Riverside County









            Raymond Treat Sullivan, a native son and successful business man of Riverside, is well known as president of the Riverside Finance Company, with offices at 3855 Market Street.  He was born April 15, 1890, an only child of Charles S. and Eva M. (Treat) Sullivan.  Charles S. Sullivan, a native of Maine, was a railway man who came to California in 1880 and lived retired for many years prior to his death, which occurred when his son was but two years of age.  His wife is still living and makes her home in Riverside.

             Raymond T. Sullivan acquired his education in the grammar and high schools of his native city and when a youth of nineteen entered the Citizens Bank, with which he was continuously connected for a period of fourteen years, from 1909 until 1923, resigning as teller.  Then he entered the service of the newly organized Riverside Finance Company, of which he became manager in 1927 and president in 1929. He has since been the executive head of this concern, which is accorded an extensive clientele in the handling of bonds, mortgages, trust deeds and investment certificates, as well as fire, auto and all forms of general insurance.

            In 1913 Mr. Sullivan was united in marriage to Miss Norma Denison, of New York state.  Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan are the parents of three children, namely:  Raymond T., Jr., who is a member of the class of 1935 at Standford University; Donald Denison, a youth of thirteen, who is attending school; and William Harvey, four years of age.

            Mr. Sullivan gives his political support to the Republican Party and is a director of the Riverside Kiwanis Club.  His religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian Church, of which he is an elder.  Fraternally he is affiliated with the following Masonic bodies:  Riverside Lodge, No. 635, F. & A. M., of which he is past master; Riverside Chapter, R. A. M.; and Riverside Commandery, K. T.  He has many friends among his fellow members of the Victoria Country Club and he finds pleasurable recreation in fishing.  Mrs. Sullivan has membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution and takes an active and prominent part in club work, being a director of the Women’s Club.



Transcribed By:  Michele Y. Larsen on April 25, 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. II,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 279-280, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Michele Y. Larsen.