Riverside County









            Charles Franklin Woods is widely known as the capable and efficient librarian of the Riverside Public Library, one of Riverside’s most popular institutions, over which he has presided continuously during the past decade. He was born in Syracuse, Nebraska, August 23, 1879, his parents being Frank and Helen (Bray) Woods, both now deceased. The father, a native of Illinois, was engaged in railroad work throughout his active career.

            Charles F. Woods attended the public schools in Syracuse and Lincoln, Nebraska, and the University of Nebraska, and gained his initial experience in the business world in the service of the United States Express Company at Kansas City, Missouri. Subsequently he was employed by the Wells-Fargo Express Company and during the years 1904 and 1905 represented the United States Express Company as agent at Leavenworth, Kansas. Thereafter he was connected with the Southern Pacific Company in San Francisco for a short time and later devoted a few years to the insurance and real estate business and to bookselling. From January, 1911, until May, 1913, he attended the University of California, from which he received the degree of Bachelor of Letters and in which institution he acted as library assistant. During the succeeding four years or until July, 1917, he was associated with the Mechanics Institute of San Francisco and next became librarian of the San Jose Free Public Library at San Jose, California, serving for five years. While a resident of San Jose he took an active part in civic affairs. It was in 1922 that Mr. Woods came to Riverside and assumed his present duties as librarian of the Riverside Public Library. He is also ex-officio county librarian of the Riverside County Free Library and director of the Riverside Library Service School. The history of the Riverside Public Library may be found in another part of this work.

            Mr. Woods has two daughters by his first marriage: Mrs. Fred L. Whipple, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, whose husband is a member of the faculty of Harvard University; and Virginia, a fellow in mathematics at George Washington University of Washington, D. C. By a second marriage Mr. Woods has a son, A. Ryder, fourteen years of age. Mr. Woods is a member of the Rotary Club and belongs to recreational clubs in which he may indulge his fondness for chess and bowling.



Transcribed by Marie Hassard 05 May 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 365-366, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis. 1933.

© 2012 Marie Hassard.