Riverside County









            Cassius C. Pond, pioneer grower and realtor of Riverside enjoys an enviable reputation in real estate circles as senior member of the firm of C. C. Pond & Son, with offices at 3644 Seventh street [sic].  He was born in Indiana, March 8 1857, a son of T. H. Pond, also a native of the Hoosier state and a farmer and tanner by occupation.  The American progenitor of the family came to this country from England about the time of the Revolutionary war [sic].  The paternal grandfather of Cassius C. Pond was a pioneer of Indiana who traveled much in company with George W. Campbell, the Evangelist singer, and whose efforts constituted a factor in the early development of the state as well as in the advancement of the cause of religion.  When a lad of twelve years he ran away from home to enlist for service in the War of 1812 but was rejected on account of his youth.  His death occurred in Indiana.

            Cassius C. Pond acquired his education in the public schools of the state of his nativity and subsequently engaged in farming pursuits until thirty years of age, when he came to California, reaching Riverside in the spring of 1887.  Here he entered the service of the Riverside Water Company, having charge of the water from the old Arlington drive [sic] at the head of Magnolia avenue [sic] to the head of Temecula wash [sic], but after seven and a half years of this kind of work he turned his attention to general ranching.  He planted an orange grove at Arlington, where he resided for sixteen years, at one time being extensively engaged in agricultural pursuits.  There were only two houses in Arlington at the time of his arrival.  Eventually he disposed of his property at that place to take up his abode in Riverside, where he has continued active in the real estate business to the present time.  We quote from the “History of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties,” published in 1922: “Mr. Pond will probably never give up his love of ranching, however, for he is always engaged in it in some manner.  Just now he has about thirty-five acres in oranges.  He was at first engaged in the real estate business with J. A. King, but afterwards the firm was composed of himself and his son, B. H. Pond.  In 1916, when the Realty Exchange was organized, J. S. Wagner was taken in as a partner.  Mr. Pond has probably handled as much real estate as any other dealer in the country, and he knows the real estate of this district from Alpha to Omega.  For a number of years he dealt extensively in San Bernardino property and for three or four years also operated around the towns of Bloomington and Rialto, practically selling the first named town.”

            In 1879 Mr. Pond was united in marriage to Ina L. Miller, a daughter of John Miller, of Indiana.  They are the parents of six children, four sons and two daughters, as follows: Edward E., who is head of the machinery works of Fairbanks, Morse & Company in Los Angeles; B. H., who is associated with his father in the real estate business under the firm name of C. C. Pond & Son; Wilna Fay (Mrs. Edward Oleson), secretary of the Fisk Tire Company of Riverside; Claude C., who is engaged in the automobile business in Los Angeles; Doris, the wife of Franklin Kent, of Long Beach, California and Buel C. of Riverside.

            Mr. Pond has passed the seventy-fifth milestone on life’s journey, has been a resident of southern California for forty-five years and is well entitled to representation in this history as one of Riverside’s most valued and highly respected citizens.  He is an honored member of the Riverside Pioneer Society.





Transcribed by Jeanne Turner.

Source: California of the South Vol. II,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 313-314, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Jeanne Turner.