Riverside County










            Robert E. Nelson, attorney at law, with offices in the Citizens National Bank Building at Riverside, is a native of the Hoosier state but from childhood has lived in California and is thoroughly western in spirit and interests.  He was born in Brookston, Indiana, March 11, 1891, a son of Robert J. Nelson, who was also born in that state and is now engaged in the mercantile business in Georgetown, California.  The mother, Rebecca (Benjamin) Nelson, is a native of White County, Indiana, and a daughter of P. Miller Benjamin of Los Angeles, California, who reached the advanced age of ninety years before passing away.  Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nelson four are now living.

            At the early age of nine months Robert E. Nelson came with the family to California and at Riverside he was a pupil in the grammar and high schools.  After taking a three years’ course in the University of California at Berkeley he enrolled as a student in the University of Southern California at Los Angeles, where he received the degree of LL. B. in 1915, and in June of the same year was admitted to the bar in that city.  He entered upon his career as an attorney in Riverside but laid aside his practice to enlist for service in the World War, joining the Quartermaster’s Corps, and as a corporal of the Three Hundred and Sixth Supply Company was on active duty overseas.  When mustered out he resumed his legal work in Riverside and here he has since followed his profession uninterruptedly.  His keen analytical powers and thorough grasp of the fundamental principles of jurisprudence have enabled him to successfully cope with the intricate problems of the law and consequently his clientele has steadily grown in volume as well as in importance.

            In 1920 was solemnized the marriage of Robert E. Nelson and Alvina Williams, a daughter of W. E. Williams of Minnesota and they now have two children, Robert Marshall and Wendell Alvin, the former ten and the latter seven years of age.  The parents are members of the First Christian Church and Mrs. Nelson is active in religious work and in women’s clubs.  Mr. Nelson belongs to the American Legion, and fraternally he is a Mason, identified with Evergreen Lodge, No. 259, F. & A. M., and all the Scottish Rite bodies.  He is a member of the Riverside County and California State Bar Associations and an able attorney who has ever in mind the dignity and responsibility of his profession.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 227-228, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.