Riverside County









     An experienced physician of recognized ability, Dr. Fred D. West has practiced successfully in Beaumont for more that two decades and is an ex-president of the Riverside County Medical Society.  He was born in Seneca County, Ohio, September 10, 1877, a son of Dr. Thomas Jefferson West, who was a native of the same state and became a prominent physician of Tiffin, Ohio.  He saw active service in the Civil War with the Eighth Regiment of Ohio Infantry.  He has passed away and the mother, Mary (Horner) West, a native of England, is also deceased.

     Dr. Fred D. West, one of a family of four children, mastered the branch of learning taught in the grammar and high schools of Tiffin, where he also attended Heidelberg College graduating with the class of 1899.  He was next a student at the Ohio Medical College, which awarded him the M. D. degree in 1903, and while attending that institution became a member of the Alpha Mu Pi Omega fraternity.  His scholarship won for him the position of interne in the Protestant Hospital at Columbus, Ohio, and at Tiffin he entered upon his career as a physician, maintaining an office there for seven years.  On the expiration of that period he came to California, choosing Beaumont as the scene of his professional activities, and here he has since remained.  He has made an intensive study of tuberculosis and his skill in treating diseases of that character has brought to him large and ever increasing practice.

     In 1904 Dr. West was married to Miss Mary Grimes, now deceased, by whom he had a son, Thomas D.  For his second wife he chose Miss Helene Roman and they have two daughters, Mary Helene and Annabelle.  Mrs. West is active in church and club work and in the affairs of the local chapter of the Eastern Star.  The Doctor is a trustee of the Presbyterian Church and formerly served on the school board of Beaumont.  In 1916 he was called to the presidency of the Riverside County Medical Society and he is also a prominent member of the Southern California Medical Society and California State Medical Society.  Actuated by high ideals, Dr. West has dedicated his capacities and powers to the service of humanity and his professional record is a story of continuous progress and successful achievement.




Transcribed by Bill Simpkins.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 325-326, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  Bill Simpkins.