ave.

WALTZ, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 446 E. Seventeenth.

WARD, Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker; 573 25th. Monday.

WATKINS, Mrs. P. T.; Broadway, near Hawthorne.

WATKINSON, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. T.; 455 Merrimac. Monday.

WATSON, Capt. and Mrs. H. H.; 456 Twenty-sixth. Tuesday.

_______ H. H. Jr.

WATSON, Mr. and Mrs. W. M.; 658 Ninth. (Tel. Red 2351.). Thursday.

WATT, Mr. and Mrs. Robert; 1204 Madison. (Tel. Red 901.). Tuesday.

_______ Miss Elizabeth L.; William.

WEBSTER, Mr. and Mrs. Bradford; 1229 Franklin. (Tel. Red 581.). 2d & 4th Thursday.

WEBSTER, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.; 964 Tenth.

WEIHE, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.; 268 Eleventh. Wednesday.

WELLMAN, Mrs. R. A.; 1315 E. 14th. (Tel. Black 3141.). 1st & 2d Wednesday.

________ Miss Alice K.; Miss Emma R.; Miss Rae E.; Wm. B.

WELLMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.; Pleasant, near Fruitvale Ave.

WELLS, Mrs. Margaret A.; 586 25th. Thursday.

WENTWORTH, Mr. and Mrs. C. O.; 629 E. 14th. Thursday.

WEST, Mr. and Mrs. Albert A.; 1977 Webster. Wednesday.

________ Miss Fannie.

WESTON, Mrs. Sarah S.; 1302 Webster.

________ Frank F.; Dr. Charles S.

WETHERBEE, Mrs. Henry; cor. E. 14th and Fruitvale Ave. (Tel. Black 2601.).

WETMORE, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J.; 814 Tenth. (Tel. Red 3581.). Tuesday.

WHEATON, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H.; 154 Lake. (Tel. Black 311.). Tuesday.

________ Miss E. S.; Geo. S.; Wm. R.

WHEATON, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; 1069 Thirteenth Ave.

WHEATON, Mrs. Wm. R.; 541 28th.

________ The Misses _____.

WHEELER, Dr. and Mrs. P. L.; 1170 Madison. (Tel. Red 632.).

WHITE, Mr. and Mrs. James J.; 1230 West.

________ Miss ___.

WHITE, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D.; 1253 Webster. Wednesday.

________ Miss Rebecca; Miss Kate H.; Geo D. Jr.; Jas. A.

WHITMAN, Mr. T. Dwight; 1012 Filbert.

WHITEMORE, Mr. and Mrs. Welles; 1215 Jefferson. Thursday.

WHITNEY, Mrs.  Geo. E.; 576 Eighth. (Tel. Red 1621.). 2d and 4th Tuesday.

________ Miss Isabelle Violet; Miss Charlotte A.; Miss Mary S.; Miss Ethel.

WHITNEY, Mr. Geo. S.; 576 Eighth (Tel. Red 1621.).

WILCOX, Mrs. FrancesA.; 1319 Myrtle.

________ Miss Ella L.; Charles H.

WILCOX, Dr. and Mrs. W. J.; 461 E. Fourteenth. (Tel. Red 1261.).

WILCOX, Mrs. David; 1308 Madison.

________ Miss Minna; Miss Bertha.

WILKIE, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred; 1406 Alice. 1st & 3d Friday.

WILLARD, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A.; 934 Linden.

________ Miss A. Gertrude; Miss Sadie; Wm. P.; G. Albert.

WILLCUTT, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.; 918 Eighteenth. Thursday.

________ Harry V.

WILLIAMS, Mrs. A. F.; 1703 Telegraph Ave. Wednesday.

WILLIAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards C.; 969 Brush. (Tel. Black 61.).

________  Miss May; Miss Mary; Floyd.

WILLIAMS, Mrs. Jr. R.; 150 Lake. Wednesday.

WILLIAMS, Mr. Thomas H. Jr.; 953 Madison (Tel. Red 3111.).

WILSON, Mrs. J. C.; 563 Hobart. Wednesday.

WINCHESTER, Mr. and Mrs. John P.; 553 Hobart.

________ George G.; Fred P.

WIXON, Mrs. Kate; 546 24th.

WOOD, Dr. and Mrs. J. B.; San Pablo Ave., opp. Klinkner, Golden Gate.

WOODWARD, Maj. and Mrs. E. W.; 306 Thirteenth. Thursday.

WOODWARD, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.; 1228 Filbert. 2d & 4th Monday.

________ Miss Gwendolen; (Tel. Black 1332.).

WOOLSEY, Dr. E. H.; 1066 Jackson. (Tel. Black 341.).

WORDELL, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 1410 Eighth. Thursday. Capay Valley, Yolo County.

WRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.; E. Fourteenth and 28th Ave. Wednesday.

WRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. John T.; 1313 Madison. (Tel. Black 181.).

________ Miss Louise.


YELLAND, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D.; 1464 Seventh Ave.

________ Miss Winifred B,

YONKER, Mrs. Elizabeth; 1151 Harrison. Monday.

________ Miss Eva Maie.

YULE, Judge and Mrs. John; Chicago Ave., near 4th Ave.







Eighth and Harrison Streets.


Thos. P. Robinson, Manager 

3 Blocks from City Hall.


Office: 121 Sansome Street, Room 5.














Grounds to rent for Special occasions.





Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book, Pages 147-167.  Charles Hoag Pub., San Francisco, CA. 1899.

© 2006 Sally Kaleta.