Riverside County









            For seven years Roscoe J. Johnson has been postmaster of Corona, an office for which he has exceptional qualifications by reason of the fact that his life has been devoted to this department of governmental service. He was born in Peoria, Illinois, May 7, 1881, and is a son of A. L. and Eva (Garthwaite) Johnson, the former also a native of that city, while the latter was born in Jersey City, New Jersey. A carpenter by trade, A. L. Johnson was closely identified with building operations in Peoria for a number of years and then went to Ontario, California, where he now resides. Mrs. Johnson passed away in 1930.

            Roscoe J. Johnson acquired his education in the Sunflower state, pursuing his advanced studies in the Kansas State College, from which he received the Bachelor of Science degree in 1904, and following his graduation became a clerk in the post office at Newton, Kansas, where he remained for ten years. Afterward he spent three years in the post office at Kansas City, Missouri, and at the end of that time was transferred to Long Beach, California, where he was a postal employe for a similar period. In 1922 he came to Corona as assistant postmaster and on December 21, 1925, received from President Coolidge the appointment of postmaster. Reappointed by President Hoover, Mr. Johnson has greatly improved the postal service here and is considered one of the best postmasters Corona has ever had.

            In 1911, at Burlingame, Kansas, Mr. Johnson married Miss Mary Droege, a daughter of William Droege, and three children were born to them; Marvin, now a youth of eighteen years; Harold, who is fourteen; and Theda Mae, eight years of age.

            There is an interesting military chapter in the life record of Mr. Johnson, who was a member of the Kansas National Guard for ten years, advancing to the rank of first lieutenant. He is serving on the official board of the Methodist Episcopal Church and has been secretary of the Lions Club of Corona for six years. In Masonry his affiliations are with Temescal Lodge, No. 314, F. & A. M.; Riverside Chapter, No. 67, R. A. M., of which he is Past High Priest; and Pomona Council, No. 21, R. & S. M. Earnest, purposeful and conscientious, he has fulfilled life’s duties and obligations to the best of his ability and stands deservedly high in the esteem of his fellow-men.




Transcribed by Marie Hassard 04 May 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 379-380, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis. 1933.

© 2012 Marie Hassard.