Riverside County










     Dr. Ray Bardwell McCarty is a representative of the medical profession in Riverside, specializing in surgery, with well appointed offices in the Rotonda Internacional.  He is a native of Riverside County, California, born in the city of Corona, September 1, 1899.  His parents, George A., and Mary (Bardwell) McCarty, natives of Texas and Iowa, respectively, were married in California.  The father is a successful druggist of Whittier, this state, and is a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

     Ray B. McCarty, an only child, was graduated from the Riverside High School with the class of 1917, attended Riverside Junior College for one year, 1917-1918, and then matriculated in the University of California at Berkeley, from which he graduated with the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1921.  While attending that institution he became a member of the college fraternity Sigma Pi.  His professional training was received at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia from 1925 until 1927 and during the succeeding four years was a Fellow in surgery at the Mayo Clinic.  Dr. McCarty received the degree of Master of Science in Surgery in 1930 and in November of the following year entered upon the active work of his chosen profession in Riverside, California, where he specializes in surgery.  He is the author of “Contributions to the Histogenesis of Papillary Ovarian Cysts” and “Partial Prostatectomy for Carcinoma” (231) in the publication, “Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic,” 1930; “Histogenesis and Tendency to Bilateriality of Papillary Ovarian Cysts,” “Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics,” 1932, Volume 54, Pages 188-192.

     On the 14th of November, 1931, Dr. McCarty was united in marriage to Miss Betty Adams, daughter of Dr. Bon O. Adams, well known Riverside physician.  A son, Donald Bardwell, was born December 22, 1932.  Dr. McCarty is fond of literature and also derives much pleasure from handball.  He belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church and along strictly professional lines has membership in the Riverside County Medical Society, the California State Medical Association and the American Medical Association.




Transcribed by Bill Simpkins.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 383-384, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  Bill Simpkins.