Riverside County








     Joseph S. Long, the popular and efficient mayor of Riverside, has given to the city a progressive and businesslike administration.  He was born in Evanston, Illinois, May 17, 1892, the son of Joseph Burnett Long, who was born in Jefferson, New York, May 18, 1863.  Joseph Long, the paternal grandfather of Mayor Long, was also a native of the Empire state and a farmer by occupation.  During the war between the states he served with the heavy artillery in the Army of the Potomac.  Joseph Burnett Long, father of J. S. Long, attended a preparatory school and military college in Walton, New York, continued his studies at Wesleyan University and subsequently graduated from the Denver Theological Seminary.  Ordained a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, he afterward served as pastor of various churches in Wyoming and Colorado and for a ten-year period beginning in 1907 filled a pastorate at Perris, Riverside County, California.  He next occupied the pulpit of the Congregational Church at Nogales, Arizona, for three years and later served as pastor in Modoc County and in San Francisco.  He discontinued the active work of his holy calling in 1925 and is now living retired in a pleasant home in Riverside.  It was in 1890 that he married Miss Cora Esther Sheldon, a native of McHenry County, Illinois, and a daughter of Hervey Sheldon, a prominent citizen of that community.  Rev. and Mrs. Long became the parents of two children: Joseph S., of this review; and Mrs. Esther Hentschke, whose husband is an instructor in the high school at Eagle Rock, California.

     Joseph S. Long acquired his education in schools of Colorado, Arizona and California and also attended Pomona College.  After putting aside his textbooks he was identified with the Southern Sierras Power Company at Perris, California, and other points.  He served on the Mexican border with the California National Guard in 1916 and subsequently enlisted in the regular army, going overseas with the Thirteenth Field Artillery, Fourth Division.  He was sent to an artillery school and afterward served for fourteen months on the Aisne-Marne and Meuse-Argonne fronts.  Following his return to Riverside, California, in 1920, he married Elizabeth Grace Hight, of Orange County, this state, daughter of John P. and Tennessee Hight.  John Platte Hight reached California in 1849, when three months old, and died in 1929 at the age of eighty.  At the time of his death he was the youngest ‘49er of California.  Mr. Hight practiced law for years and had a wide acquaintance with early-day Californians.  Mr. and Mrs. Long are the parents of two children, Joseph S., Jr., and Kathryn, both in school.

     Elected mayor of Riverside to fill the unexpired term of E. M. Dighton, Mr. Long was reelected to the office on the 19th of November, 1929, and is making a highly commendable record therein.  He is a Knights Templar Mason and a worthy exemplar of the teachings and purposes of the craft.  His name is also on the membership rolls of the Congregational Church, the Exchange Club, the Victoria Country Club and the Community Players.  He is the past commander of Riverside Post of the American Legion and also belongs to the Forty and Eight.  Mr. Long is a man of fine physique and of cordial disposition who enjoys deserved popularity among all classes of people.   



Transcribed by Bill Simpkins.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 123-124, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  Bill Simpkins.