Riverside County









            For more than three and a half decades C. L. McFarland has been a legal practitioner in Riverside and while attaining success and prominence in his profession he has also performed civic service of value.  In all but the “accident of birth” he is a real Californian.  He was born in Galesburg, Illinois, September 22, 1872; a son of John McFarland, now deceased, and is of Scotch descent but traces his lineage in America to the days of the Revolutionary War.

            In 1882, when a lad of ten years, C. L. McFarland came with his parents to Riverside and here pursued his education until his graduation from high school.  In preparation for the vocation of his choice, he matriculated in the University of California, which he attended for four years, and was admitted to the bar in Los Angeles in 1897.  Immediately afterward he established an office in Riverside and here he has followed his profession continuously for thirty-six years.  He has devoted much time, thought and study to the preparation of his cases and the court records bear proof of his ability as an attorney, showing that he has successfully handled much important litigation.

            Mr. McFarland married Jean Henderson, a daughter of Robert Henderson of Riverside, and they have three children, Jean, Mary and Ruth.  A strong Republican, Mr. McFarland was a delegate to both county and state conventions of the party prior to the direct primary, and at one time was chairman of the county central committee.  For seven years he served on the Riverside board of trustees and was its last chairman.  Mr. McFarland was a member of the commission which prepared the first charter of the city.  He was also one of the original members of the state code commission.  Long active in behalf of the Riverside Public Library, he was one of its directors for nineteen years and has likewise served as president of the board.  His public spirit has been expressed in actual achievements for the general good and his influence upon the life of his city has been of the highest order.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 385-386, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.