Riverside County









            The public highways of Riverside County, which rank with the best in the state, are under the capable supervision of R. Lemuel McKenzie, whose broad experience has made him exceptionally well qualified for public service of this nature.  He was born in San Francisco, October 1, 1890, a son of Roderick and Ophelia (Andrew) McKenzie, the former a native of Scotland, while the latter was born in the state of Kentucky.  Emigrating to American in 1882, the father sought the opportunities of the west and became one of the prosperous ranchers of Riverside County.  He is now deceased and the mother has also passed away.  They are survived by five children.

            The family removed from San Francisco to Arlington, a suburb of Riverside, when R. Lemuel McKenzie was quite young and here he completed his public school education, which was supplemented by attendance at a business college.  After finishing his course he decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and purchased a ranch, devoting a number of years to its development.  In 1922 he entered the service of the city of Riverside in the capacity of assistant superintendent of streets, so continuing for four years, and afterward was identified with the various phases of county road work.  Since 1929 he has been superintendent of highways in Riverside county and directs the labors of from one hundred to five hundred men.  His territory covers a very large area, there being two thousand six hundred miles of public highway to maintain, and to him is due the credit for their fine condition in this part of the state.  In the management of his department he maintains a high standard of efficiency and gives to the county the services of an expert.

            In 1913 Mr. McKenzie was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Pankey, of Oregon, and they now have a family of four children:  Ethelyn, Roderick, Jeannette and Florence, all in school.  Like most Californians, Mr. McKenzie is a lover of outdoor sports, particularly enjoying hunting and fishing.  He belongs to the Engineers Society of California, and adheres to the religious belief of his father, being a devout member of the Presbyterian Church.  In his life he has exemplified the admirable traits of his Scotch forbears and the respect that is uniformly accorded him is well deserved.




Transcribed By:  Michele Y. Larsen on May 16, 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. II,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 415-416, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Michele Y. Larsen.