Riverside County










            Educational work in Beaumont, Riverside county, is ably conducted by Harold D. Young, superintendent of schools and principal of the high school. He was born in Ocosta, Washington, June 28, 1898, a son of J. S. and Lucetta (Gay) Young, the former now deceased. The father was born in Indiana and devoted his life to agricultural pursuits, which he followed in Iowa for years. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and an earnest, sincere Christian. In the family there were ten children, of whom seven survive.

            Harold D. Young completed his high school education at Selah, Washington, and attended the College of Puget Sound at Tacoma, that state, where he won the A. B. degree in 1920. Continuing his studies at the University of Washington in Seattle, he received the M. S. degree from that institution in 1924 and afterward taught for a time in his native state. In 1925 he came to Beaumont as an instructor in the high school, of which he was made principal in 1929, and was also chosen superintendent of the city schools, an office for which his training and ability well qualified him. During the seven years of his residence in this community he has exerted every effort to further its advancement along educational lines and under his regime the Beaumont high school has made particularly marked progress until it now ranks with the best in this part of the state.

            In 1923 Mr. Young was married to Miss Alma Keith, by whom he has a son, Robert James, aged two years. At the time of the World war Mr. Young was a member of the Students Army Training Corps. He belongs to the American Legion and is also a Rotarian. As president of the board of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church he is a factor of importance in the religious life of Beaumont, and his professional affiliations are with the California High School Principals Association, the State Teachers Association and the National Education Association. To his work he brings the zest, energy and enthusiasm of youth and has every quality essential to progress and success in the educational field.




Transcribed By:  Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: California of the South Vol. II,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 487-488, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.