Riverside County








      A. Heber Winder is a leading citizen and prominent attorney of Riverside, where he has been successfully engaged in law practice for more than two decades.  He was born at Miamisburg, Ohio, May 2, 1882, his parents being Perry A. and Margaret A. (Miller) Winder, also natives of the Buckeye state.  Perry A. Winder served as superintendent of schools in Ohio prior to coming to California and was afterward an orange grower in the Riverside district until his retirement from active life.  He still makes his home in Riverside, but his wife is deceased.  The Winder family is of English lineage and was represented in Maryland during the colonial and Revolutionary periods in America’s history.

     A. Heber Winder, an only child, worked his way through school by selling papers and running a print shop.  He acquired a grammar and high school education in Ohio, and for five years successfully engaged in teaching in his native state and in California.  He was principal of the Fairview high school in Dayton, Ohio, during two years and a member of the faculty of Hanford (California) High School in 1910-1911.  He took his law-arts course in Cornell University of Ithaca, New York, graduating with the Bachelor of Laws degree in 1908; and in the same year was admitted to the Ohio bar.  Following his arrival in California two years later, in 1910, he was admitted to the bar of this state, where he has engaged in the work of his chosen profession with splendid success.  For seven years he was associated with the firm of Purington & Adair, and on the death of Mr. Purington continued his association with A. A. Adair under the name of Adair & Winder, handling a general practice but to a large extent specializing in corporation and probate law.  Since 1924 Mr. Winder has practiced independently, with offices in the Loring building in Riverside.  He has been retained in a number of cases of note such as the Harada case, which first tested the legality of the anti-alien law.  The Riverside Chamber of Commerce employed Mr. Winder to perform the legal work as attorney for March Field, and to that cause he gave much of his time for three years.  He is also attorney for the First National Bank of Riverside and numerous corporations.  He is a director in various corporations and has long enjoyed high standing among the foremost representatives of business, professional and civic interests in his adopted city.

     On the 18th of July, 1912, Judge Winder was united in marriage to Helen A. Dobbs, a native of New York and a daughter of A. W. Dobbs.  In the maternal line Mrs. Winder is descended from the family of which the late Frances Willard was a distinguished representative.  She was graduated from Cornell University with the class of 1910.  Two children were born of this marriage: Beatrice Mae, who is a sophomore at the University of California in Berkeley; and Willard Heber, a high school student in Riverside.

     On first coming to Riverside, Judge Winder took a leading part in republican politics, and at one time was secretary of the republican county central committee.  He is a member of the executive committee of the State republican central committee.  He served by appointment as municipal judge of Riverside from 1913 until 1915 and as city attorney during the three succeeding years, being president of the City Attorneys Association of California in 1917.  He has also done effective work as a member of the Riverside board of education and is a director of the Riverside Chamber of Commerce.  In Masonry Judge Winder has attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite.  He is past worshipful master of the Evergreen Lodge, F. & A. M., of Riverside and has served on grand lodge committees for eight years.  He is also a member of the Riverside Commandery of Knights Templar, Al Malaikah Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Los Angeles, the Riverside Lodge of Elks and the national fraternity Alpha Chi Rho.  He has been president of the Riverside Kiwanis Club, lieutenant governor and district governor of the Kiwanis Clubs of California and Nevada and for two years international trustee.  His Kiwanis activities have, during the past eleven years, brought him into direct contact with public affairs, particularly those of all parts of San Bernardino, Orange and Riverside counties.  Judge Winder is a Son of the Revolution and a past president of the Riverside County Bar Association, of the Riverside County Taxpayers Association and of the Present Day Club.  He is a regular contributor of essays to a number of magazines.  His religious faith is indicated by his membership in the First Congregational Church of Riverside, in which he served as chairman of the board of trustees for a number of years.      



Transcribed by Bill Simpkins.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 115-117, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  Bill Simpkins.