Riverside County









            On the roster of county officials in Riverside county [sic] appears the name of John Henry Keith, who is filling the position of county assessor for the second term and has made a splendid record in this capacity.  He is a popular young native son of Riverside, California, born February 10, 1899. In the paternal line he is a descendant of James Keith, of Revolutionary fame.  His father, James Newton Keith, a native of Brockton, Massachusetts, became a resident of Riverside, California, in 1882, and took a helpful part in civic affairs here at an early day.  He organized Company C, the first company of the state militia, and was also the organizer of the first fire department in Riverside.  His active and useful career ended in 1928, when he was in his seventy-ninth year.  James N. Keith is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sarah M. (Ross) Keith, who was born in Nova Scotia and is still a resident of Riverside.  They were the parents of six children, all of whom are living.

            In the acquirement of an education John H. Keith attended grammar and high schools of Riverside and the University of California at Berkeley, from which institution he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science in engineering as a member of the class of 1923.  While attending college he was a member of the Students’ Army Training Corps.  Following his return to Riverside he became chief deputy county surveyor under A. C. Fulmor.  He resigned that position eighteen months later, to become chief deputy assessor under Henry D. French.  Mr. Keith continued as assistant to the latter in the capacity of chief deputy for one and one-half years, at the end of which time Mr. French died.  In 1926 Mr. Keith was elected to the office of county assessor, which he filled so efficiently and satisfactorily that he was again elected in 1930 and is now serving for the second term.

            In 1927 Mr. Keith was united in marriage to Miss Eloise Snow, daughter of Russell A. Snow, of West Virginia.  They are the parents of a son, John Henry, Jr., two years of age.  Fraternally Mr. Keith is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, while his religious faith is that of the Congregational Church.  He is a member of the Exchange Club and secretary of the Southern California Association of Assessors, of which he was formerly president.  He has also been active on important committees of this organization. His hobby is model making.




Transcribed by Jeanne Turner.

Source: California of the South Vol. II,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 335-336, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Jeanne Turner.