Riverside County










            Winfield Adelbert Scott, known to his friends and intimate as “Del” Scott, has been the capable superintendent of the water department of the city of Riverside for nearly two decades.  He was born in Beloit, Wisconsin, July 19, 1869, his parents being Winfield and Ellen (Merrill) Scott.  The father, born in 1840, was a farmer by occupation and a lifelong resident of the Badger state.  He was but thirty-six years of age when in 1876 he was killed by a freight train on the Chicago & North Western Railroad in saving the life of a three-year-old child who is now a citizen of Los Angeles.  His wife passed away at the age of forty years.

            Winfield Adelbert Scott was only seven years old when his father died in an act of heroism.  He attended the public schools of his native state but began work on a farm at the early age of thirteen and subsequently engaged in railroading as a brakeman out of Milwaukee.  For a period of five years he was employed by the firm of Fairbanks, Morse & Company in Wisconsin.  It was in 1903 that he came to California and took up his permanent abode in Riverside.  He at once obtained a position with the Riverside Water Company, with which he was connected for ten years or until 1913, and during the past nineteen years or more he has been a representative of the city water department.  After one year’s service as general foreman he was made superintendent of the department, in which capacity he has continue most acceptably to the present time, having about thirty people under his supervision.  The splendid water supply of Riverside is piped form deep artesian wells at San Bernardino and is unusually pure, being so free from foreign matter that it might be used in battery work.

            Mr. Scott has two sons:  Leslie, of Los Angeles; and Donald, a resident of Riverside.  He gives his political allegiance to the Republican Party and along fraternal liens was formerly affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.  Various forms of outdoor sport afford his pleasurable recreation.  He is widely and favorably known in Riverside, where the circle of his friends is almost coextensive with the circle of his acquaintance.




Transcribed By:  Michele Y. Larsen on May 2, 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. II,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 351-352, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Michele Y. Larsen.