Riverside County










            The enforcement of law and order in Riverside county is intrusted to Carl Francis Rayburn, whose record as sheriff is one that redounds to his credit.  He was born in the city of Riverside, September 14, 1892, a son of H. S. and Dora (Ellis) Rayburn, natives respectively of Indiana and Illinois.  As a young man the father followed the occupation of farming in the east and in 1890 came to California, settling in Riverside.  He was connected with the police department and the sheriff’s office of Riverside and here remained until his death in March, 1932.  Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rayburn were the parents of two children:  Carl Francis; and Mrs. Clara Mason, who lives in Hemet, Riverside county.

            The son attended the public schools of his native city but left home when a mere lad and started out for himself.  For a number of years he owned and cultivated a productive farm in Riverside county but in 1916 gave up agricultural pursuits to engage in police work.  Enlisting for service in the World war, he was detailed for duty with the United Sates Field Artillery and spent seven months overseas.  In January, 1930, he was elected sheriff for a term of four years and has found his experience in police work invaluable in the apprehension of criminals.  He is prompt, fearless and efficient in the discharge of his important duties, fully meeting the requirements of the office.

            In 1925 Mr. Rayburn was married to Miss Lelia Damerow and they reside 1416 Lemon street.  Mr. Rayburn belongs to the blue lodge of Masons in Riverside, to the consistory at Long Beach, California, and also to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.  He lives up to the beneficent teachings of these fraternal organizations and is a young man of winning personality and high principles, esteemed and respected throughout Riverside county.




Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 453-454, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  Joyce Rugeroni.